The Jalview Desktop relies on a number of third-party libraries. These can be found in the lib directory, with additional compile time dependencies in the utils directory. A number of sources have also been adapted for incorporation into Jalview's source tree includes sources originally developed by Scooter Morris and Nadezhda Doncheva for the Cytoscape StructureViz2 plugin. It is released under the Berkley license and we hereby acknowledge its original copyright is held by the UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory and the software was developed with support by the NIH National Center for Research Resources, grant P41-RR01081. Licencing information for each library is given below: JGoogleAnalytics_0.3.jar APL 2.0 License - Jmol-12.1.13.jar GPL/LGPLv2 VARNAv3-91.jar GPL licenced software by Kévin Darty, Alain Denise and Yann Ponty. activation.jar apache-mime4j-0.6.jar axis.jar castor-1.1-cycle-xml.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar commons-discovery.jar commons-logging-1.1.1.jar commons-logging.jar commons-net-3.3.jar httpclient-4.0.3.jar httpcore-4.0.1.jar httpmime-4.0.3.jar jaxrpc.jar jdas-1.0.4.jar : Apache License - built from (29th Feb 2012) jhall.jar jswingreader-0.3.jar : Apache license - built from svn/trunk v12 log4j-1.2.8.jar mail.jar miglayout-4.0-swing.jar BSD min-jaba-client.jar regex.jar saaj.jar spring-core-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar : Apache License: jdas runtime dependencies retrieved via maven spring-web-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar : Apache License: jdas runtime dependencies retrieved via maven vamsas-client.jar wsdl4j.jar xercesImpl.jar xml-apis.jar json_simple-1.1.jar : Apache 2.0 license : downloaded from (will move to 1.1.1 version when jalview is mavenised and osgi-ised) jfreesvg-2.1.jar : GPL v3 licensed library from the JFree suite: quaqua: v.8.0 (latest stable) by Randel S Hofer. LGPL and BSD Modified license: downloaded from lib/htsjdk-1.120-SNAPSHOT.jar: built from maven master at MIT License to Broad Institute Additional dependencies examples/javascript/deployJava.js : examples/javascript/jquery*.js : BSD license examples/javascript/jshashtable-2.1.js : Apache License Tools not bundled with Jalview source jbake ( MIT license) was used to build the JalviewLite examples pages found in the examples directory.