Partition Function for two hybridized Sequences
[Calculate Secondary Structures of two RNAs upon DimerizationCalculating Partition Functions and Pair Probabilities]

Partition Function Cofolding. More...

Collaboration diagram for Partition Function for two hybridized Sequences:


file  part_func_co.h

Partition function for two RNA sequences.


cofoldF co_pf_fold (char *sequence, char *structure)
 Calculate partition function and base pair probabilities.
cofoldF co_pf_fold_par (char *sequence, char *structure, pf_paramT *parameters, int calculate_bppm, int is_constrained)
 Calculate partition function and base pair probabilities.
double * export_co_bppm (void)
 Get a pointer to the base pair probability array.
void free_co_pf_arrays (void)
 Free the memory occupied by co_pf_fold().
void update_co_pf_params (int length)
 Recalculate energy parameters.
void update_co_pf_params_par (int length, pf_paramT *parameters)
 Recalculate energy parameters.
void compute_probabilities (double FAB, double FEA, double FEB, struct plist *prAB, struct plist *prA, struct plist *prB, int Alength)
 Compute Boltzmann probabilities of dimerization without homodimers.
ConcEntget_concentrations (double FEAB, double FEAA, double FEBB, double FEA, double FEB, double *startconc)
 Given two start monomer concentrations a and b, compute the concentrations in thermodynamic equilibrium of all dimers and the monomers.


int mirnatog
 Toggles no intrabp in 2nd mol.
double F_monomer [2]
 Free energies of the two monomers.

Detailed Description

Partition Function Cofolding.

To simplify the implementation the partition function computation is done internally in a null model that does not include the duplex initiation energy, i.e. the entropic penalty for producing a dimer from two monomers). The resulting free energies and pair probabilities are initially relative to that null model. In a second step the free energies can be corrected to include the dimerization penalty, and the pair probabilities can be divided into the conditional pair probabilities given that a re dimer is formed or not formed. See bernhart:2006 for further details.

Function Documentation

cofoldF co_pf_fold ( char *  sequence,
char *  structure 

Calculate partition function and base pair probabilities.

This is the cofold partition function folding. The second molecule starts at the cut_point nucleotide.

OpenMP: Since this function relies on the global parameters do_backtrack, dangles, temperature and pf_scale it is not threadsafe according to concurrent changes in these variables! Use co_pf_fold_par() instead to circumvent this issue.
See also:
sequence Concatenated RNA sequences
structure Will hold the structure or constraints
cofoldF structure containing a set of energies needed for concentration computations.
cofoldF co_pf_fold_par ( char *  sequence,
char *  structure,
pf_paramT parameters,
int  calculate_bppm,
int  is_constrained 

Calculate partition function and base pair probabilities.

This is the cofold partition function folding. The second molecule starts at the cut_point nucleotide.

See also:
get_boltzmann_factors(), co_pf_fold()
sequence Concatenated RNA sequences
structure Pointer to the structure constraint
parameters Data structure containing the precalculated Boltzmann factors
calculate_bppm Switch to turn Base pair probability calculations on/off (0==off)
is_constrained Switch to indicate that a structure contraint is passed via the structure argument (0==off)
cofoldF structure containing a set of energies needed for concentration computations.
double* export_co_bppm ( void   ) 

Get a pointer to the base pair probability array.

Accessing the base pair probabilities for a pair (i,j) is achieved by

FLT_OR_DBL *pr = export_bppm(); pr_ij = pr[iindx[i]-j]; 
See also:
A pointer to the base pair probability array
void update_co_pf_params ( int  length  ) 

Recalculate energy parameters.

This function recalculates all energy parameters given the current model settings.

This function relies on the global variables pf_scale, dangles and temperature. Thus it might not be threadsafe in certain situations. Use update_co_pf_params_par() instead.
See also:
get_boltzmann_factors(), update_co_pf_params_par()
length Length of the current RNA sequence
void update_co_pf_params_par ( int  length,
pf_paramT parameters 

Recalculate energy parameters.

This function recalculates all energy parameters given the current model settings. It's second argument can either be NULL or a data structure containing the precomputed Boltzmann factors. In the first scenario, the necessary data structure will be created automatically according to the current global model settings, i.e. this mode might not be threadsafe. However, if the provided data structure is not NULL, threadsafety for the model parameters dangles, pf_scale and temperature is regained, since their values are taken from this data structure during subsequent calculations.

See also:
get_boltzmann_factors(), update_co_pf_params()
length Length of the current RNA sequence
parameters data structure containing the precomputed Boltzmann factors
void compute_probabilities ( double  FAB,
double  FEA,
double  FEB,
struct plist prAB,
struct plist prA,
struct plist prB,
int  Alength 

Compute Boltzmann probabilities of dimerization without homodimers.

Given the pair probabilities and free energies (in the null model) for a dimer AB and the two constituent monomers A and B, compute the conditional pair probabilities given that a dimer AB actually forms. Null model pair probabilities are given as a list as produced by assign_plist_from_pr(), the dimer probabilities 'prAB' are modified in place.

FAB free energy of dimer AB
FEA free energy of monomer A
FEB free energy of monomer B
prAB pair probabilities for dimer
prA pair probabilities monomer
prB pair probabilities monomer
Alength Length of molecule A
ConcEnt* get_concentrations ( double  FEAB,
double  FEAA,
double  FEBB,
double  FEA,
double  FEB,
double *  startconc 

Given two start monomer concentrations a and b, compute the concentrations in thermodynamic equilibrium of all dimers and the monomers.

This function takes an array 'startconc' of input concentrations with alternating entries for the initial concentrations of molecules A and B (terminated by two zeroes), then computes the resulting equilibrium concentrations from the free energies for the dimers. Dimer free energies should be the dimer-only free energies, i.e. the FcAB entries from the cofoldF struct.

FEAB Free energy of AB dimer (FcAB entry)
FEAA Free energy of AA dimer (FcAB entry)
FEBB Free energy of BB dimer (FcAB entry)
FEA Free energy of monomer A
FEB Free energy of monomer B
startconc List of start concentrations [a0],[b0],[a1],[b1],...,[an][bn],[0],[0]
ConcEnt array containing the equilibrium energies and start concentrations

Generated on 11 Apr 2017 for RNAlib-2.1.2 by  doxygen 1.6.1