/* Implementation of Nussinov Maximum Matching Ronny Lorenz */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "energy_par.h" #include "fold_vars.h" #include "pair_mat.h" #include "params.h" /* the encoded string MUST have the length of the sequence at position 0!!! */ PUBLIC unsigned int maximumMatching(const char *string){ unsigned int i, j, l, length, max = 0; unsigned int *mm; /* holds maximum matching on subsequence [i,j] */ short *encodedString = encode_sequence(string, 0); int *iindx = get_iindx((unsigned) encodedString[0]); make_pair_matrix(); length = (unsigned int)encodedString[0]; mm = (unsigned int *) space(sizeof(unsigned int)*((length*(length+1))/2+2)); for(j = 1; j<=length; j++) for(i=(j>TURN?(j-TURN):1); i0; i--) for(j=i+TURN+1; j<= length; j++){ max = mm[iindx[i]-j+1]; for(l=j-TURN-1; l>=i; l--) if(pair[encodedString[l]][encodedString[j]]) max = MAX2(max, ((l>i) ? mm[iindx[i]-l+1] : 0) + 1 + mm[iindx[l+1]-j+1]); mm[iindx[i]-j] = max; } max = mm[iindx[1]-length]; free(mm); free(iindx); free(encodedString); return max; } /* the encoded string MUST have the length of the sequence at position 0!!! */ PUBLIC unsigned int *maximumMatchingConstraint(const char *string, short *ptable){ unsigned int i, j, l, length, max = 0; unsigned int *mm; /* holds maximum matching on subsequence [i,j] */ short *encodedString = encode_sequence(string, 0); int *iindx = get_iindx((unsigned) encodedString[0]); make_pair_matrix(); length = (unsigned int)encodedString[0]; mm = (unsigned int *) space(sizeof(unsigned int)*((length*(length+1))/2+2)); for(j = 1; j<=length; j++) for(i=(j>TURN?(j-TURN):1); i0; i--) for(j=i+TURN+1; j<= length; j++){ max = mm[iindx[i]-j+1]; for(l=j-TURN-1; l>=i; l--){ if(pair[encodedString[l]][encodedString[j]]){ if(ptable[l] != j) max = MAX2(max, ((l>i) ? mm[iindx[i]-l+1] : 0) + 1 + mm[iindx[l+1]-j+1]); } } mm[iindx[i]-j] = max; } free(iindx); free(encodedString); return mm; } /* the encoded string MUST have the length of the sequence at position 0!!! */ PUBLIC unsigned int *maximumMatching2Constraint(const char *string, short *ptable, short *ptable2){ unsigned int i, j, l, length, max = 0; unsigned int *mm; /* holds maximum matching on subsequence [i,j] */ short *encodedString = encode_sequence(string, 0); int *iindx = get_iindx((unsigned) encodedString[0]); make_pair_matrix(); length = (unsigned int)encodedString[0]; mm = (unsigned int *) space(sizeof(unsigned int)*((length*(length+1))/2+2)); for(j = 1; j<=length; j++) for(i=(j>TURN?(j-TURN):1); i0; i--) for(j=i+TURN+1; j<= length; j++){ max = mm[iindx[i]-j+1]; for(l=j-TURN-1; l>=i; l--){ if(pair[encodedString[l]][encodedString[j]]){ if(ptable[l] != j && ptable2[l] != j) max = MAX2(max, ((l>i) ? mm[iindx[i]-l+1] : 0) + 1 + mm[iindx[l+1]-j+1]); } } mm[iindx[i]-j] = max; } free(iindx); free(encodedString); return mm; }