/* Tree edit distances for RNA secondary structures Walter Fontana, Ivo L Hofacker, Peter F Stadler Vienna RNA Package */ /* Last changed Time-stamp: <97/10/27 15:23:48 ivo> */ #include #include #include #include #include "edit_cost.h" #include "dist_vars.h" #include "utils.h" static char rcsid[] = "$Id: treedist.c,v 1.3 1997/11/03 10:39:43 ivo Rel $"; #define PRIVATE static #define PUBLIC #define MNODES 4000 /* Maximal number of nodes for alignment */ PUBLIC Tree *make_tree(char *struc); PUBLIC float tree_edit_distance(Tree *T1, Tree *T2); PUBLIC void print_tree(Tree *t); PUBLIC void free_tree(Tree *t); PRIVATE void tree_dist(int i, int j); PRIVATE int edit_cost(int i, int j); PRIVATE int *make_keyroots(Postorder_list *pl); PRIVATE void sort(int n, int *ra); PRIVATE Postorder_list *make_postorder_list(char *struc); PRIVATE int decode(char *id); PRIVATE int number_of_nodes(char *struc); PRIVATE void encode(int type, char *label); PRIVATE void print_keyroots(int *keyroots); PRIVATE void print_postorder_list(Postorder_list *pl); PRIVATE void backtracking(void); PRIVATE void sprint_aligned_trees(void); PRIVATE Tree *tree1, *tree2; PRIVATE int **tdist; /* contains distances between subtrees */ PRIVATE int **fdist; /* contains distances between forests */ PRIVATE int *alignment[2]; /* contains numeric information on the alignment: alignment[0][p], aligment[1][p] are aligned postions. INDELs have one 0. alignment[0][0] contains the length of the alignment. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC float tree_edit_distance(Tree *T1, Tree *T2) { int i1,j1,i,j, dist; int n1, n2; if (cost_matrix==0) EditCost = &UsualCost; else EditCost = &ShapiroCost; n1 = T1->postorder_list[0].sons; n2 = T2->postorder_list[0].sons; tdist = (int **) space(sizeof(int *) * (n1+1)); fdist = (int **) space(sizeof(int *) * (n1+1)); for (i=0; i<=n1; i++) { tdist[i] = (int *) space(sizeof(int) * (n2+1)); fdist[i] = (int *) space(sizeof(int) * (n2+1)); } tree1 = T1; tree2 = T2; for (i1 = 1; i1 <= T1->keyroots[0]; i1++) { i = T1->keyroots[i1]; for (j1 = 1; j1 <= T2->keyroots[0]; j1++) { j = T2->keyroots[j1]; tree_dist(i,j); } } if (edit_backtrack) { if ((n1>MNODES)||(n2>MNODES)) nrerror("tree too large for alignment"); alignment[0] = (int *) space((n1+1)*sizeof(int)); alignment[1] = (int *) space((n2+1)*sizeof(int)); backtracking(); sprint_aligned_trees(); free(alignment[0]); free(alignment[1]); } dist = tdist[n1][n2]; for (i=0; i<=n1; i++) { free(tdist[i]); free(fdist[i]); } free(tdist); free(fdist); return (float) dist; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void tree_dist(int i, int j) { int li,lj,i1,j1,i1_1,j1_1,li1_1,lj1_1,f1,f2,f3,f; int cost, lleaf_i1, lleaf_j1; fdist[0][0] = 0; li = tree1->postorder_list[i].leftmostleaf; lj = tree2->postorder_list[j].leftmostleaf; for (i1 = li; i1 <= i; i1++) { i1_1 = (li == i1 ? 0 : i1-1); fdist[i1][0] = fdist[i1_1][0] + edit_cost(i1, 0); } for (j1 = lj; j1 <= j; j1++) { j1_1 = (lj == j1 ? 0 : j1-1); fdist[0][j1] = fdist[0][j1_1] + edit_cost(0, j1); } for (i1 = li; i1 <= i; i1++) { lleaf_i1 = tree1->postorder_list[i1].leftmostleaf; li1_1 = (li > lleaf_i1-1 ? 0 : lleaf_i1-1); i1_1 = (i1 == li ? 0: i1-1); cost = edit_cost(i1, 0); for (j1 = lj; j1 <= j; j1++) { lleaf_j1 = tree2->postorder_list[j1].leftmostleaf; j1_1 = (j1 == lj ? 0: j1-1); f1 = fdist[i1_1][j1] + cost; f2 = fdist[i1][j1_1] + edit_cost(0, j1); f = f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2; if (lleaf_i1 == li && lleaf_j1 == lj) { f3 = fdist[i1_1][j1_1] + edit_cost(i1, j1); fdist[i1][j1] = f3 < f ? f3 : f; tdist[i1][j1] = fdist[i1][j1]; /* store in array permanently */ } else { lj1_1 = (lj > lleaf_j1-1 ? 0 : lleaf_j1-1); f3 = fdist[li1_1][lj1_1] + tdist[i1][j1]; fdist[i1][j1] = f3 < f ? f3 : f; } } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE int edit_cost(int i, int j) { int c, diff, cd, min, a, b; c = (*EditCost)[tree1->postorder_list[i].type][tree2->postorder_list[j].type]; diff = abs((a=tree1->postorder_list[i].weight) - (b=tree2->postorder_list[j].weight)); min = (a < b ? a: b); if (min == a) cd = (*EditCost)[0][tree2->postorder_list[j].type]; else cd = (*EditCost)[0][tree1->postorder_list[i].type]; return (c * min + cd * diff); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC Tree *make_tree(char *struc) { Tree *tree; tree = (Tree *) space(sizeof(Tree)); tree->postorder_list = make_postorder_list(struc); tree->keyroots = make_keyroots(tree->postorder_list); return (tree); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE int *make_keyroots(Postorder_list *pl) { int i, k, keys; int *keyroots; keyroots = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(pl[0].sons+1)); keys = 0; for (i = 1; i <= pl[0].sons; i++) { if (!pl[i].sons) { /* leaf */ k = pl[0].sons; while (pl[k].leftmostleaf != i) k--; keyroots[++keys] = k; } } sort(keys, keyroots); keyroots[0] = keys; return (keyroots); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void sort(int n, int *ra) /* heap sort, indices are 1..n !!! */ { int l,j,ir,i; int rra; if (n == 1) return; l = (n >> 1)+1; ir = n; for (;;) { if (l > 1) rra = ra[--l]; else { rra = ra[ir]; ra[ir] = ra[1]; if (--ir == 1) { ra[1] = rra; return; } } i = l; j = l << 1; while (j <= ir) { if (j < ir && ra[j] < ra[j+1]) ++j; if (rra < ra[j]) { ra[i] = ra[j]; j += (i = j); } else j = ir+1; } ra[i] = rra; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE Postorder_list *make_postorder_list(char *struc) /* Convention for structure representation "struc": Nodes are one pair of matching parentheses, with the type and possibly a weight of the node immediately preceding the closing parentheses. Types: U....unpaired P....paired H....hairpin loop B....bulge loop I....internal loop M....multiloop S....stack R....virtual root Example: .((..(((...)))..((..)))). in usual notation becomes: full tree: ((U)(((U)(U)((((U)(U)(U)P)P)P)(U)(U)(((U)(U)P)P)P)P)(U)R) HIT: ((U1)((U2)((U3)P3)(U2)((U2)P2)P2)(U1)R) Shapiro: (((((H)S)((H)S)M)S)R) */ { int paren, i, l, order, local_order, w, sons, count; int n_nodes, p; char id[100]; Postorder_list *pl; int match_pos[MNODES], match_order[MNODES]; n_nodes = number_of_nodes(struc); if (n_nodes>MNODES) nrerror("structure too long in make_postorder_list"); pl = (Postorder_list *) space(sizeof(Postorder_list)*(n_nodes+1)); pl[0].sons = n_nodes; paren = 1; match_pos[paren] = 0; match_order[paren] = 0; i = 1; l = 0; order = 0; while (paren) { switch (struc[i]) { case '(': match_pos[++paren] = i; match_order[paren] = order; break; case ')': order++; id[l] = '\0'; l = 0; while (isalpha((int) id[l])) l++; if (id[l]) sscanf(id+l, "%d", &w); else w = 1; id[l] = '\0'; pl[order].type = decode(id); pl[order].weight = w; pl[order].leftmostleaf = match_order[paren]+1; sons = count = 0; local_order = match_order[paren]; for (p = match_pos[paren]+1; p < i; p++) { if (struc[p] == '(') count++; else if (struc[p] == ')') { local_order++; if (count == 1) { sons++; pl[local_order].father = order; } count--; } } pl[order].sons = sons; paren--; l = 0; break; default: id[l++] = struc[i]; break; } i++; } return (pl); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE int decode(char *id) { int n, quit, i; char label[100], *code; n = 0; quit = 0; code = coding; while (!quit) { for (i = 0; code[i] != sep; i++) { if (code[i] == '\0') { quit = 1; break; } label[i] = code[i]; } label[i] = '\0'; if (strcmp(id, label) == 0) return (n); code += (i+1); n++; } fprintf(stderr,"Syntax error: node identifier \"%s\" not found " "in coding string \"%s\"\n", id, coding); fprintf(stderr, "Exiting..."); exit(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void encode(int type, char label[]) { int i, l; l = 0; for (i = 0; i < type; i++) { while (coding[l] != sep && coding[l]) l++; l++; } for (i = 0; coding[l+i] != sep; i++) { if (coding[l+i] == '\0') break; label[i] = coding[l+i]; } label[i] = '\0'; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE int number_of_nodes(char *struc) { int l, c, i; l = strlen(struc); for (c = 0, i = 0; i < l; i++) if (struc[i] == ')') c++; return (c); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void print_keyroots(int *keyroots) { int i; printf("---> key roots <---\n\n"); printf("entries: %d\n", keyroots[0]); printf("{"); for (i = 1; i <= keyroots[0]; i++) printf(" %d", keyroots[i]); printf(" }\n\n"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void print_postorder_list(Postorder_list *pl) { register i; char label[100]; printf("---> postorder list <---\n\n"); for (i = 1; i <= pl[0].sons; i++) { printf(" postorder: %3d\n", i); *label = '\0'; encode(pl[i].type, label); printf(" type: %3d (%s)\n", pl[i].type, label); printf(" weight: %3d\n", pl[i].weight); printf(" father: %3d\n", pl[i].father); printf(" sons: %3d\n", pl[i].sons); printf("leftmost leaf: %3d\n", pl[i].leftmostleaf); printf("\n"); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC void print_tree(Tree *t) { print_postorder_list(t->postorder_list); print_keyroots(t->keyroots); fflush(stdout); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC void free_tree(Tree *t) { free(t->postorder_list); free(t->keyroots); free(t); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void backtracking(void) { int li,lj,i1,j1,i1_1,j1_1,li1_1,lj1_1,f; int cost, lleaf_i1, lleaf_j1, ss, i,j,k; struct {int i,j;} sector[MNODES/2]; ss=0; i=i1=tree1->postorder_list[0].sons; j=j1=tree2->postorder_list[0].sons; start: li = tree1->postorder_list[i].leftmostleaf; lj = tree2->postorder_list[j].leftmostleaf; while ((i1>=li)&&(j1>=lj)) { lleaf_i1 = tree1->postorder_list[i1].leftmostleaf; li1_1 = (li > lleaf_i1-1 ? 0 : lleaf_i1-1); i1_1 = (i1 == li ? 0: i1-1); lleaf_j1 = tree2->postorder_list[j1].leftmostleaf; lj1_1 = (lj > lleaf_j1-1 ? 0 : lleaf_j1-1); j1_1 = (j1 == lj ? 0: j1-1); f = fdist[i1][j1]; cost = edit_cost(i1, 0); if (f == fdist[i1_1][j1] + cost) { alignment[0][i1]=0; i1=i1_1; } else { if (f == fdist[i1][j1_1] + edit_cost(0, j1)) { alignment[1][j1]=0; j1=j1_1; } else if (lleaf_i1 == li && lleaf_j1 == lj) { alignment[0][i1] = j1; alignment[1][j1] = i1; i1=i1_1; j1=j1_1; } else { sector[ss].i=i1; sector[ss++].j=j1; i1=li1_1; j1=lj1_1; } } } for (; i1>=li; ) { alignment[0][i1]=0; i1 = (i1 == li ? 0: i1-1); } for (; j1>=lj; ) { alignment[1][j1]=0; j1 = (j1 == lj ? 0: j1-1); } while (ss>0) { i1=sector[--ss].i; j1=sector[ss].j; for (k=1; 1; k++) { i = tree1->keyroots[k]; if (tree1->postorder_list[i].leftmostleaf == tree1->postorder_list[i1].leftmostleaf) break; } for (k=1; 1; k++) { j = tree2->keyroots[k]; if (tree2->postorder_list[j].leftmostleaf == tree2->postorder_list[j1].leftmostleaf) break; } tree_dist(i,j); goto start; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void sprint_aligned_trees(void) { int i,j,n1,n2,k,l,p, ni, nj, weights; char t1[2*MNODES+1], t2[2*MNODES+1], a1[8*MNODES], a2[8*MNODES], ll[20], ll1[20]; weights=0; n1=tree1->postorder_list[0].sons; n2=tree2->postorder_list[0].sons; for (i=1; i<=n1; i++) weights |= (tree1->postorder_list[i].weight!=1); for (i=1; i<=n2; i++) weights |= (tree2->postorder_list[i].weight!=1); for (i=n1, l=2*n1-1; i>0; i--) { if (alignment[0][i]!=0) t1[l--]=']'; else t1[l--]=')'; p=i; while(i==tree1->postorder_list[p].leftmostleaf) { if (alignment[0][p]!=0) t1[l--]='['; else t1[l--]='('; p=tree1->postorder_list[p].father; } } t1[2*n1]='\0'; for (j=n2, l=2*n2-1; j>0; j--) { if (alignment[1][j]!=0) t2[l--]=']'; else t2[l--]=')'; p=j; while(j==tree2->postorder_list[p].leftmostleaf) { if (alignment[1][p]!=0) t2[l--]='['; else t2[l--]='('; p=tree2->postorder_list[p].father; } } t2[2*n2]='\0'; ni=nj=l=i=j=0; while (t1[i]||t2[j]) { while ((t1[i]=='(')||(t1[i]==')')) { if (t1[i]==')') { ni++; encode(tree1->postorder_list[ni].type, ll); if (weights) sprintf(ll+strlen(ll), "%d", tree1->postorder_list[ni].weight); for (k=0; k< strlen(ll); k++) { a1[l]=ll[k]; a2[l++]='_'; } a1[l]=')'; a2[l++]='_'; } else { a1[l] = t1[i]; a2[l++] ='_'; } i++; } while ((t2[j]=='(')||(t2[j]==')')) { if (t2[j]==')') { nj++; encode(tree2->postorder_list[nj].type, ll); if (weights) sprintf(ll+strlen(ll), "%d", tree2->postorder_list[nj].weight); for (k=0; k< strlen(ll); k++) { a2[l]=ll[k]; a1[l++]='_'; } a2[l]=')'; a1[l++]='_'; } else { a2[l] = t2[j]; a1[l++] ='_'; } j++; } if (t2[j]==']') { ni++; nj++; encode(tree2->postorder_list[nj].type, ll); if (weights) sprintf(ll+strlen(ll), "%d", tree2->postorder_list[nj].weight); encode(tree1->postorder_list[ni].type, ll1); if (weights) sprintf(ll1+strlen(ll1), "%d", tree1->postorder_list[ni].weight); if (strlen(ll)>strlen(ll1)) for (k=0; k8*MNODES) nrerror("structure too long in sprint_aligned_trees"); if (aligned_line[0]!= NULL) free(aligned_line[0]); if (aligned_line[1]!= NULL) free(aligned_line[1]); aligned_line[0] = (char *) space((l+1)*sizeof(char)); aligned_line[1] = (char *) space((l+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(aligned_line[0], a1); strcpy(aligned_line[1], a2); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/