"""Code to translate DNA or RNA into proteins (OBSOLETE). Instead of Bio.Translate, for translation you are now encouraged to use the Seq object's translate method, or the translate function in the Bio.Seq module. Translate-to-stop functionality is via an optional argument. Bio.Seq does not offer any back-translation function like the one here. It was concluded that a since a simple back-translation giving a Seq or python string could only capture some of the possible back translations, there were no practical uses for such a method/function. This module is now considered to be obsolete, and is likely to be deprecated in a future release of Biopython, and later removed. """ from Bio import Alphabet, Seq from Bio.Data import CodonTable class Translator: def __init__(self, table): self.table = table self._encoded = {} def __str__(self) : return "Translator object\n" + str(self.table) def translate(self, seq, stop_symbol = "*"): #Allow different instances of the same class to be used: assert seq.alphabet.__class__ == \ self.table.nucleotide_alphabet.__class__, \ "cannot translate from given alphabet (have %s, need %s)" %\ (seq.alphabet, self.table.nucleotide_alphabet) s = seq.data letters = [] append = letters.append table = self.table get = table.forward_table.get n = len(seq) for i in range(0, n-n%3, 3): append(get(s[i:i+3], stop_symbol)) # return with the correct alphabet encoding (cache the encoding) try: alphabet = self._encoded[stop_symbol] except KeyError: alphabet = Alphabet.HasStopCodon(table.protein_alphabet, stop_symbol) self._encoded[stop_symbol] = alphabet return Seq.Seq("".join(letters), alphabet) def translate_to_stop(self, seq): # This doesn't have a stop encoding #Allow different instances of the same class to be used: assert seq.alphabet.__class__ == \ self.table.nucleotide_alphabet.__class__, \ "cannot translate from given alphabet (have %s, need %s)" %\ (seq.alphabet, self.table.nucleotide_alphabet) s = seq.data letters = [] append = letters.append table = self.table.forward_table n = len(seq) try: for i in range(0, n-n%3, 3): append(table[s[i:i+3]]) except KeyError: # Stop at the first codon failure pass return Seq.Seq("".join(letters), self.table.protein_alphabet) def back_translate(self, seq): # includes the stop codon if not isinstance(seq.alphabet, Alphabet.HasStopCodon): return self._back_translate_no_stop(seq) assert seq.alphabet.alphabet == self.table.protein_alphabet, \ "cannot back translate from the given alphabet (%s)" % \ seq.alphabet.alphabet s = seq.data letter = seq.alphabet.stop_symbol letters = [] append = letters.append table = self.table.back_table for c in seq.data: if c == letter: append(table[None]) else: append(table[c]) return Seq.Seq("".join(letters), self.table.nucleotide_alphabet) def _back_translate_no_stop(self, seq): # does not allow a stop codon assert seq.alphabet == self.table.protein_alphabet, \ "cannot back translate from the given alphabet (%s)" % \ seq.alphabet s = seq.data letters = [] append = letters.append table = self.table.back_table for c in seq.data: append(table[c]) return Seq.Seq("".join(letters), self.table.nucleotide_alphabet) unambiguous_dna_by_name = {} for key, value in CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_name.items(): unambiguous_dna_by_name[key] = Translator(value) unambiguous_dna_by_id = {} for key, value in CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_id.items(): unambiguous_dna_by_id[key] = Translator(value) unambiguous_rna_by_name = {} for key, value in CodonTable.unambiguous_rna_by_name.items(): unambiguous_rna_by_name[key] = Translator(value) unambiguous_rna_by_id = {} for key, value in CodonTable.unambiguous_rna_by_id.items(): unambiguous_rna_by_id[key] = Translator(value) # XXX Ambiguous - can be done the same except for stop codons! ambiguous_dna_by_name = {} for key, value in CodonTable.ambiguous_dna_by_name.items(): ambiguous_dna_by_name[key] = Translator(value) ambiguous_dna_by_id = {} for key, value in CodonTable.ambiguous_dna_by_id.items(): ambiguous_dna_by_id[key] = Translator(value) ambiguous_rna_by_name = {} for key, value in CodonTable.ambiguous_rna_by_name.items(): ambiguous_rna_by_name[key] = Translator(value) ambiguous_rna_by_id = {} for key, value in CodonTable.ambiguous_rna_by_id.items(): ambiguous_rna_by_id[key] = Translator(value)