"""Represent a Sequence Feature holding info about a part of a sequence. This is heavily modeled after the Biocorba SeqFeature objects, and may be pretty biased towards GenBank stuff since I'm writing it for the GenBank parser output... What's here: Base class to hold a Feature. ---------------------------- classes: o SeqFeature Hold information about a Reference. ---------------------------------- This is an attempt to create a General class to hold Reference type information. classes: o Reference Specify locations of a feature on a Sequence. --------------------------------------------- This aims to handle, in Ewan's words, 'the dreaded fuzziness issue' in much the same way as Biocorba. This has the advantages of allowing us to handle fuzzy stuff in case anyone needs it, and also be compatible with Biocorba. classes: o FeatureLocation - Specify the start and end location of a feature. o ExactPosition - Specify the position as being exact. o WithinPosition - Specify a position occuring within some range. o BetweenPosition - Specify a position occuring between a range. o BeforePosition - Specify the position as being found before some base. o AfterPosition - Specify the position as being found after some base. """ class SeqFeature: """Represent a Sequence Feature on an object. Attributes: o location - the location of the feature on the sequence o type - the specified type of the feature (ie. CDS, exon, repeat...) o location_operator - a string specifying how this SeqFeature may be related to others. For example, in the example GenBank feature shown below, the location_operator would be "join" o strand - A value specifying on which strand (of a DNA sequence, for instance) the feature deals with. 1 indicates the plus strand, -1 indicates the minus strand, 0 indicates both strands, and None indicates that strand doesn't apply (ie. for proteins) or is not known. o id - A string identifier for the feature. o ref - A reference to another sequence. This could be an accession number for some different sequence. o ref_db - A different database for the reference accession number. o qualifier - A dictionary of qualifiers on the feature. These are analagous to the qualifiers from a GenBank feature table. The keys of the dictionary are qualifier names, the values are the qualifier values. o sub_features - Additional SeqFeatures which fall under this 'parent' feature. For instance, if we having something like: CDS join(1..10,30..40,50..60) The the top level feature would be a CDS from 1 to 60, and the sub features would be of 'CDS_join' type and would be from 1 to 10, 30 to 40 and 50 to 60, respectively. """ def __init__(self, location = None, type = '', location_operator = '', strand = None, id = "", qualifiers = {}, sub_features = [], ref = None, ref_db = None): """Initialize a SeqFeature on a Sequence. """ self.location = location self.type = type self.location_operator = location_operator self.strand = strand self.id = id # XXX right now sub_features and qualifiers cannot be set # from the initializer because this causes all kinds # of recursive import problems. I can't understand why this is # at all :-< self.qualifiers = {} self.sub_features = [] self.ref = ref self.ref_db = ref_db def __repr__(self): """A string representation of the record for debugging.""" answer = "%s(%s" % (self.__class__, repr(self.location)) if self.type : answer += ", type=%s" % repr(self.type) if self.location_operator : answer += ", location_operator=%s" % repr(self.location_operator) if self.strand : answer += ", strand=%s" % repr(self.strand) if self.id and self.id != "" : answer += ", id=%s" % repr(self.id) if self.ref : answer += ", ref=%s" % repr(self.ref) if self.ref_db : answer += ", ref_db=%s" % repr(self.ref_db) answer += ")" return answer def __str__(self): """A readable summary of the feature intended to be printed to screen. """ out = "type: %s\n" % self.type out += "location: %s\n" % self.location out += "ref: %s:%s\n" % (self.ref, self.ref_db) out += "strand: %s\n" % self.strand out += "qualifiers: \n" qualifier_keys = self.qualifiers.keys() qualifier_keys.sort() for qual_key in qualifier_keys: out += "\tKey: %s, Value: %s\n" % (qual_key, self.qualifiers[qual_key]) if len(self.sub_features) != 0: out += "Sub-Features\n" for sub_feature in self.sub_features: out +="%s\n" % sub_feature return out def _shift(self, offset) : """Returns a copy of the feature with its location shifted (PRIVATE). The annotation qaulifiers are copied.""" answer = SeqFeature(location = self.location._shift(offset), type = self.type, location_operator = self.location_operator, strand = self.strand, id = self.id, #qualifiers = dict(self.qualifiers.iteritems()), #sub_features = [f._shift(offset) for f in self.sub_features], ref = self.ref, ref_db = self.ref_db) #TODO - Sort out the use of sub_feature and qualifiers in __init___ answer.sub_features = [f._shift(offset) for f in self.sub_features] answer.qualifiers = dict(self.qualifiers.iteritems()) return answer # --- References # TODO -- Will this hold PubMed and Medline information decently? class Reference: """Represent a Generic Reference object. Attributes: o location - A list of Location objects specifying regions of the sequence that the references correspond to. If no locations are specified, the entire sequence is assumed. o authors - A big old string, or a list split by author, of authors for the reference. o title - The title of the reference. o journal - Journal the reference was published in. o medline_id - A medline reference for the article. o pubmed_id - A pubmed reference for the article. o comment - A place to stick any comments about the reference. """ def __init__(self): self.location = [] self.authors = '' self.consrtm = '' self.title = '' self.journal = '' self.medline_id = '' self.pubmed_id = '' self.comment = '' def __str__(self): """Output an informative string for debugging. """ out = "" for single_location in self.location: out += "location: %s\n" % single_location out += "authors: %s\n" % self.authors if self.consrtm: out += "consrtm: %s\n" % self.consrtm out += "title: %s\n" % self.title out += "journal: %s\n" % self.journal out += "medline id: %s\n" % self.medline_id out += "pubmed id: %s\n" % self.pubmed_id out += "comment: %s\n" % self.comment return out # --- Handling feature locations class FeatureLocation: """Specify the location of a feature along a sequence. This attempts to deal with fuzziness of position ends, but also make it easy to get the start and end in the 'normal' case (no fuzziness). You should access the start and end attributes with your_location.start and your_location.end. If the start and end are exact, this will return the positions, if not, we'll return the approriate Fuzzy class with info about the position and fuzziness. Note that the start and end location numbering follow Python's scheme, thus a GenBank entry of 123..150 (one based counting) becomes a location of [122:150] (zero based counting). """ def __init__(self, start, end): """Specify the start and end of a sequence feature. start and end arguments specify the values where the feature begins and ends. These can either by any of the *Position objects that inherit from AbstractPosition, or can just be integers specifying the position. In the case of integers, the values are assumed to be exact and are converted in ExactPosition arguments. This is meant to make it easy to deal with non-fuzzy ends. """ if isinstance(start, AbstractPosition): self._start = start else: self._start = ExactPosition(start) if isinstance(end, AbstractPosition): self._end = end else: self._end = ExactPosition(end) def __str__(self): """Returns a representation of the location (with python counting). For the simple case this uses the python splicing syntax, [122:150] (zero based counting) which GenBank would call 123..150 (one based counting). """ return "[%s:%s]" % (self._start, self._end) def __repr__(self): """A string representation of the location for debugging.""" return "%s(%s,%s)" \ % (self.__class__, repr(self.start), repr(self.end)) def _shift(self, offset) : """Returns a copy of the location shifted by the offset (PRIVATE).""" return FeatureLocation(start = self._start._shift(offset), end = self._end._shift(offset)) def __getattr__(self, attr): """Make it easy to get non-fuzzy starts and ends. We override get_attribute here so that in non-fuzzy cases we can just return the start and end position without any hassle. To get fuzzy start and ends, just ask for item.start and item.end. To get non-fuzzy attributes (ie. the position only) ask for 'item.nofuzzy_start', 'item.nofuzzy_end'. These should return the largest range of the fuzzy position. So something like: (10.20)..(30.40) should return 10 for start, and 40 for end. The special tricky case where is when we have a single between position argument like 2^3 for the range. We want nofuzzy_start and nofuzzy_end to give a reasonable approximation of what this really means, which is an empty string -- so the same position for both. Doing a special case here sucks, but there is really not a general rule you can apply to this. """ #TODO - these are not currently implemented as properties, this means #they do not show up via dir(...) if attr == 'start': return self._start elif attr == 'end': return self._end elif attr == 'nofuzzy_start': if ((self._start == self._end) and isinstance(self._start, BetweenPosition)): return self._start.position else: return min(self._start.position, self._start.position + self._start.extension) elif attr == 'nofuzzy_end': if ((self._start == self._end) and isinstance(self._start, BetweenPosition)): return self._end.position else: return max(self._end.position, self._end.position + self._end.extension) else: raise AttributeError("Cannot evaluate attribute %s." % attr) class AbstractPosition: """Abstract base class representing a position. """ def __init__(self, position, extension): self.position = position self.extension = extension def __repr__(self) : """String representation of the location for debugging.""" return "%s(%s,%s)" \ % (self.__class__, repr(self.position), repr(self.extension)) def __cmp__(self, other): """A simple comparison function for positions. This is very simple-minded and just compares the position attribute of the features; extensions are not considered at all. This could potentially be expanded to try to take advantage of extensions. """ assert isinstance(other, AbstractPosition), \ "We can only do comparisons between Biopython Position objects." return cmp(self.position, other.position) def _shift(self, offset) : #We want this to maintain the subclass when called from a subclass return self.__class__(self.position + offset, self.extension) class ExactPosition(AbstractPosition): """Specify the specific position of a boundary. o position - The position of the boundary. o extension - An optional argument which must be zero since we don't have an extension. The argument is provided so that the same number of arguments can be passed to all position types. In this case, there is no fuzziness associated with the position. """ def __init__(self, position, extension = 0): if extension != 0: raise AttributeError("Non-zero extension %s for exact position." % extension) AbstractPosition.__init__(self, position, 0) def __repr__(self) : """String representation of the ExactPosition location for debugging.""" assert self.extension == 0 return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__, repr(self.position)) def __str__(self): return str(self.position) class WithinPosition(AbstractPosition): """Specify the position of a boundary within some coordinates. Arguments: o position - The start position of the boundary o extension - The range to which the boundary can extend. This allows dealing with a position like ((1.4)..100). This indicates that the start of the sequence is somewhere between 1 and 4. To represent that with this class we would set position as 1 and extension as 3. """ def __init__(self, position, extension = 0): AbstractPosition.__init__(self, position, extension) def __str__(self): return "(%s.%s)" % (self.position, self.position + self.extension) class BetweenPosition(AbstractPosition): """Specify the position of a boundary between two coordinates. Arguments: o position - The start position of the boundary. o extension - The range to the other position of a boundary. This specifies a coordinate which is found between the two positions. So this allows us to deal with a position like ((1^2)..100). To represent that with this class we set position as 1 and the extension as 1. """ def __init__(self, position, extension = 0): AbstractPosition.__init__(self, position, extension) def __str__(self): return "(%s^%s)" % (self.position, self.position + self.extension) class BeforePosition(AbstractPosition): """Specify a position where the actual location occurs before it. Arguments: o position - The upper boundary of where the location can occur. o extension - An optional argument which must be zero since we don't have an extension. The argument is provided so that the same number of arguments can be passed to all position types. This is used to specify positions like (<10..100) where the location occurs somewhere before position 10. """ def __init__(self, position, extension = 0): if extension != 0: raise AttributeError("Non-zero extension %s for exact position." % extension) AbstractPosition.__init__(self, position, 0) def __repr__(self) : """A string representation of the location for debugging.""" assert self.extension == 0 return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__, repr(self.position)) def __str__(self): return "<%s" % self.position class AfterPosition(AbstractPosition): """Specify a position where the actual location is found after it. Arguments: o position - The lower boundary of where the location can occur. o extension - An optional argument which must be zero since we don't have an extension. The argument is provided so that the same number of arguments can be passed to all position types. This is used to specify positions like (>10..100) where the location occurs somewhere after position 10. """ def __init__(self, position, extension = 0): if extension != 0: raise AttributeError("Non-zero extension %s for exact position." % extension) AbstractPosition.__init__(self, position, 0) def __repr__(self) : """A string representation of the location for debugging.""" assert self.extension == 0 return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__, repr(self.position)) def __str__(self): return ">%s" % self.position class OneOfPosition(AbstractPosition): """Specify a position where the location can be multiple positions. This models the GenBank 'one-of(1888,1901)' function, and tries to make this fit within the Biopython Position models. In our case the position of the "one-of" is set as the lowest choice, and the extension is the range to the highest choice. """ def __init__(self, position_list): """Initialize with a set of posssible positions. position_list is a list of AbstractPosition derived objects, specifying possible locations. """ # unique attribute for this type of positions self.position_choices = position_list # find the smallest and largest position in the choices smallest = None largest = None for position_choice in self.position_choices: assert isinstance(position_choice, AbstractPosition), \ "Expected position objects, got %r" % position_choice if smallest is None and largest is None: smallest = position_choice.position largest = position_choice.position elif position_choice.position > largest: largest = position_choice.position elif position_choice.position < smallest: smallest = position_choice.position # initialize with our definition of position and extension AbstractPosition.__init__(self, smallest, largest - smallest) def __repr__(self) : """String representation of the OneOfPosition location for debugging.""" return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__, repr(self.position_choices)) def __str__(self): out = "one-of(" for position in self.position_choices: out += "%s," % position # replace the last comma with the closing parenthesis out = out[:-1] + ")" return out class PositionGap: """Simple class to hold information about a gap between positions. """ def __init__(self, gap_size): """Intialize with a position object containing the gap information. """ self.gap_size = gap_size def __repr__(self) : """A string representation of the position gap for debugging.""" return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__, repr(self.gap_size)) def __str__(self): out = "gap(%s)" % self.gap_size return out