----------------------------------------------------------------------- MAFFT: a multiple sequence alignment program version 6.713beta, 2009/09/24 http://align.bmr.kyushu-u.ac.jp/mafft/software/ katoh@bioreg.kyushu-u.ac.jp ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. COMPILE % cd core % make clean % make % cd .. If you have the './extensions' directory, which is for RNA alignments, % cd extensions % make clean % make % cd .. 2. INSTALL (select one procedure from 2a, 2b and 2c) 2a. Install as root # cd core # make install # cd .. If you have the './extensions' directory, # cd extensions # make install # cd .. By this procedure (2a), programs are installed into /usr/local/bin/ and some binaries are installed into /usr/local/lib/mafft/. If you want to install the binaries to a different directory than /usr/local/lib/mafft/, select either of the following two procedure (2b and 2c). 2b. Install without being root % cp ./binaries/* /somewhere/else/ In this case (2b), you *have to set* the MAFFT_BINARIES environment variable to point to the directory where the binaries are. % setenv MAFFT_BINARIES /somewhere/else/ # for csh, tcsh $ export MAFFT_BINARIES=/somewhere/else/ # for sh, bash 2c. Install without being root % cd core/ Edit the first line of Makefile From: PREFIX = /usr/local To: PREFIX = /home/your_home/somewhere % make clean % make % make install If you have the './extensions' directory, % cd extensions/ Edit the first line of Makefile From: PREFIX = /usr/local To: PREFIX = /home/your_home/somewhere % make clean % make % make install In this case (2c), the MAFFT_BINARIES environment variable *must not be* set. 3. CHECK % cd test % rehash # if necessary % setenv MAFFT_BINARIES /where/binaries/were/installed # if necessary % mafft sample > test.fftns2 # FFT-NS-2 % mafft --maxiterate 100 sample > test.fftnsi # FFT-NS-i % mafft --globalpair sample > test.gins1 # G-INS-1 % mafft --globalpair --maxiterate 100 sample > test.ginsi # G-INS-i % mafft --localpair sample > test.lins1 # L-INS-1 % mafft --localpair --maxiterate 100 sample > test.linsi # L-INS-i % diff test.fftns2 sample.fftns2 % diff test.fftnsi sample.fftnsi % diff test.gins1 sample.gins1 % diff test.ginsi sample.ginsi % diff test.lins1 sample.lins1 If you have the './extensions' directory, % mafft-qinsi samplerna > test.qinsi # Q-INS-i % mafft-xinsi samplerna > test.xinsi # X-INS-i % diff test.linsi sample.linsi % diff test.qinsi sample.qinsi % diff test.xinsi sample.xinsi 4. INPUT FORMAT fasta format. The type of input sequences (nucleotide or amino acid) is automatically recognized based on the frequency of A, T, G, C, U and N. 5. USAGE % /usr/local/bin/mafft input > output See also http://align.bmr.kyushu-u.ac.jp/mafft/software/ 6. UNINSTALL # rm -r /usr/local/lib/mafft # rm /usr/local/bin/mafft # rm /usr/local/bin/fftns # rm /usr/local/bin/fftnsi # rm /usr/local/bin/nwns # rm /usr/local/bin/nwnsi # rm /usr/local/bin/linsi # rm /usr/local/bin/ginsi # rm /usr/local/bin/mafft-* 7. LICENSE See the './license' file. If you have the extensions, see the './license.extensions' file,