# Building Jalview from Source ## tl;dr ``` # download git clone http://source.jalview.org/git/jalview.git #compile cd jalview gradle getdown # run cd getdown/files/11 java -jar gradle-launcher.jar . jalview ``` ## What you will need The method here is described in terms of using a command line. You can easily do this on linux or in a Terminal window in macOS. You can do it in Windows. * Java 11 compliant JDK * gradle 5.1 or above * git ### Java 11 JDK We recommend obtaining an OpenJDK JDK 11 from AdoptOpenJDK: , either the *Installer* or `.zip`/`.tar.gz` variants whichever you prefer (if you're not sure, choose the *Installer*). ### gradle and git You should be able to install the latest (or close to the latest) versions of gradle and git using your OS package manager. #### For **macOS** we recommend using `brew`, which can be installed following the instructions at . After installing `brew`, open a Terminal window and type in (using an Administrator privileged user): ``` brew install gradle git ``` or ``` brew upgrade gradle git ``` if you already have them installed but need to upgrade the version. #### For **linux** this will depend on which distribution you're using. ##### For *Debian* based distributions (e.g. Mint, Ubuntu, Debian) run ``` sudo apt-get install gradle git ``` ##### for RPM-based distributions (e.g. Fedora, CentOS, RedHat) run (probably) ``` sudo yum install gradle git ``` If you have some other version of linux you'll probably be able to work it out! #### For **Windows** we suggest using the **Chocolatey** package manager. See install instructions at , and you will just need ``` choco install gradle git ``` Alternatively, you could install a real `bash` shell and install both `gradle` and `git` through `apt-get`. See for how to install the ubuntu bash shell in Windows 10. Another alternative would be to install them separately. For `gradle` follow the instructions at , and for `git` here are a couple of suggestions: Git for Windows . ## Downloading the Jalview source tree This can be done with `git`. On the command line, change directory to where you want to download Jalview's build-tree top level directory. Then run ``` git clone http://source.jalview.org/git/jalview.git ``` You'll get some progress output and after a minute or two you should have the full Jalview build-tree in the folder `jalview`. ## What's in the source tree? Change directory into the `jalview` folder: ``` cd jalview ``` and you'll find most of the Jalview source files under `src`. Some important resource files can be found under `resources`. The helper jar libraries can currently be found in `j8lib` for Java 1.8 runtime and `j11lib` for Java 11 runtime. and then you can build the Jalview jar file using gradle.