#!/bin/csh # csh script to compile the elements of alscript # # type ./build # # e.g. ./build sun or ./build sgi or ./build gcc # # ./build linux # # Note that BUILD linux should also work under cygwin, though # you will need to add --unix to the make arguments. # In release 2.07 the cygwin binaries are included in the distribution. # # This script will create a subdirectory /bin if it does not # already exist. It will then create a subsub directory /bin/machine # where executables for the architecture will be stored. # # You should then add this directory to your path, or add links # from a directory that is on your path (e.g. /usr/local/bin) # echo "" echo "Trying to build alscript for $1" echo "" if(! -e bin) then echo "Creating bin directory" mkdir bin endif if(! -e bin/$1) then echo "Creating subdirectory bin/$1" mkdir bin/$1 endif if(-e src/alscript.o) then echo "Deleting old object files" /bin/rm src/*.o endif echo "Copying Makefile" /bin/cp src/makefile.$1 src/makefile echo "Attempting make" make -C src echo "" echo "Moving executables to bin directory" echo "" /bin/mv src/alscript bin/$1 /bin/mv src/msf2blc bin/$1 /bin/mv src/clus2blc bin/$1 /bin/mv src/fast2blc bin/$1 /bin/mv src/alsnum bin/$1 echo "" echo "Deleting object files" echo "" /bin/rm src/*.o gjutil/*.o echo "" echo " All should be complete!" echo ""