#define NUMBER_METHODS 7 #define NUMBER_PREPROCESSORS 5 #define MAX_ALGOR_NUMBER 32 #define USABLE_ALGOR_NUMBER 32 /* MAX_TABLE_NUMBER*8 where 8 is from */ /* 4 methods with 2 possible "offset types" */ /*#define USABLE_ALGOR_NUMBER 8 */ /* 4 methods with 2 possible "offset types" */ #define LENGTH_OF_COIL 0 /** For the dimer-trimer likelihood algorithm. */ #define ONCE_PER_COIL 1 /* Currently: DimerTrimerSingle, DimerTrimerPair, TableDiffSingle where score coil once TableDiffSingle where score coil length coil times TableDiffPair where score coil once TableDiffPair where score coil lenth coil times for like. */ /** Think of Single=0, Once=0, Length=1, Pair=2 and just add up.... **/ /* enum {TableDiffSingleOnce, TableDiffSingleLength, TableDiffPairOnce, TableDiffPairLength, DTSingleLike, DTPairLike}; */ enum {TDRes, TDCoil}; /* For computing which number likelihood line to use in TableDiff method. */ /* The algorithm line number is 2*TD? + pairs. */ enum {MultiCoil, PairCoil, NEWCOILS, HMMCoil, ActualCoil, /** TableDiffRes, TableDiffCoil, **/ PairCoilDiff, PairCoilDiffAvg, STOCK_PAIR}; /* Can use pairs or singles for first 3. Singles for PairCoil is NEWCOIL. */ enum {Raw, Percent}; extern char *methodname[]; extern int main_method; /******The following are declared in sc2seq_interface.c ****/ extern double many_pprobs[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM], many_pprobp[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][NUM_RES_TYPE][NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM][POSNUM]; extern double many_weights[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][AANUM][POSNUM], many_weightp[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][AANUM][AANUM][POSNUM][POSNUM]; extern double (*pprobs)[POSNUM]; extern double (*pprobp)[NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM][POSNUM]; extern double (*weights)[POSNUM]; extern double (*weightp)[AANUM][POSNUM][POSNUM]; /*********************************************************/ void output_seq(char lib[MAXFUNCTNUM], char multi_lib[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][MAXFUNCTNUM], double *m,double *b, double *m_single, double *b_single, int mode, double log_bound,FILE *flog, FILE *fout_coils, FILE *fout, int avg_max, int main_method, int main_preprocessor_method, int main_table);