OC - A Cluster Analysis Program ------------------------------- Usage notes - 2/April/1997 -------------------------- Release 2.0 - 4 August 2002 -------------------------- Release 2.1a (Version 2.1a) - 11 April 2005 ----------------------------- Author: Geoffrey J. Barton email: geoff@compbio.dundee.ac.uk Notes ----- If you use OC in your work, please remember to cite it. If you modify it please send me a copy of your changes. I will try to incorporate them into a common source. However, if you plan any major changes, please contact me first. It may be that I have already done what you need. Release notes ------------- Release 2.1a - Make version number consistent with Release number. Remove some regex code that fails on SunOS. Release 2.1 (Version 1.3): The postscript output options in OC were never intended to be very pretty, but we needed to be able to print out large trees in postscript and so some small changes were made to help with this. Firstly, ps output is now encapsulated postscript (eps) rather than simple ps. Secondly, the minside and maxside command line options have been documented. All postscript output is PORTRAIT and minside is the narrow side of the page and maxside the long side (in inches). For example, define the (minside 11 maxside 52), run OC then run the utility epssplit from http://home.clara.net/nox/software/epssplit. Release 2.0 (Version 1.0): The main oc program is unchanged, but two new callable versions are in the distributions that start with 'noc'. Functions gjnoc.c and gjnoc2.c are callable from C and return data structures with the information on the clusters formed. Of the two, gjnoc2 is probably most useful. gjnoc was written to feed other programs we distribute (notably STAMP). Introduction ------------ OC is a general purpose hierarchical cluster analysis program. It was written to have NO software defined limits. The maximum number of entities that you can cluster with OC is only limited by available memory (and time!!). OC was written in 1993 to cluster large families of protein sequences. Though developed for this purpose, there is nothing specific to proteins in its implementation, so it can be used to cluster any sort of data. It has been used extensively in my group most notably in the 3Dee domains database (http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk) and also in the STAMP structure comparison package. Over the years I have given the program to a few people but never got around to writing up any instructions or packaging it as a proper distribution. These notes will hopefully make the program a little easier for others to use and understand. OC requires a complete upper diagonal distance or similarity matrix as input and implements three simple clustering methods: 1. single linkage. 2. complete linkage. 3. means linkage - UPGMA. These are explained further below. Output is a list of the clusters as they form and optionally a dendrogram drawn in PostScript. The dendrogram drawing functions are fairly primitive. The program will also, optionally, output all clusters above some threshold. See further details below. Input file ---------- First line: An integer showing the number (N) of entities you are clustering. Lines 2 to N+1: Labels for the entities. These should be strings, without spaces. Following N*(N-1)/2 lines: The upper diagonal matrix (free format). For example, see file test.dis. 7 First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh 100.0 100.0 50.0 33.0 25.0 20.0 100.0 50.0 50.0 33.0 33.0 100.0 33.0 20.0 25.0 33.0 20.0 25.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 By upper diagonal, I mean that the numbers are the similarities (or distances) from comparison of entity 1 v 2, 1 v 3, 1 v 4, 1 v 5, 1 v 6, 1 v 7, 2 v 3, 2 v 4, 2 v 5, 2 v 6, 2 v 7, 3 v 4, 3 v 5, 3 v 6, 3 v 7, 4 v 5, 4 v 6, 4 v 7, 5 v 6, 5 v 7, 6 v 7. In that order. Running the program ------------------- The program expects the data file to be on standard input, thus you type: oc [arguments] < test.dis > results.ocout The first argument is one of 'sim' or 'dis' and defines whether the data are similarities, i.e. bigger numbers mean that the entities are more like each other, or distances, i.e. smaller numbers mean the entities are more like each other. The second argument defines the clustering type, in explaining this I will assume that we are clustering on distances, not similarities. Hierarchical clustering works by first finding the two entites that have the minimum distance between them. Having joined those two entities into a cluster, the method then searches for the minimum distance between two entites, but taking those entities that are already clustered as a single unit. This process is repeated until there are no more entities to cluster. What differs in the different clustering methods is how the 'distance' is calculated between two clusters that have already formed. In 'single' linkage, the MINIMUM distance between the two clusters is taken as the distance. This is the simplest cluster analysis method. It has the disadvantage that an outlier can cause two groups of entities to be clustered when most of the entities are really quite distant. Single linkage tends to form a few big clusters early on in the hierarchy. In 'complete' linkage, the MAXIMUM distance between the clusters is taken. This has the advantage over single linkage in that within a cluster, all pairs of entities will be within the distance at which the cluster was formed. Complete linkage tends to form many smaller clusters. The dendrograms have more structure to them and are often more informative than single linkage dendrograms. In 'means' linkage as the name suggests, the mean distance between clusters is calculated. This can be a good compromise between the extremes of single and complete linkage, but the distances at which clusters are formed are averages, not real distances. As a consequence, the clusters can be more difficult to interpret. There are many other clustering methods and most should be simple to add as options to oc. Examples -------- oc dis complete < test.dis Reading Upper Diagonal Read: 7 Entries CPU time: 0.000000 seconds Setting up unclust Setting up notparent Setting up clust CPU time: 0.000000 seconds Complete linkage on distance Doing Cluster Analysis... ## 0 20 2 Entity Score: 20 Number of members: 2 0 6 ## 1 20 2 Entity Score: 20 Number of members: 2 2 5 ## 2 33 2 Entity Score: 33 Number of members: 2 3 4 ## 3 50 3 Entity Score: 50 Number of members: 3 1 3 4 ## 4 100 5 Entity Score: 100 Number of members: 5 2 5 1 3 4 ## 5 100 7 Entity Score: 100 Number of members: 7 0 6 2 5 1 3 4 Total CPU time: 0.010000 seconds Complete linkage on the test.dis file. There are 7 entities in the file. They are numbered by the program 0 to 6. As each cluster is formed, the program writes a double hash (##), then the cluster number, the score at which the cluster is formed and the number of entites in the cluster. This is followed by a line, repeating the entity score and number of members in the cluster. Finally, a line is written with the numbers of the entities in the cluster. For example: ## 3 50 3 Entity Score: 50 Number of members: 3 1 3 4 means cluster number 3 was formed at a score (distance) of 50 and has three members, the entities 1,3 and 4. Since entity numbers are simply the order in which the data was read in from the file, it is usually better to refer to the entities by their labels. To do this, just add the 'id' option to the command line. oc dis complete id < test.dis Reading Upper Diagonal Read: 7 Entries CPU time: 0.000000 seconds Setting up unclust Setting up notparent Setting up clust CPU time: 0.000000 seconds Complete linkage on distance Doing Cluster Analysis... ## 0 20 2 First Seventh ## 1 20 2 Third Sixth ## 2 33 2 Fourth Fifth ## 3 50 3 Second Fourth Fifth ## 4 100 5 Third Sixth Second Fourth Fifth ## 5 100 7 First Seventh Third Sixth Second Fourth Fifth Total CPU time: 0.000000 seconds The output is similar to above, but the entities are labelled rather than numbered. You can obtain an encapsulated PostScript dendrogram of the clustering by adding the argument ps . For example: oc dis complete id ps test < test.dis Reading Upper Diagonal Read: 7 Entries CPU time: 0.000000 seconds Setting up unclust Setting up notparent Setting up clust CPU time: 0.000000 seconds Complete linkage on distance Doing Cluster Analysis... ## 0 20 2 First Seventh ## 1 20 2 Third Sixth ## 2 33 2 Fourth Fifth ## 3 50 3 Second Fourth Fifth ## 4 100 5 Third Sixth Second Fourth Fifth ## 5 100 7 First Seventh Third Sixth Second Fourth Fifth Total CPU time: 0.010000 seconds This will create a file called test.eps which can be printed on a PostScript printer, or viewed with GhostView or some other PostScript viewer. The dendrogram is scaled to fit on a single A4 page which is a little inconvenient if you have thousands of entities. You can specify different dimensions for the plot by providing the "minside" and "maxside" commands to OC. For example, to make a plot that is 11 inches wide (the long side of A4) by 40 inches high do: oc dis complete id ps test minside 11 maxside 40 < test.dis The test.eps file that results will need some further processing with a utility to tile the postscript over multiple pages. You could do this in Adobe Illustrator (but my experience is that this is a touch slow) it is better to use the "epssplit" utility from: http://home.clara.net/nox/software/epssplit. See the instructions there on how to use the epssplit program for this. Adding the 'cut' option allows OC to output only clusters that form above that threshold. For example, oc dis complete id cut 20 < test.dis Reading Upper Diagonal Read: 7 Entries CPU time: 0.000000 seconds Setting up unclust Setting up notparent Setting up clust CPU time: 0.000000 seconds Complete linkage on distance Doing Cluster Analysis... ## 1 20 2 Third Sixth ## 0 20 2 First Seventh UNCLUSTERED ENTITIES Second Fourth Fifth Total CPU time: 0.000000 seconds ... only outputs clusters that are formed above the threshold of 20 in this case. Entities that are not clustered with any other entity are listed as UNCLUSTERED ENTITIES. Note: You could get the same information from the standard OC output file with a little post processing. Note: if you use the gjnoc2 function, then the unclustered entities are added to the returned structure as if they were clusters of size 1. The score for forming these clusters is reported as the 'cut' score. Other options: -------------- 'log' Takes logs before clustering. This is not recommended - I've not put any traps in for illegal numbersa. 'timeclus' Outputs the time to form each cluster. 'amps' Outputs .tree and .tord files for use with the AMPS multiple alignment package. oc simply replaces the more limited program ORDER. 'minside ' Specify the length of the short (horizontal) side for the postscript plot (in inches). 'maxside ' Specify the length of the long (vertical) side for the postscript plot (in inches). Installation Notes ------------------ OC is written in ANSI C and has four source code files. oc.c The oc program. oc.h The oc header file. gjutil.c Utility routines. gjutil.h Header for the utility routines. To compile under Linux using GCC do: gcc -o oc -O3 oc.c gjutil.c gjtimes.c -I./gjutil -I./ -lm For other operating systems and/or compilers you need to ensure that the compiler searches the current directory for header files and that you link the maths library. Put the oc executable somewhere on your path. Typing oc gets you: oc Cluster analysis program Author: Geoffrey J. Barton Copyright: Geoffrey J. Barton (1993, 1997) Please cite: OC a cluster analysis program, Barton, G. J. 1993 Usage: oc Version 1.0 - Requires a file to be piped to standard input Format: Line 1: Number (N) of entities to cluster (e.g. 10) Format: Lines 2 to 2+N-1: Identifier codes for the entities (e.g. Entity1) Format: N*(N-1)/2: Distances, or similarities - ie the upper diagonal Options: sim = similarity / dis = distances method = single/complete/means ps = plot out dendrogram to log = take logs before calculation cut = only show clusters above/below the cutoff id = output identifier codes rather than indexes for entities timeclus = output times to generate each cluster amps = produce amps .tree and .tord files See README file for brief instructions The gjnoc and gjnoc2 functions come with two test programs to check that all is well. There are also files that show the compile line needed to make these test programs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of OC usage notes.