package jalview.datamodel.features; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * An adapted implementation of NCList as described in the paper * *
 * Nested Containment List (NCList): a new algorithm for accelerating
 * interval query of genome alignment and interval databases
 * - Alexander V. Alekseyenko, Christopher J. Lee
*/ public class NCList { /* * the number of ranges represented */ private int size; /* * a list, in start position order, of sublists of ranges ordered so * that each contains (or is the same as) the one that follows it */ private List> subranges; /** * Constructor given a list of things that are each located on a contiguous * interval. Note that the constructor may reorder the list. *

* We assume here that for each range, start <= end. Behaviour for reverse * ordered ranges is undefined. * * @param ranges */ public NCList(List ranges) { this(); build(ranges); } /** * Sort and group ranges into sublists where each sublist represents a region * and its contained subregions * * @param ranges */ protected void build(List ranges) { /* * sort by start ascending so that contained intervals * follow their containing interval */ Collections.sort(ranges, RangeComparator.BY_START_POSITION); List sublists = buildSubranges(ranges); /* * convert each subrange to an NCNode consisting of a range and * (possibly) its contained NCList */ for (Range sublist : sublists) { subranges.add(new NCNode(ranges.subList(sublist.start, sublist.end + 1))); } size = ranges.size(); } public NCList(T entry) { this(); subranges.add(new NCNode(entry)); size = 1; } public NCList() { subranges = new ArrayList>(); } /** * Traverses the sorted ranges to identify sublists, within which each * interval contains the one that follows it * * @param ranges * @return */ protected List buildSubranges(List ranges) { List sublists = new ArrayList(); if (ranges.isEmpty()) { return sublists; } int listStartIndex = 0; long lastEndPos = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) { ContiguousI nextInterval = ranges.get(i); long nextStart = nextInterval.getBegin(); long nextEnd = nextInterval.getEnd(); if (nextStart > lastEndPos || nextEnd > lastEndPos) { /* * this interval is not contained in the preceding one * close off the last sublist */ sublists.add(new Range(listStartIndex, i - 1)); listStartIndex = i; } lastEndPos = nextEnd; } sublists.add(new Range(listStartIndex, ranges.size() - 1)); return sublists; } /** * Adds one entry to the stored set (with duplicates allowed) * * @param entry */ public void add(T entry) { add(entry, true); } /** * Adds one entry to the stored set, and returns true, unless allowDuplicates * is set to false and it is already contained (by object equality test), in * which case it is not added and this method returns false. * * @param entry * @param allowDuplicates * @return */ public synchronized boolean add(T entry, boolean allowDuplicates) { if (!allowDuplicates && contains(entry)) { return false; } size++; long start = entry.getBegin(); long end = entry.getEnd(); /* * cases: * - precedes all subranges: add as NCNode on front of list * - follows all subranges: add as NCNode on end of list * - enclosed by a subrange - add recursively to subrange * - encloses one or more subranges - push them inside it * - none of the above - add as a new node and resort nodes list (?) */ /* * find the first subrange whose end does not precede entry's start */ int candidateIndex = findFirstOverlap(start); if (candidateIndex == -1) { /* * all subranges precede this one - add it on the end */ subranges.add(new NCNode(entry)); return true; } /* * search for maximal span of subranges i-k that the new entry * encloses; or a subrange that encloses the new entry */ boolean enclosing = false; int firstEnclosed = 0; int lastEnclosed = 0; boolean overlapping = false; for (int j = candidateIndex; j < subranges.size(); j++) { NCNode subrange = subranges.get(j); if (end < subrange.getBegin() && !overlapping && !enclosing) { /* * new entry lies between subranges j-1 j */ subranges.add(j, new NCNode(entry)); return true; } if (subrange.getBegin() <= start && subrange.getEnd() >= end) { /* * push new entry inside this subrange as it encloses it */ subrange.add(entry); return true; } if (start <= subrange.getBegin()) { if (end >= subrange.getEnd()) { /* * new entry encloses this subrange (and possibly preceding ones); * continue to find the maximal list it encloses */ if (!enclosing) { firstEnclosed = j; } lastEnclosed = j; enclosing = true; continue; } else { /* * entry spans from before this subrange to inside it */ if (enclosing) { /* * entry encloses one or more preceding subranges */ addEnclosingRange(entry, firstEnclosed, lastEnclosed); return true; } else { /* * entry spans two subranges but doesn't enclose any * so just add it */ subranges.add(j, new NCNode(entry)); return true; } } } else { overlapping = true; } } /* * drops through to here if new range encloses all others * or overlaps the last one */ if (enclosing) { addEnclosingRange(entry, firstEnclosed, lastEnclosed); } else { subranges.add(new NCNode(entry)); } return true; } /** * Answers true if this NCList contains the given entry (by object equality * test), else false * * @param entry * @return */ public boolean contains(T entry) { /* * find the first sublist that might overlap, i.e. * the first whose end position is >= from */ int candidateIndex = findFirstOverlap(entry.getBegin()); if (candidateIndex == -1) { return false; } int to = entry.getEnd(); for (int i = candidateIndex; i < subranges.size(); i++) { NCNode candidate = subranges.get(i); if (candidate.getBegin() > to) { /* * we are past the end of our target range */ break; } if (candidate.contains(entry)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Update the tree so that the range of the new entry encloses subranges i to * j (inclusive). That is, replace subranges i-j (inclusive) with a new * subrange that contains them. * * @param entry * @param i * @param j */ protected synchronized void addEnclosingRange(T entry, final int i, final int j) { NCList newNCList = new NCList(); newNCList.addNodes(subranges.subList(i, j + 1)); NCNode newNode = new NCNode(entry, newNCList); for (int k = j; k >= i; k--) { subranges.remove(k); } subranges.add(i, newNode); } protected void addNodes(List> nodes) { for (NCNode node : nodes) { subranges.add(node); size += node.size(); } } /** * Returns a (possibly empty) list of items whose extent overlaps the given * range * * @param from * start of overlap range (inclusive) * @param to * end of overlap range (inclusive) * @return */ public List findOverlaps(long from, long to) { List result = new ArrayList(); findOverlaps(from, to, result); return result; } /** * Recursively searches the NCList adding any items that overlap the from-to * range to the result list * * @param from * @param to * @param result */ protected void findOverlaps(long from, long to, List result) { /* * find the first sublist that might overlap, i.e. * the first whose end position is >= from */ int candidateIndex = findFirstOverlap(from); if (candidateIndex == -1) { return; } for (int i = candidateIndex; i < subranges.size(); i++) { NCNode candidate = subranges.get(i); if (candidate.getBegin() > to) { /* * we are past the end of our target range */ break; } candidate.findOverlaps(from, to, result); } } /** * Search subranges for the first one whose end position is not before the * target range's start position, i.e. the first one that may overlap the * target range. Returns the index in the list of the first such range found, * or -1 if none found. * * @param from * @return */ protected int findFirstOverlap(long from) { /* * The NCList paper describes binary search for this step, * but this not implemented here as (a) I haven't understood it yet * and (b) it seems to imply complications for adding to an NCList */ int i = 0; if (subranges != null) { for (NCNode subrange : subranges) { if (subrange.getEnd() >= from) { return i; } i++; } } return -1; } /** * Formats the tree as a bracketed list e.g. * *

   * [1-100 [10-30 [10-20]], 15-30 [20-20]]
*/ @Override public String toString() { return subranges.toString(); } /** * Returns a string representation of the data where containment is shown by * indentation on new lines * * @return */ public String prettyPrint() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(512); int offset = 0; int indent = 2; prettyPrint(sb, offset, indent); sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param sb * @param offset * @param indent */ void prettyPrint(StringBuilder sb, int offset, int indent) { boolean first = true; for (NCNode subrange : subranges) { if (!first) { sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); } first = false; subrange.prettyPrint(sb, offset, indent); } } /** * Answers true if the data held satisfy the rules of construction of an * NCList, else false. * * @return */ public boolean isValid() { return isValid(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Answers true if the data held satisfy the rules of construction of an * NCList bounded within the given start-end range, else false. *

* Each subrange must lie within start-end (inclusive). Subranges must be * ordered by start position ascending. *

* * @param start * @param end * @return */ boolean isValid(final int start, final int end) { int lastStart = start; for (NCNode subrange : subranges) { if (subrange.getBegin() < lastStart) { System.err.println("error in NCList: range " + subrange.toString() + " starts before " + lastStart); return false; } if (subrange.getEnd() > end) { System.err.println("error in NCList: range " + subrange.toString() + " ends after " + end); return false; } lastStart = subrange.getBegin(); if (!subrange.isValid()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Answers the lowest start position enclosed by the ranges * * @return */ public int getStart() { return subranges.isEmpty() ? 0 : subranges.get(0).getBegin(); } /** * Returns the number of ranges held (deep count) * * @return */ public int size() { return size; } /** * Returns a list of all entries stored * * @return */ public List getEntries() { List result = new ArrayList(); getEntries(result); return result; } /** * Adds all contained entries to the given list * * @param result */ void getEntries(List result) { for (NCNode subrange : subranges) { subrange.getEntries(result); } } /** * Deletes the given entry from the store, returning true if it was found (and * deleted), else false. This method makes no assumption that the entry is in * the 'expected' place in the store, in case it has been modified since it * was added. Only the first 'same object' match is deleted, not 'equal' or * multiple objects. * * @param entry */ public synchronized boolean delete(T entry) { if (entry == null) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < subranges.size(); i++) { NCNode subrange = subranges.get(i); NCList subRegions = subrange.getSubRegions(); if (subrange.getRegion() == entry) { /* * if the subrange is rooted on this entry, promote its * subregions (if any) to replace the subrange here; * NB have to resort subranges after doing this since e.g. * [10-30 [12-20 [16-18], 13-19]] * after deleting 12-20, 16-18 is promoted to sibling of 13-19 * but should follow it in the list of subranges of 10-30 */ subranges.remove(i); if (subRegions != null) { subranges.addAll(subRegions.subranges); Collections.sort(subranges, RangeComparator.BY_START_POSITION); } size--; return true; } else { if (subRegions != null && subRegions.delete(entry)) { size--; subrange.deleteSubRegionsIfEmpty(); return true; } } } return false; } }