package; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource; import jalview.datamodel.FeatureProperties; import jalview.datamodel.Mapping; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.util.DBRefUtils; import jalview.util.DnaUtils; import jalview.util.MapList; import jalview.util.MappingUtils; /** * A base class to support parsing of GenBank, EMBL or DDBJ flat file format * data. Example files (rather than formal specifications) are provided at * *
* * or to compare the same entry, see * *
* * The feature table part of the file has a common definition, only the start of * each line is formatted differently in GenBank and EMBL. See * */ public abstract class FlatFile extends AlignFile { protected static final String LOCATION = "location"; protected static final String QUOTE = "\""; protected static final String DOUBLED_QUOTE = QUOTE + QUOTE; protected static final String WHITESPACE = "\\s+"; /** * Removes leading or trailing double quotes (") unless doubled, and changes * any 'escaped' (doubled) double quotes to single characters. As per the * Feature Table specification for Qualifiers, Free Text. * * @param value * @return */ protected static String removeQuotes(String value) { if (value == null) { return null; } if (value.startsWith(QUOTE) && !value.startsWith(DOUBLED_QUOTE)) { value = value.substring(1); } if (value.endsWith(QUOTE) && !value.endsWith(DOUBLED_QUOTE)) { value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1); } value = value.replace(DOUBLED_QUOTE, QUOTE); return value; } /** * Truncates (if necessary) the exon intervals to match 3 times the length of * the protein; also accepts 3 bases longer (for stop codon not included in * protein) * * @param proteinLength * @param exon * an array of [start, end, start, end...] intervals * @return the same array (if unchanged) or a truncated copy */ protected static int[] adjustForProteinLength(int proteinLength, int[] exon) { if (proteinLength <= 0 || exon == null) { return exon; } int expectedCdsLength = proteinLength * 3; int exonLength = MappingUtils.getLength(Arrays.asList(exon)); /* * if exon length matches protein, or is shorter, or longer by the * length of a stop codon (3 bases), then leave it unchanged */ if (expectedCdsLength >= exonLength || expectedCdsLength == exonLength - 3) { return exon; } int origxon[]; int sxpos = -1; int endxon = 0; origxon = new int[exon.length]; System.arraycopy(exon, 0, origxon, 0, exon.length); int cdspos = 0; for (int x = 0; x < exon.length; x += 2) { cdspos += Math.abs(exon[x + 1] - exon[x]) + 1; if (expectedCdsLength <= cdspos) { // advanced beyond last codon. sxpos = x; if (expectedCdsLength != cdspos) { // System.err // .println("Truncating final exon interval on region by " // + (cdspos - cdslength)); } /* * shrink the final exon - reduce end position if forward * strand, increase it if reverse */ if (exon[x + 1] >= exon[x]) { endxon = exon[x + 1] - cdspos + expectedCdsLength; } else { endxon = exon[x + 1] + cdspos - expectedCdsLength; } break; } } if (sxpos != -1) { // and trim the exon interval set if necessary int[] nxon = new int[sxpos + 2]; System.arraycopy(exon, 0, nxon, 0, sxpos + 2); nxon[sxpos + 1] = endxon; // update the end boundary for the new exon // set exon = nxon; } return exon; } /* * values parsed from the data file */ protected String sourceDb; protected String accession; protected String version; protected String description; protected int length = 128; protected List dbrefs; protected String sequenceString; protected Map cds; /** * Constructor * * @param fp * @param sourceId * @throws IOException */ public FlatFile(FileParse fp, String sourceId) throws IOException { super(false, fp); // don't parse immediately this.sourceDb = sourceId; dbrefs = new ArrayList<>(); /* * using TreeMap gives CDS sequences in alphabetical, so readable, order */ cds = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); parse(); } /** * Parses one (GenBank or EMBL format) CDS feature, saves the parsed data, and * returns the next line * * @param location * @return * @throws IOException */ protected String parseCDSFeature(String location) throws IOException { String line; /* * parse location, which can be over >1 line e.g. EAW51554 */ CdsData data = new CdsData(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append(location); line = parseFeatureQualifier(sb, false); data.cdsLocation = sb.toString(); while (line != null) { if (!isFeatureContinuationLine(line)) { // e.g. start of next feature "FT source..." break; } /* * extract qualifier, e.g. FT /protein_id="CAA37824.1" * - the value may extend over more than one line * - if the value has enclosing quotes, these are removed * - escaped double quotes ("") are reduced to a single character */ int slashPos = line.indexOf('/'); if (slashPos == -1) { Cache.log.error("Unexpected EMBL line ignored: " + line); line = nextLine(); continue; } int eqPos = line.indexOf('=', slashPos + 1); if (eqPos == -1) { // can happen, e.g. /ribosomal_slippage line = nextLine(); continue; } String qualifier = line.substring(slashPos + 1, eqPos); String value = line.substring(eqPos + 1); value = removeQuotes(value); sb = new StringBuilder().append(value); boolean asText = !"translation".equals(qualifier); line = parseFeatureQualifier(sb, asText); String featureValue = sb.toString(); if ("protein_id".equals(qualifier)) { data.proteinId = featureValue; } else if ("codon_start".equals(qualifier)) { try { data.codonStart = Integer.parseInt(featureValue.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Cache.log.error("Invalid codon_start in XML for " + this.accession + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } else if ("db_xref".equals(qualifier)) { String[] parts = featureValue.split(":"); if (parts.length == 2) { String db = parts[0].trim(); db = DBRefUtils.getCanonicalName(db); DBRefEntry dbref = new DBRefEntry(db, "0", parts[1].trim()); data.xrefs.add(dbref); } } else if ("product".equals(qualifier)) { data.proteinName = featureValue; } else if ("translation".equals(qualifier)) { data.translation = featureValue; } else if (!"".equals(featureValue)) { // throw anything else into the additional properties hash data.cdsProps.put(qualifier, featureValue); } } if (data.proteinId != null) { this.cds.put(data.proteinId, data); } else { Cache.log.error("Ignoring CDS feature with no protein_id for " + sourceDb + ":" + accession); } return line; } protected abstract boolean isFeatureContinuationLine(String line); /** * Output (print) is not (yet) implemented for flat file format */ @Override public String print(SequenceI[] seqs, boolean jvsuffix) { return null; } /** * Constructs and saves the sequence from parsed components */ protected void buildSequence() { if (this.accession == null || this.sequenceString == null) { Cache.log.error("Failed to parse data from EMBL"); return; } String name = this.accession; if (this.sourceDb != null) { name = this.sourceDb + "|" + name; } SequenceI seq = new Sequence(name, this.sequenceString); seq.setDescription(this.description); /* * add a DBRef to itself */ DBRefEntry selfRef = new DBRefEntry(sourceDb, version, accession); int[] startEnd = new int[] { 1, seq.getLength() }; selfRef.setMap(new Mapping(null, startEnd, startEnd, 1, 1)); seq.addDBRef(selfRef); for (DBRefEntry dbref : this.dbrefs) { seq.addDBRef(dbref); } processCDSFeatures(seq); seq.deriveSequence(); addSequence(seq); } /** * Process the CDS features, including generation of cross-references and * mappings to the protein products (translation) * * @param seq */ protected void processCDSFeatures(SequenceI seq) { /* * record protein products found to avoid duplication i.e. >1 CDS with * the same /protein_id [though not sure I can find an example of this] */ Map proteins = new HashMap<>(); for (CdsData data : cds.values()) { processCDSFeature(seq, data, proteins); } } /** * Processes data for one parsed CDS feature to *
  • create a protein product sequence for the translation
  • *
  • create a cross-reference to protein with mapping from dna
  • *
  • add a CDS feature to the sequence for each CDS start-end range
  • *
  • add any CDS dbrefs to the sequence and to the protein product
  • *
* * @param SequenceI * dna * @param proteins * map of protein products so far derived from CDS data */ void processCDSFeature(SequenceI dna, CdsData data, Map proteins) { /* * parse location into a list of [start, end, start, end] positions */ int[] exons = getCdsRanges(this.accession, data.cdsLocation); MapList maplist = buildMappingToProtein(dna, exons, data); int exonNumber = 0; for (int xint = 0; exons != null && xint < exons.length - 1; xint += 2) { int exonStart = exons[xint]; int exonEnd = exons[xint + 1]; int begin = Math.min(exonStart, exonEnd); int end = Math.max(exonStart, exonEnd); exonNumber++; String desc = String.format("Exon %d for protein EMBLCDS:%s", exonNumber, data.proteinId); SequenceFeature sf = new SequenceFeature("CDS", desc, begin, end, this.sourceDb); for (Entry val : data.cdsProps.entrySet()) { sf.setValue(val.getKey(), val.getValue()); } sf.setEnaLocation(data.cdsLocation); boolean forwardStrand = exonStart <= exonEnd; sf.setStrand(forwardStrand ? "+" : "-"); sf.setPhase(String.valueOf(data.codonStart - 1)); sf.setValue(FeatureProperties.EXONPOS, exonNumber); sf.setValue(FeatureProperties.EXONPRODUCT, data.proteinName); dna.addSequenceFeature(sf); } boolean hasUniprotDbref = false; for (DBRefEntry xref : data.xrefs) { dna.addDBRef(xref); if (xref.getSource().equals(DBRefSource.UNIPROT)) { /* * construct (or find) the sequence for (data.protein_id, data.translation) */ SequenceI protein = buildProteinProduct(dna, xref, data, proteins); Mapping map = new Mapping(protein, maplist); map.setMappedFromId(data.proteinId); xref.setMap(map); /* * add DBRefs with mappings from dna to protein and the inverse */ DBRefEntry db1 = new DBRefEntry(sourceDb, version, accession); db1.setMap(new Mapping(dna, maplist.getInverse())); protein.addDBRef(db1); hasUniprotDbref = true; } } /* * if we have a product (translation) but no explicit Uniprot dbref * (example: EMBL M19487 protein_id AAB02592.1) * then construct mappings to an assumed EMBLCDSPROTEIN accession */ if (!hasUniprotDbref) { SequenceI protein = proteins.get(data.proteinId); if (protein == null) { protein = new Sequence(data.proteinId, data.translation); protein.setDescription(data.proteinName); proteins.put(data.proteinId, protein); } // assuming CDSPROTEIN sequence version = dna version (?!) DBRefEntry db1 = new DBRefEntry(DBRefSource.EMBLCDSProduct, this.version, data.proteinId); protein.addDBRef(db1); DBRefEntry dnaToEmblProteinRef = new DBRefEntry( DBRefSource.EMBLCDSProduct, this.version, data.proteinId); Mapping map = new Mapping(protein, maplist); map.setMappedFromId(data.proteinId); dnaToEmblProteinRef.setMap(map); dna.addDBRef(dnaToEmblProteinRef); } /* * comment brought forward from EmblXmlSource, lines 447-451: * TODO: if retrieved from EMBLCDS, add a DBRef back to the parent EMBL * sequence with the exon map; if given a dataset reference, search * dataset for parent EMBL sequence if it exists and set its map; * make a new feature annotating the coding contig */ } /** * Computes a mapping from CDS positions in DNA sequence to protein product * positions, with allowance for stop codon or incomplete start codon * * @param dna * @param exons * @param data * @return */ MapList buildMappingToProtein(final SequenceI dna, final int[] exons, final CdsData data) { MapList dnaToProteinMapping = null; int peptideLength = data.translation.length(); int[] proteinRange = new int[] { 1, peptideLength }; if (exons != null && exons.length > 0) { /* * We were able to parse 'location'; do a final * product length truncation check */ int[] cdsRanges = adjustForProteinLength(peptideLength, exons); dnaToProteinMapping = new MapList(cdsRanges, proteinRange, 3, 1); } else { /* * workaround until we handle all 'location' formats fully * e.g. X53828.1:60..1058 or <123..>289 */ Cache.log.error(String.format( "Implementation Notice: EMBLCDS location '%s'not properly supported yet" + " - Making up the CDNA region of (%s:%s)... may be incorrect", data.cdsLocation, sourceDb, this.accession)); int completeCodonsLength = 1 - data.codonStart + dna.getLength(); int mappedDnaEnd = dna.getEnd(); if (peptideLength * 3 == completeCodonsLength) { // this might occur for CDS sequences where no features are marked Cache.log.warn("Assuming no stop codon at end of cDNA fragment"); mappedDnaEnd = dna.getEnd(); } else if ((peptideLength + 1) * 3 == completeCodonsLength) { Cache.log.warn("Assuming stop codon at end of cDNA fragment"); mappedDnaEnd = dna.getEnd() - 3; } if (mappedDnaEnd != -1) { int[] cdsRanges = new int[] { dna.getStart() + (data.codonStart - 1), mappedDnaEnd }; dnaToProteinMapping = new MapList(cdsRanges, proteinRange, 3, 1); } } return dnaToProteinMapping; } /** * Constructs a sequence for the protein product for the CDS data (if there is * one), and dbrefs with mappings from CDS to protein and the reverse * * @param dna * @param xref * @param data * @param proteins * @return */ SequenceI buildProteinProduct(SequenceI dna, DBRefEntry xref, CdsData data, Map proteins) { /* * check we have some data to work with */ if (data.proteinId == null || data.translation == null) { return null; } /* * Construct the protein sequence (if not already seen) */ String proteinSeqName = xref.getSource() + "|" + xref.getAccessionId(); SequenceI protein = proteins.get(proteinSeqName); if (protein == null) { protein = new Sequence(proteinSeqName, data.translation, 1, data.translation.length()); protein.setDescription(data.proteinName != null ? data.proteinName : "Protein Product from " + sourceDb); proteins.put(proteinSeqName, protein); } return protein; } /** * Returns the CDS location as a single array of [start, end, start, end...] * positions. If on the reverse strand, these will be in descending order. * * @param accession * @param location * @return */ protected int[] getCdsRanges(String accession, String location) { if (location == null) { return new int[] {}; } try { List ranges = DnaUtils.parseLocation(location); return MappingUtils.rangeListToArray(ranges); } catch (ParseException e) { Cache.log.warn( String.format("Not parsing inexact CDS location %s in ENA %s", location, accession)); return new int[] {}; } } /** * Reads the value of a feature (FT) qualifier from one or more lines of the * file, and returns the next line after that. Values are appended to the * string buffer, which should be already primed with the value read from the * first line for the qualifier (with any leading double quote removed). * Enclosing double quotes are removed, and escaped (repeated) double quotes * reduced to one only. For example for * *
   * FT      /note="gene_id=hCG28070.3 
   * FT      ""foobar"" isoform=CRA_b"
   * the returned value is
   * gene_id=hCG28070.3 "foobar" isoform=CRA_b
* * Note the side-effect of this method, to advance data reading to the next * line after the feature qualifier (which could be another qualifier, a * different feature, a non-feature line, or null at end of file). * * @param sb * a string buffer primed with the first line of the value * @param asText * @return * @throws IOException */ String parseFeatureQualifier(StringBuilder sb, boolean asText) throws IOException { String line; while ((line = nextLine()) != null) { if (!isFeatureContinuationLine(line)) { break; // reached next feature or other input line } String[] tokens = line.split(WHITESPACE); if (tokens.length < 2) { Cache.log.error("Ignoring bad EMBL line for " + this.accession + ": " + line); break; } if (tokens[1].startsWith("/")) { break; // next feature qualifier } /* * if text (e.g. /product), add a word separator for a new line, * else (e.g. /translation) don't */ if (asText) { sb.append(" "); } /* * remove trailing " and unescape doubled "" */ String data = removeQuotes(tokens[1]); sb.append(data); } return line; } /** * Reads and saves the sequence, read from the lines following the ORIGIN * (GenBank) or SQ (EMBL) line. Whitespace and position counters are * discarded. Returns the next line following the sequence data (the next line * that doesn't start with whitespace). * * @throws IOException */ protected String parseSequence() throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.length); String line = nextLine(); while (line != null && line.startsWith(" ")) { line = line.trim(); String[] blocks = line.split(WHITESPACE); /* * the first or last block on each line might be a position count - omit */ for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { try { Long.parseLong(blocks[i]); // position counter - ignore it } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // sequence data - append it sb.append(blocks[i]); } } line = nextLine(); } this.sequenceString = sb.toString(); return line; } /** * Processes a feature line. If it declares a feature type of interest * (currently, only CDS is processed), processes all of the associated lines * (feature qualifiers), and returns the next line after that, otherwise * simply returns the next line. * * @param line * the first line for the feature (with initial FT omitted for EMBL * format) * @return * @throws IOException */ protected String parseFeature(String line) throws IOException { String[] tokens = line.trim().split(WHITESPACE); if (tokens.length < 2 || !"CDS".equals(tokens[0])) { return nextLine(); } return parseCDSFeature(tokens[1]); } } /** * A data bean class to hold values parsed from one CDS Feature */ class CdsData { String translation; // from /translation qualifier String cdsLocation; // the raw value e.g. join(1..1234,2012..2837) int codonStart = 1; // from /codon_start qualifier String proteinName; // from /product qualifier; used for protein description String proteinId; // from /protein_id qualifier List xrefs = new ArrayList<>(); // from /db_xref qualifiers Map cdsProps = new Hashtable<>(); // other qualifiers }