/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.util; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.jfree.graphics2d.svg.SVGGraphics2D; import org.jfree.graphics2d.svg.SVGHints; import org.jibble.epsgraphics.EpsGraphics2D; import jalview.bin.Console; import jalview.io.JalviewFileChooser; import jalview.util.imagemaker.BitmapImageSizing; public class ImageMaker { public static final String SVG_DESCRIPTION = "Scalable Vector Graphics"; public static final String SVG_EXTENSION = "svg"; public static final String EPS_DESCRIPTION = "Encapsulated Postscript"; public static final String EPS_EXTENSION = "eps"; public static final String PNG_EXTENSION = "png"; public static final String PNG_DESCRIPTION = "Portable network graphics"; EpsGraphics2D pg; Graphics graphics; FileOutputStream out; BufferedImage bi; TYPE type; public enum TYPE { EPS("EPS", MessageManager.getString("label.eps_file"), EPS_EXTENSION, EPS_DESCRIPTION), PNG("PNG", MessageManager.getString("label.png_image"), PNG_EXTENSION, PNG_DESCRIPTION), SVG("SVG", "SVG", SVG_EXTENSION, SVG_DESCRIPTION); public final String name; public final String label; public final String extension; public final String description; TYPE(String name, String label, String ext, String desc) { this.name = name; this.label = label; this.extension = ext; this.description = desc; } public String getName() { return name; } public JalviewFileChooser getFileChooser() { return new JalviewFileChooser(extension, description); } public String getLabel() { return label; } } /** * Constructor configures the graphics context ready for writing to * * @param imageType * @param width * @param height * @param file * @param fileTitle * @param useLineart * @param bitmapscale * @throws IOException */ public ImageMaker(TYPE imageType, int width, int height, File file, String fileTitle, boolean useLineart, BitmapImageSizing userBis) throws IOException { this.type = imageType; out = new FileOutputStream(file); switch (imageType) { case SVG: setupSVG(width, height, useLineart); break; case EPS: setupEPS(width, height, fileTitle, useLineart); break; case PNG: setupPNG(width, height, userBis); break; default: } } public Graphics getGraphics() { return graphics; } /** * For SVG or PNG, writes the generated graphics data to the file output * stream. For EPS, flushes the output graphics (which is written to file as * it is generated). */ public void writeImage() { try { switch (type) { case EPS: pg.flush(); pg.close(); break; case SVG: String svgData = ((SVGGraphics2D) getGraphics()).getSVGDocument(); out.write(svgData.getBytes()); out.flush(); out.close(); break; case PNG: ImageIO.write(bi, PNG_EXTENSION, out); out.flush(); out.close(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Sets up a graphics object for the PNG image to be written on * * @param width * @param height * @param scale */ protected void setupPNG(int width, int height, BitmapImageSizing userBis) { if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; BitmapImageSizing bis = ImageMaker.getScaleWidthHeight(width, height, userBis); float usescale = bis.scale(); int usewidth = bis.width(); int useheight = bis.height(); bi = new BufferedImage(usewidth, useheight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); graphics = bi.getGraphics(); Graphics2D ig2 = (Graphics2D) graphics; ig2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); if (usescale > 0.0f) { ig2.scale(usescale, usescale); } } /** * A helper method to configure the SVG output graphics, with choice of Text * or Lineart character rendering * * @param width * @param height * @param useLineart * true for Lineart character rendering, false for Text */ protected void setupSVG(int width, int height, boolean useLineart) { SVGGraphics2D g2 = new SVGGraphics2D(width, height); if (useLineart) { g2.setRenderingHint(SVGHints.KEY_DRAW_STRING_TYPE, SVGHints.VALUE_DRAW_STRING_TYPE_VECTOR); } graphics = g2; } /** * A helper method that sets up the EPS graphics output with user choice of * Text or Lineart character rendering * * @param width * @param height * @param title * @param useLineart * true for Lineart character rendering, false for Text * @throws IOException */ protected void setupEPS(int width, int height, String title, boolean useLineart) throws IOException { pg = new EpsGraphics2D(title, out, 0, 0, width, height); Graphics2D ig2 = pg; ig2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); pg.setAccurateTextMode(useLineart); graphics = pg; } /** * Takes initial width and height, and suggested float scale, int width, int * height and create a bounding box returned as a BitmapImageSizing object * with consistent scale, width, height fields. * * @param width * The unscaled image width * @param height * The unscaled image height * @param scale * The suggested scaling * @param bitmapwidth * The suggested width * @param bitmapheight * The suggested height * @return BitmapImageSizing A consistent scale,width and height for the final * image */ public static BitmapImageSizing getScaleWidthHeight(int width, int height, float scale, int bitmapwidth, int bitmapheight) { float usescale = 0.0f; int usewidth = width; int useheight = height; if ((width == 0 && bitmapwidth > 0) || (height == 0 && bitmapheight > 0)) { // original image is zero sized! Avoid dividing by zero! return BitmapImageSizing.nullBitmapImageSizing(); } // use the smallest positive scale (i.e. fit in the box) if (scale > 0.0f) { usescale = scale; usewidth = Math.round(scale * width); useheight = Math.round(scale * height); } if (bitmapwidth > 0) { float wscale = (float) bitmapwidth / width; if (wscale > 0.0f && (usescale == 0.0f || wscale < usescale)) { usescale = wscale; usewidth = bitmapwidth; useheight = Math.round(usescale * height); } } if (bitmapheight > 0) { float hscale = (float) bitmapheight / height; if (hscale > 0.0f && (usescale == 0.0f || hscale < usescale)) { usescale = hscale; usewidth = Math.round(usescale * width); useheight = bitmapheight; } } return new BitmapImageSizing(usescale, usewidth, useheight, false); } /** * Takes suggested scale, width, height as a BitmapImageSizing object and * create a bounding box returned as a BitmapImageSizing object with * consistent scale, width, height fields. * * @param bis * @return BitmapImageSizing */ public static BitmapImageSizing getScaleWidthHeight(int width, int height, BitmapImageSizing bis) { return ImageMaker.getScaleWidthHeight(width, height, bis.scale(), bis.width(), bis.height()); } /** * Takes String versions of suggested float scale, int width, int height and * create a bounding box returned as a BitmapImageSizing object with * consistent scale, width, height fields. * * @param scaleS * @param widthS * @param heightS * @return BitmapImageSizing */ public static BitmapImageSizing parseScaleWidthHeightStrings( String scaleS, String widthS, String heightS) { if (scaleS == null && widthS == null && heightS == null) { // if all items are null (i.e. not provided) we use the dynamic // preferences set BIS return BitmapImageSizing.defaultBitmapImageSizing(); } float scale = 0.0f; int width = 0; int height = 0; if (scaleS != null) { try { scale = Float.parseFloat(scaleS); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Console.warn("Did not understand scale '" + scaleS + "', won't be used."); } } if (widthS != null) { try { width = Integer.parseInt(widthS); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Console.warn("Did not understand width '" + widthS + "', won't be used."); } } if (heightS != null) { try { height = Integer.parseInt(heightS); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Console.warn("Did not understand height '" + heightS + "', won't be used."); } } return new BitmapImageSizing(scale, width, height, false); } }