package fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.templates; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.treealign.RNANodeValue; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.treealign.RNANodeValue2; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.treealign.TreeAlignLabelDistanceAsymmetric; /** * Distance between an RNANodeValue2 and an RNANodeValueTemplate. * * @author Raphael Champeimont * */ public class RNANodeValue2TemplateDistance implements TreeAlignLabelDistanceAsymmetric { public double delete(RNANodeValue2 v) { if (v == null) { // deleting nothing costs nothing return 0; } else { if (v.isSingleNode()) { if (v.getNode().getRightBasePosition() < 0) { // delete one base (that comes from a broken base pair) return 1; } else { // delete a base pair return 2; } } else { // delete a sequence return v.getNodes().size(); } } } public double insert(RNANodeValueTemplate v) { if (v == null) { // inserting nothing costs nothing return 0; } else { if (v instanceof RNANodeValueTemplateSequence) { return ((RNANodeValueTemplateSequence) v).getSequence().getLength(); } else if (v instanceof RNANodeValueTemplateBrokenBasePair) { // insert one base return 1; } else { // this is a base pair // delete the base pair return 2; } } } public double f(RNANodeValue2 v1, RNANodeValueTemplate v2) { if (v1 == null) { return insert(v2); } else if (v2 == null) { return delete(v1); } else if (!v1.isSingleNode()) { // v1 is a sequence if (v2 instanceof RNANodeValueTemplateSequence) { // the cost is the difference between the sequence lengths return Math.abs(v1.getNodes().size() - ((RNANodeValueTemplateSequence) v2).getSequence().getLength()); } else { // a sequence cannot be changed in something else return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } else if (v1.getNode().getRightBasePosition() >= 0) { // v1 is a base pair if (v2 instanceof RNANodeValueTemplateBasePair) { // ok, a base pair can be mapped to a base pair return 0; } else { // a base pair cannot be changed in something else return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } else { // v1 is a broken base pair if (v2 instanceof RNANodeValueTemplateBrokenBasePair) { RNANodeValueTemplateBrokenBasePair brokenBasePair = ((RNANodeValueTemplateBrokenBasePair) v2); boolean strand5onTemplateSide = brokenBasePair.getPositionInHelix() < brokenBasePair.getHelix().getLength(); boolean strand3onTemplateSide = ! strand5onTemplateSide; boolean strand5onRNASide = (v1.getNode().getOrigin() == RNANodeValue.Origin.BASE_FROM_HELIX_STRAND5); boolean strand3onRNASide = (v1.getNode().getOrigin() == RNANodeValue.Origin.BASE_FROM_HELIX_STRAND3); if ((strand5onTemplateSide && strand5onRNASide) || (strand3onTemplateSide && strand3onRNASide)) { // Ok they can be mapped together return 0.0; } else { // A base on a 5' strand of an helix // cannot be mapped to base on a 3' strand of an helix return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } else { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } } }