#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; my $fileformats = $ARGV[0]; $fileformats = "../../src/jalview/io/FileFormat.java" unless $fileformats; # default mimetype will be text/x-$shortname # TODO: find an actual extension for mat, see JAL-Xxxxx for outstanding issues too # TODO: look up standard mime type used for BLASTfmt matrices, etc my $mimetypes = { rnaml => "application/rnaml+xml", biojson => "application/x-jalview-biojson+json", jnet => "application/x-jalview-jnet+text", features => "application/x-jalview-features+text", scorematrix => "application/x-jalview-scorematrix+text", pdb => "chemical/x-pdb", mmcif => "chemical/x-cif", mmcif2 => "chemical/x-mmcif", jalview => "application/x-jalview+xml+zip", #jvl => "application/x-jalview-jvl+text", annotations => "application/x-jalview-annotations+text", }; my @dontaddshortname = qw(features json); my @dontaddextension = qw(html xml json jar mfa fastq); my $add_associations = { biojson => {shortname=>"biojson",name=>"BioJSON",extensions=>["biojson"]}, gff2 => {shortname=>"gff2",name=>"Generic Features Format v2",extensions=>["gff2"]}, gff3 => {shortname=>"gff3",name=>"Generic Features Format v3",extensions=>["gff3"]}, features => {shortname=>"features",name=>"Jalview Features",extensions=>["features","jvfeatures"]}, annotations => {shortname=>"annotations",name=>"Jalview Annotations",extensions=>["annotations","jvannotations"]}, mmcif => {shortname=>"mmcif",name=>"CIF",extensions=>["cif"]}, mmcif2 => {shortname=>"mmcif2",name=>"mmCIF",extensions=>["mcif","mmcif"]}, #jvl => {shortname=>"jvl",name=>"Jalview Launch",extensions=>["jvl"],iconfile=>"jalview-launch"}, jnet => {shortname=>"jnet",name=>"JnetFile",extensions=>["concise","jnet"]}, scorematrix => {shortname=>"scorematrix",name=>"Substitution Matrix",extensions=>["mat"]}, }; my $add_extensions = { blc => ["blc"], }; my @put_first = qw(jalview jvl); my @non_primary = qw(mmcif mmcif2 pdb); my $mailcaptemplatefile = "file_associations_template-mailcap.txt"; my $mailcaptemplate; my $sharedmimeinfotemplatefile = "file_associations_template-shared-mime-info.xml"; my $sharedmimeinfotemplate; open(SMT,"<$sharedmimeinfotemplatefile") or die("Could not open '$sharedmimeinfotemplatefile' for reading"); while(){ $sharedmimeinfotemplate .= $_; } close(SMT); open(MCT,"<$mailcaptemplatefile") or die("Could not open '$mailcaptemplatefile' for reading"); while(){ $mailcaptemplate .= $_; } close(MCT); my $sharedmimeinfoauto; my $mailcapauto; # this file should go in /usr/share/mime/packages my $sharedmimeinfoautofile = "debian/jalview-mime.xml"; # this file should go in /usr/lib/mime/packages my $mailcapautofile = "debian/jalview-mailcap"; # this should be part of the jalview.desktop file that goes in /usr/shares/applications my $desktopfile = "debian/jalview.desktop"; my $MimeType = ""; for my $key (sort keys %$add_associations) { my $a = $add_associations->{$key}; warn("Known file association for $a->{shortname} (".join(",",@{$a->{extensions}}).")\n"); } open(SMI,">$sharedmimeinfoautofile") or die ("Could not open '$sharedmimeinfoautofile' for writing"); open(MCA,">$mailcapautofile") or die ("Could not open '$mailcapautofile' for writing"); open(IN, "<$fileformats") or die ("Could not open '$fileformats' for reading"); my $id = 10000; my $file_associations = {}; while(my $line = ) { $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; $line =~ s/(^ | $)//g; if ($line =~ m/^(\w+) ?\( ?"([^"]*)" ?, ?"([^"]*)" ?, ?(true|false) ?, ?(true|false) ?\)$/i) { my $shortname = lc($1); next if (grep($_ eq $shortname, @dontaddshortname)); my $name = $2; my $extensions = $3; $extensions =~ s/\s+//g; my @possextensions = map(lc($_),split(m/,/,$extensions)); my @extensions; my $addext = $add_extensions->{$shortname}; if (ref($addext) eq "ARRAY") { push(@possextensions, @$addext); } for my $possext (@possextensions) { next if grep($_ eq $possext, @extensions); next if grep($_ eq $possext, @dontaddextension); push(@extensions,$possext); } next unless scalar(@extensions); $file_associations->{$shortname} = { shortname => $shortname, name => $name, extensions => \@extensions }; warn("Reading file association for $shortname (".join(",",@extensions).")\n"); } } close(IN); my %all_associations = (%$file_associations, %$add_associations); my @ordered = (@put_first, @non_primary); for my $key (sort keys %all_associations) { next if grep($_ eq $key, @ordered); push(@ordered, $key); } my $num = $#ordered + 1; warn("--\n"); print SMI qq(\n\n\n); my $mailcapcount = 0; for my $shortname (@ordered) { my $a = $all_associations{$shortname}; next if (ref($a) ne "HASH"); my $name = $a->{name}; my $extensions = $a->{extensions}; my $mimetype = $mimetypes->{$shortname}; $mimetype = "application/x-$shortname+txt" unless $mimetype; $MimeType .= $MimeType?";":""; $MimeType .= $mimetype; my $iconfile = $a->{iconfile}; $iconfile = "jalview-file" unless $iconfile; my $primary = (! grep($_ eq $shortname, @non_primary)); my $primarystring = $primary?"true":"false"; my $role = $primary?"Editor":"Viewer"; my $priority = $primary?9:4; $priority = 10 if $mimetype =~ m/\bjalview\b/; my @extensions = @$extensions; my $extension0 = $extensions[0]; my $xname = xml_escape($name); my $xmimetype = xml_escape($mimetype); my $xshortname = xml_escape($shortname); my $xiconfile = xml_escape($iconfile); my $xrole = xml_escape($role); my $xROLE = xml_escape(uc($role)); my $xprimarystring = xml_escape($primarystring); my $sharedmimeinfoentry = $sharedmimeinfotemplate; $sharedmimeinfoentry =~ s/\$\$NAME\$\$/$xname/g; $sharedmimeinfoentry =~ s/\$\$SHORTNAME\$\$/$xshortname/g; $sharedmimeinfoentry =~ s/\$\$MIMETYPE\$\$/$xmimetype/g; $sharedmimeinfoentry =~ s/\$\$ICONFILE\$\$/$xiconfile/g; $sharedmimeinfoentry =~ s/\$\$ROLE\$\$/$xrole/g; $sharedmimeinfoentry =~ s/\$\$PRIMARY\$\$/$xprimarystring/g; $sharedmimeinfoentry =~ s/\$\$PRIORITY\$\$/$priority/g; while ($sharedmimeinfoentry =~ m/\$\$([^\$]*)EXTENSIONS([^\$]*)\$\$/) { my $pre = $1; my $post = $2; my $sharedmimeinfoextensions; for my $ext (@extensions) { my $xext = xml_escape($ext); $sharedmimeinfoextensions .= $pre.$xext.$post; } my $prere = $pre; $prere =~ s/([\*\.])/\\\1/g; my $postre = $post; $postre =~ s/([\*\.])/\\\1/g; $sharedmimeinfoentry =~ s/\$\$${prere}EXTENSIONS${postre}\$\$/$sharedmimeinfoextensions/gs; } print SMI $sharedmimeinfoentry; my $mailcapentry = $mailcaptemplate; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$NAME\$\$/$xname/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$SHORTNAME\$\$/$xshortname/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$MIMETYPE\$\$/$xmimetype/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$ICONFILE\$\$/$xiconfile/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$PRIMARY\$\$/$xprimarystring/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$MACASSOCIATIONROLE\$\$/$xROLE/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$EXTENSION\$\$/$extension0/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$PRIORITY\$\$/$priority/g; my $ext = join(",",sort(@extensions)); my $xdisplayext = xml_escape(join(", ", map(".$_",sort(@extensions)))); my $progresspercent = int(($mailcapcount/$num)*100); $progresspercent = 100 if $progresspercent > 100; $mailcapcount++; my $xext = xml_escape($ext); my $addunixextension = "true"; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$ADDUNIXEXTENSION\$\$/$addunixextension/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$EXTENSION\$\$/$xext/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$DISPLAYEXTENSION\$\$/$xdisplayext/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$PROGRESSPERCENT\$\$/$progresspercent/g; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$ID\$\$/$id/g; $id++; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$ID1\$\$/$id/g; $id++; $mailcapentry =~ s/\$\$ID2\$\$/$id/g; $id++; print MCA $mailcapentry; delete $all_associations{$shortname}; warn("Writing entry for $name (".join(",",@$extensions).": $mimetype)\n"); } print SMI "\n"; close(MCA); close(SMI); open(D,">$desktopfile") or die ("Could not open '$desktopfile' for writing"); print D qq([Desktop Entry] Version=1.1 Type=Application Name=Jalview Comment=Multiple Sequence Alignment Editor Icon=jalview-icon Type=Application TryExec=jalview Exec=jalview %u Terminal=false Categories=Science;Biology; Keywords=alignment;sequence; MimeType=${MimeType} ); close(D); sub xml_escape { my $x = shift; # stolen from Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream in base distro $x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}a-zA-Z0-9])/'&#'.(ord($1)).';'/eg; return $x; }