package; import java.util.List; import javax.jws.WebService; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import compbio.metadata.JobSubmissionException; import compbio.metadata.LimitExceededException; import compbio.metadata.Option; import compbio.metadata.Preset; import compbio.metadata.UnsupportedRuntimeException; import compbio.metadata.WrongParameterException; import compbio.runner.disorder.Disembl; @WebService(endpointInterface = "", targetNamespace = "", serviceName = "DisemblWS") public class DisemblWS extends SAService implements SequenceAnnotation { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DisemblWS.class); public DisemblWS() { super(new Disembl(), log); } /* * No options are supported, thus the result of this call will be as simple * call to analize without parameters */ @Override public String customAnalize(List sequences, List> options) throws UnsupportedRuntimeException, LimitExceededException, JobSubmissionException, WrongParameterException { return analize(sequences); } /* * No presets are supported, thus the result of this call will be as simple * call to analize without parameters */ @Override public String presetAnalize(List sequences, Preset preset) throws UnsupportedRuntimeException, LimitExceededException, JobSubmissionException, WrongParameterException { return analize(sequences); } }