# Copyright 2002 by Andrew Dalke. # All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Decode elements from a Std/Martel parsed XML stream (OBSOLETE). Andrew Dalke is no longer maintaining Martel or Bio.Mindy, and these modules (and therefore Bio.Decode) have been deprecated. They are no longer used in any of the current Biopython parsers, and are likely to be removed in a future release.""" import warnings warnings.warn("Martel and those parts of Biopython depending on it" \ +" directly (such as Bio.Mindy and Bio.Decode) are now" \ +" deprecated, and will be removed in a future release of"\ +" Biopython. If you want to continue to use this code,"\ +" please get in contact with the Biopython developers via"\ +" the mailing lists to avoid its permanent removal from"\ +" Biopython.", \ DeprecationWarning) import string from Bio.Parsers.spark import GenericScanner, GenericParser def unescape_C(s): result = [] for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] != "\\": result.append(s[i]) continue c = s[i+1:i+2] if c == "x": x = s[i+2:i+4] if len(x) != 2: raise ValueError("invalid \\x escape") i = int(x, 16) result.append(chr(i)) continue if c in "01234567": x = s[i+1:i+4] # \octals don't do a length assertion check i = int(x, 8) result.append(chr(i)) continue result.append(c) return "".join(result) def join_english(fields): if not fields: return "" s = fields[0] for field in fields[1:]: if s[-1:] == "-" and s[-3:-2] == "-": s = s + field continue if s.find(" ") == -1 and field.find(" ") == -1: s = s + field continue s = s + " " + field return (" ".join(s.split())).strip() def chomp(s, c): if s[-1:] == c: return s[:-1] return s def lchomp(s, c): if s[:1] == c: return s[1:] return s def chompchomp(s, c): if s[:1] == c and s[-1:] == c: return s[1:-1] return s def fixspaces(s): # s.split breaks down to a list of words # " ".join puts them together # strip removes leading and trailing spaces return " ".join(s.split()).strip() def join_fixspaces(lines): return " ".join((" ".join(lines)).split()).strip() def tr(s, frm, to): table = string.maketrans(frm, to) return s.translate(table) def safe_int(s): """converts to int if the number is small, long if it's large""" try: return int(s) except ValueError: return long(s) decode_functions = { "chomp": (chomp, str, str), "chompchomp": (chompchomp, str, str), "chop": (lambda s: s[:-1], str, str), "chopchop": (lambda s: s[1:-1], str, str), "fixspaces": (fixspaces, str, str), "lchomp": (lchomp, str, str), "lchop": (lambda s: s[1:], str, str), "lower": (lambda s: s.lower(), str, str), "lstrip": (lambda s: s.lstrip(), str, str), "replace": (lambda s, old, new: s.replace(old, new), str, str), "rstrip": (lambda s: s.rstrip(), str, str), "str": (str, str, str), "strip": (lambda s: s.strip(), str, str), "tr": (tr, str, str), "unescape.c": (unescape_C, str, str), "unescape.doublequote": (lambda s: s.replace('""', '"'), str, str), "unescape.singlequote": (lambda s: s.replace("''", "'"), str, str), "upper": (lambda s: s.upper(), str, str), # List operations "join": (lambda lst, s = " ": s.join(lst), list, str), "join.english": (join_english, list, str), # Integer operations "int": (safe_int, [float, str, int], int), "int.comma": (lambda s: safe_int(s.replace(",", "")), [float, str, int], int), "hex": (hex, str, int), "oct": (oct, str, int), "add": ((lambda i, j: i+j), int, int), # Float operations "float": (float, (float, str, int), float), } def _fixup_defs(): # Normalize so the 2nd and 3rd terms are tuples for k, v in decode_functions.items(): f, in_types, out_types = v if isinstance(in_types, type([])): in_types = tuple(in_types) elif not isinstance(in_types, type( () )): in_types = (in_types,) if isinstance(out_types, type([])): out_types = tuple(out_types) elif not isinstance(out_types, type( () )): out_types = (out_types,) decode_functions[k] = (f, in_types, out_types) _fixup_defs() class Token: def __init__(self, type): self.type = type def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.type, other) def __repr__(self): return "Token(%r)" % (self.type,) class ValueToken(Token): def __init__(self, type, val): Token.__init__(self, type) self.val = val def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.type, other) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.val) def __str__(self): return str(self.val) class Integer(ValueToken): def __init__(self, val): ValueToken.__init__(self, "integer", val) class Float(ValueToken): def __init__(self, val): ValueToken.__init__(self, "float", val) class String(ValueToken): def __init__(self, val): ValueToken.__init__(self, "string", val) class FunctionName(ValueToken): def __init__(self, val): ValueToken.__init__(self, "functionname", val) class DecodeScanner(GenericScanner): def __init__(self): GenericScanner.__init__(self) def tokenize(self, input): self.rv = [] GenericScanner.tokenize(self, input) return self.rv def t_functionname(self, input): r" \w+(\.\w+)*" self.rv.append(FunctionName(input)) def t_pipe(self, input): r" \| " self.rv.append(Token("pipe")) def t_open_paren(self, input): r" \( " self.rv.append(Token("open_paren")) def t_close_paren(self, input): r" \) " self.rv.append(Token("close_paren")) def t_comma(self, input): r" , " self.rv.append(Token("comma")) def t_whitespace(self, input): r" \s+ " pass def t_string(self, input): r""" "([^"\\]+|\\.)*"|'([^'\\]+|\\.)*' """ # "' # emacs cruft s = input[1:-1] s = unescape_C(s) self.rv.append(String(s)) def t_float(self, input): r""" [+-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? """ # See if this is an integer try: self.rv.append(Integer(safe_int(input))) except ValueError: self.rv.append(Float(float(input))) class Function: def __init__(self, name, args = ()): self.name = name self.args = args def __str__(self): args = self.args if not args: s = "" else: s = str(args)[1:-1] return "%s(x, %s)" % (self.name, s) __repr__ = __str__ class DecodeParser(GenericParser): def __init__(self, start = "expression"): GenericParser.__init__(self, start) self.begin_pos = 0 def p_expression(self, args): """ expression ::= term expression ::= term pipe expression """ if len(args) == 1: return [args[0]] return [args[0]] + args[2] def p_term(self, args): """ term ::= functionname term ::= functionname open_paren args close_paren """ if len(args) == 1: return Function(args[0].val) return Function(args[0].val, tuple([x.val for x in args[2]])) def p_args(self, args): """ args ::= arg args ::= arg comma args """ if len(args) == 1: return [args[0]] return [args[0]] + args[2] def p_arg(self, args): """ arg ::= string arg ::= integer arg ::= float """ return args[0] def scan(input): scanner = DecodeScanner() return scanner.tokenize(input) def parse(tokens): parser = DecodeParser() return parser.parse(tokens) _decoder_cache = {} class FunctionCall: def __init__(self, f, args): self.f = f self.args = args def __call__(self, x): return self.f(x, *self.args) class FunctionCallChain: def __init__(self, inner_f, f, args): self.inner_f = inner_f self.f = f self.args = args def __call__(self, x): return self.f(self.inner_f(x), *self.args) #### I don't think this is the right way to do things ##class CheckTypes: ## def __init__(self, f, call_types, return_types): ## self.f = f ## self.call_types = call_types ## self.return_types = return_types ## def __call__(self, x): ## if self.call_types is not None: ## for T in self.call_types: ## if isinstance(x, T): ## break ## else: ## raise TypeError( ## "Call value %s of type %s, expecting one of %s" % ## (x, type(x).__name__, ## [T.name for T in self.call_types])) ## y = self.f(x) ## if not self.return_types: ## return y ## for T in self.return_types: ## if isinstance(y, T): ## return y ## raise TypeError("Return value %s of type %s, expecting one of %s" % ## (y, type(y).__name__, ## [T.name for T in self.return_types])) def make_decoder(s): try: return _decoder_cache[s] except KeyError: pass functions = parse(scan(s)) f = functions[0] fc = decode_functions[f.name][0] args = f.args if args: fc = FunctionCall(fc, args) for f in functions[1:]: fc = FunctionCallChain(fc, decode_functions[f.name][0], f.args) _decoder_cache[s] = fc return fc def _verify_subtypes(subset, total, old_name, new_name): for x in subset: if x not in total: raise TypeError("%s can produce a %r value not accepted by %s" % (old_name, x.__name__, new_name)) _typechecked_decoder_cache = {} def make_typechecked_decoder(s, input_types = None, output_types = None): cache_lookup = (s, input_types, output_types) try: return _typechecked_decoder_cache[cache_lookup] except KeyError: pass if input_types is not None and not isinstance(input_types, type( () )): input_types = (input_types,) if output_types is not None and not isinstance(output_types, type( () )): output_types = (output_types,) functions = parse(scan(s)) # Make sure the input type(s) are allowed f = functions[0] fc, in_types, out_types = decode_functions[f.name] if input_types is not None: for x in input_types: if x not in in_types: raise TypeError( "the input type includes %r which isn't supported by %s" % (x.__name__, f.name)) # Do the composition old_name = f.name input_types = out_types args = functions[0].args if args: fc = FunctionCall(fc, args) for f in functions[1:]: transform_func, in_types, out_types = decode_functions[f.name] _verify_subtypes(input_types, in_types, old_name, f.name) old_name = f.name input_types = out_types fc = FunctionCallChain(fc, transform_func, f.args) if output_types is not None: _verify_subtypes(input_types, output_types, old_name, "the output") _typechecked_decoder_cache[cache_lookup] = fc return fc def test(): assert make_decoder("chop")("Andrew") == "Andre" assert make_decoder("int")("9") == 9 assert make_decoder('join(" ")')(["Andrew", "Dalke"]) == \ "Andrew Dalke" assert make_decoder('chomp("|")')("|test|") == "|test" assert make_decoder('chomp("|")')("|test") == "|test" assert make_decoder('chomp("A")|chop')("BA") == "" assert make_decoder('chomp("A")|chop')("AB") == "A" assert make_decoder('chop|chomp("A")')("AB") == "" assert make_decoder('chop|chomp("A")')("BA") == "B" assert make_decoder('add(5)')(2) == 7 assert make_decoder('add(-2)')(5) == 3 if __name__ == "__main__": test()