#include "muscle.h" #include "msa.h" #include "textfile.h" #include "seq.h" #include const unsigned DEFAULT_SEQ_LENGTH = 500; unsigned MSA::m_uIdCount = 0; MSA::MSA() { m_uSeqCount = 0; m_uColCount = 0; m_szSeqs = 0; m_szNames = 0; m_Weights = 0; m_IdToSeqIndex = 0; m_SeqIndexToId = 0; m_uCacheSeqCount = 0; m_uCacheSeqLength = 0; } MSA::~MSA() { Free(); } void MSA::Free() { for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_uSeqCount; ++n) { delete[] m_szSeqs[n]; delete[] m_szNames[n]; } delete[] m_szSeqs; delete[] m_szNames; delete[] m_Weights; delete[] m_IdToSeqIndex; delete[] m_SeqIndexToId; m_uSeqCount = 0; m_uColCount = 0; m_szSeqs = 0; m_szNames = 0; m_Weights = 0; m_IdToSeqIndex = 0; m_SeqIndexToId = 0; } void MSA::SetSize(unsigned uSeqCount, unsigned uColCount) { Free(); m_uSeqCount = uSeqCount; m_uCacheSeqLength = uColCount; m_uColCount = 0; if (0 == uSeqCount && 0 == uColCount) return; m_szSeqs = new char *[uSeqCount]; m_szNames = new char *[uSeqCount]; m_Weights = new WEIGHT[uSeqCount]; for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex] = new char[uColCount+1]; m_szNames[uSeqIndex] = 0; #if DEBUG m_Weights[uSeqIndex] = BTInsane; memset(m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex], '?', uColCount); #endif m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex][uColCount] = 0; } if (m_uIdCount > 0) { m_IdToSeqIndex = new unsigned[m_uIdCount]; m_SeqIndexToId = new unsigned[m_uSeqCount]; #if DEBUG memset(m_IdToSeqIndex, 0xff, m_uIdCount*sizeof(unsigned)); memset(m_SeqIndexToId, 0xff, m_uSeqCount*sizeof(unsigned)); #endif } } void MSA::LogMe() const { if (0 == GetColCount()) { Log("MSA empty\n"); return; } const unsigned uColsPerLine = 50; unsigned uLinesPerSeq = (GetColCount() - 1)/uColsPerLine + 1; for (unsigned n = 0; n < uLinesPerSeq; ++n) { unsigned i; unsigned iStart = n*uColsPerLine; unsigned iEnd = GetColCount(); if (iEnd - iStart + 1 > uColsPerLine) iEnd = iStart + uColsPerLine; Log(" "); for (i = iStart; i < iEnd; ++i) Log("%u", i%10); Log("\n"); Log(" "); for (i = iStart; i + 9 < iEnd; i += 10) Log("%-10u", i); if (n == uLinesPerSeq - 1) Log(" %-10u", GetColCount()); Log("\n"); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { Log("%12.12s", m_szNames[uSeqIndex]); if (m_Weights[uSeqIndex] != BTInsane) Log(" (%5.3f)", m_Weights[uSeqIndex]); else Log(" "); Log(" "); for (i = iStart; i < iEnd; ++i) Log("%c", GetChar(uSeqIndex, i)); if (0 != m_SeqIndexToId) Log(" [%5u]", m_SeqIndexToId[uSeqIndex]); Log("\n"); } Log("\n\n"); } } char MSA::GetChar(unsigned uSeqIndex, unsigned uIndex) const { // TODO: Performance cost? if (uSeqIndex >= m_uSeqCount || uIndex >= m_uColCount) Quit("MSA::GetChar(%u/%u,%u/%u)", uSeqIndex, m_uSeqCount, uIndex, m_uColCount); char c = m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex][uIndex]; // assert(IsLegalChar(c)); return c; } unsigned MSA::GetLetter(unsigned uSeqIndex, unsigned uIndex) const { // TODO: Performance cost? char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, uIndex); unsigned uLetter = CharToLetter(c); if (uLetter >= 20) { char c = ' '; if (uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount && uIndex < m_uColCount) c = m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex][uIndex]; Quit("MSA::GetLetter(%u/%u, %u/%u)='%c'/%u", uSeqIndex, m_uSeqCount, uIndex, m_uColCount, c, uLetter); } return uLetter; } unsigned MSA::GetLetterEx(unsigned uSeqIndex, unsigned uIndex) const { // TODO: Performance cost? char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, uIndex); unsigned uLetter = CharToLetterEx(c); return uLetter; } void MSA::SetSeqName(unsigned uSeqIndex, const char szName[]) { if (uSeqIndex >= m_uSeqCount) Quit("MSA::SetSeqName(%u, %s), count=%u", uSeqIndex, m_uSeqCount); delete[] m_szNames[uSeqIndex]; int n = (int) strlen(szName) + 1; m_szNames[uSeqIndex] = new char[n]; memcpy(m_szNames[uSeqIndex], szName, n); } const char *MSA::GetSeqName(unsigned uSeqIndex) const { if (uSeqIndex >= m_uSeqCount) Quit("MSA::GetSeqName(%u), count=%u", uSeqIndex, m_uSeqCount); return m_szNames[uSeqIndex]; } bool MSA::IsGap(unsigned uSeqIndex, unsigned uIndex) const { char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, uIndex); return IsGapChar(c); } bool MSA::IsWildcard(unsigned uSeqIndex, unsigned uIndex) const { char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, uIndex); return IsWildcardChar(c); } void MSA::SetChar(unsigned uSeqIndex, unsigned uIndex, char c) { if (uSeqIndex >= m_uSeqCount || uIndex > m_uCacheSeqLength) Quit("MSA::SetChar(%u,%u)", uSeqIndex, uIndex); if (uIndex == m_uCacheSeqLength) { const unsigned uNewCacheSeqLength = m_uCacheSeqLength + DEFAULT_SEQ_LENGTH; for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_uSeqCount; ++n) { char *ptrNewSeq = new char[uNewCacheSeqLength+1]; memcpy(ptrNewSeq, m_szSeqs[n], m_uCacheSeqLength); memset(ptrNewSeq + m_uCacheSeqLength, '?', DEFAULT_SEQ_LENGTH); ptrNewSeq[uNewCacheSeqLength] = 0; delete[] m_szSeqs[n]; m_szSeqs[n] = ptrNewSeq; } m_uColCount = uIndex; m_uCacheSeqLength = uNewCacheSeqLength; } if (uIndex >= m_uColCount) m_uColCount = uIndex + 1; m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex][uIndex] = c; } void MSA::GetSeq(unsigned uSeqIndex, Seq &seq) const { assert(uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); seq.Clear(); for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_uColCount; ++n) if (!IsGap(uSeqIndex, n)) { char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, n); if (!isalpha(c)) Quit("Invalid character '%c' in sequence", c); c = toupper(c); seq.push_back(c); } const char *ptrName = GetSeqName(uSeqIndex); seq.SetName(ptrName); } bool MSA::HasGap() const { for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex) for (unsigned n = 0; n < GetColCount(); ++n) if (IsGap(uSeqIndex, n)) return true; return false; } bool MSA::IsLegalLetter(unsigned uLetter) const { return uLetter < 20; } void MSA::SetSeqCount(unsigned uSeqCount) { Free(); SetSize(uSeqCount, DEFAULT_SEQ_LENGTH); } void MSA::CopyCol(unsigned uFromCol, unsigned uToCol) { assert(uFromCol < GetColCount()); assert(uToCol < GetColCount()); if (uFromCol == uToCol) return; for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex) { const char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, uFromCol); SetChar(uSeqIndex, uToCol, c); } } void MSA::Copy(const MSA &msa) { Free(); const unsigned uSeqCount = msa.GetSeqCount(); const unsigned uColCount = msa.GetColCount(); SetSize(uSeqCount, uColCount); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { SetSeqName(uSeqIndex, msa.GetSeqName(uSeqIndex)); const unsigned uId = msa.GetSeqId(uSeqIndex); SetSeqId(uSeqIndex, uId); for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uColCount; ++uColIndex) { const char c = msa.GetChar(uSeqIndex, uColIndex); SetChar(uSeqIndex, uColIndex, c); } } } bool MSA::IsGapColumn(unsigned uColIndex) const { assert(GetSeqCount() > 0); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex) if (!IsGap(uSeqIndex, uColIndex)) return false; return true; } bool MSA::GetSeqIndex(const char *ptrSeqName, unsigned *ptruSeqIndex) const { for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex) if (0 == stricmp(ptrSeqName, GetSeqName(uSeqIndex))) { *ptruSeqIndex = uSeqIndex; return true; } return false; } void MSA::DeleteCol(unsigned uColIndex) { assert(uColIndex < m_uColCount); size_t n = m_uColCount - uColIndex; if (n > 0) { for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex) { char *ptrSeq = m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex]; memmove(ptrSeq + uColIndex, ptrSeq + uColIndex + 1, n); } } --m_uColCount; } void MSA::DeleteColumns(unsigned uColIndex, unsigned uColCount) { for (unsigned n = 0; n < uColCount; ++n) DeleteCol(uColIndex); } void MSA::FromFile(TextFile &File) { FromFASTAFile(File); } // Weights sum to 1, WCounts sum to NIC WEIGHT MSA::GetSeqWeight(unsigned uSeqIndex) const { assert(uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); WEIGHT w = m_Weights[uSeqIndex]; if (w == wInsane) Quit("Seq weight not set"); return w; } void MSA::SetSeqWeight(unsigned uSeqIndex, WEIGHT w) const { assert(uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); m_Weights[uSeqIndex] = w; } void MSA::NormalizeWeights(WEIGHT wDesiredTotal) const { WEIGHT wTotal = 0; for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) wTotal += m_Weights[uSeqIndex]; if (0 == wTotal) return; const WEIGHT f = wDesiredTotal/wTotal; for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) m_Weights[uSeqIndex] *= f; } void MSA::CalcWeights() const { Quit("Calc weights not implemented"); } static void FmtChar(char c, unsigned uWidth) { Log("%c", c); for (unsigned n = 0; n < uWidth - 1; ++n) Log(" "); } static void FmtInt(unsigned u, unsigned uWidth) { static char szStr[1024]; assert(uWidth < sizeof(szStr)); if (u > 0) sprintf(szStr, "%u", u); else strcpy(szStr, "."); Log(szStr); unsigned n = (unsigned) strlen(szStr); if (n < uWidth) for (unsigned i = 0; i < uWidth - n; ++i) Log(" "); } static void FmtInt0(unsigned u, unsigned uWidth) { static char szStr[1024]; assert(uWidth < sizeof(szStr)); sprintf(szStr, "%u", u); Log(szStr); unsigned n = (unsigned) strlen(szStr); if (n < uWidth) for (unsigned i = 0; i < uWidth - n; ++i) Log(" "); } static void FmtPad(unsigned n) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) Log(" "); } void MSA::FromSeq(const Seq &s) { unsigned uSeqLength = s.Length(); SetSize(1, uSeqLength); SetSeqName(0, s.GetName()); if (0 != m_SeqIndexToId) SetSeqId(0, s.GetId()); for (unsigned n = 0; n < uSeqLength; ++n) SetChar(0, n, s[n]); } unsigned MSA::GetCharCount(unsigned uSeqIndex, unsigned uColIndex) const { assert(uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount()); assert(uColIndex < GetColCount()); unsigned uCol = 0; for (unsigned n = 0; n <= uColIndex; ++n) if (!IsGap(uSeqIndex, n)) ++uCol; return uCol; } void MSA::CopySeq(unsigned uToSeqIndex, const MSA &msaFrom, unsigned uFromSeqIndex) { assert(uToSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); const unsigned uColCount = msaFrom.GetColCount(); assert(m_uColCount == uColCount || (0 == m_uColCount && uColCount <= m_uCacheSeqLength)); memcpy(m_szSeqs[uToSeqIndex], msaFrom.GetSeqBuffer(uFromSeqIndex), uColCount); SetSeqName(uToSeqIndex, msaFrom.GetSeqName(uFromSeqIndex)); if (0 == m_uColCount) m_uColCount = uColCount; } const char *MSA::GetSeqBuffer(unsigned uSeqIndex) const { assert(uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); return m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex]; } void MSA::DeleteSeq(unsigned uSeqIndex) { assert(uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); delete m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex]; delete m_szNames[uSeqIndex]; const unsigned uBytesToMove = (m_uSeqCount - uSeqIndex)*sizeof(char *); if (uBytesToMove > 0) { memmove(m_szSeqs + uSeqIndex, m_szSeqs + uSeqIndex + 1, uBytesToMove); memmove(m_szNames + uSeqIndex, m_szNames + uSeqIndex + 1, uBytesToMove); } --m_uSeqCount; delete[] m_Weights; m_Weights = 0; } bool MSA::IsEmptyCol(unsigned uColIndex) const { const unsigned uSeqCount = GetSeqCount(); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) if (!IsGap(uSeqIndex, uColIndex)) return false; return true; } //void MSA::DeleteEmptyCols(bool bProgress) // { // unsigned uColCount = GetColCount(); // for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uColCount; ++uColIndex) // { // if (IsEmptyCol(uColIndex)) // { // if (bProgress) // { // Log("Deleting col %u of %u\n", uColIndex, uColCount); // printf("Deleting col %u of %u\n", uColIndex, uColCount); // } // DeleteCol(uColIndex); // --uColCount; // } // } // } unsigned MSA::AlignedColIndexToColIndex(unsigned uAlignedColIndex) const { Quit("MSA::AlignedColIndexToColIndex not implemented"); return 0; } WEIGHT MSA::GetTotalSeqWeight() const { WEIGHT wTotal = 0; const unsigned uSeqCount = GetSeqCount(); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) wTotal += m_Weights[uSeqIndex]; return wTotal; } bool MSA::SeqsEq(const MSA &a1, unsigned uSeqIndex1, const MSA &a2, unsigned uSeqIndex2) { Seq s1; Seq s2; a1.GetSeq(uSeqIndex1, s1); a2.GetSeq(uSeqIndex2, s2); s1.StripGaps(); s2.StripGaps(); return s1.EqIgnoreCase(s2); } unsigned MSA::GetSeqLength(unsigned uSeqIndex) const { assert(uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount()); const unsigned uColCount = GetColCount(); unsigned uLength = 0; for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uColCount; ++uColIndex) if (!IsGap(uSeqIndex, uColIndex)) ++uLength; return uLength; } void MSA::GetPWID(unsigned uSeqIndex1, unsigned uSeqIndex2, double *ptrPWID, unsigned *ptruPosCount) const { assert(uSeqIndex1 < GetSeqCount()); assert(uSeqIndex2 < GetSeqCount()); unsigned uSameCount = 0; unsigned uPosCount = 0; const unsigned uColCount = GetColCount(); for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uColCount; ++uColIndex) { char c1 = GetChar(uSeqIndex1, uColIndex); if (IsGapChar(c1)) continue; char c2 = GetChar(uSeqIndex2, uColIndex); if (IsGapChar(c2)) continue; ++uPosCount; if (c1 == c2) ++uSameCount; } *ptruPosCount = uPosCount; if (uPosCount > 0) *ptrPWID = 100.0 * (double) uSameCount / (double) uPosCount; else *ptrPWID = 0; } void MSA::UnWeight() { for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex) m_Weights[uSeqIndex] = BTInsane; } unsigned MSA::UniqueResidueTypes(unsigned uColIndex) const { assert(uColIndex < GetColCount()); unsigned Counts[MAX_ALPHA]; memset(Counts, 0, sizeof(Counts)); const unsigned uSeqCount = GetSeqCount(); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { if (IsGap(uSeqIndex, uColIndex) || IsWildcard(uSeqIndex, uColIndex)) continue; const unsigned uLetter = GetLetter(uSeqIndex, uColIndex); ++(Counts[uLetter]); } unsigned uUniqueCount = 0; for (unsigned uLetter = 0; uLetter < g_AlphaSize; ++uLetter) if (Counts[uLetter] > 0) ++uUniqueCount; return uUniqueCount; } double MSA::GetOcc(unsigned uColIndex) const { unsigned uGapCount = 0; for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex) if (IsGap(uSeqIndex, uColIndex)) ++uGapCount; unsigned uSeqCount = GetSeqCount(); return (double) (uSeqCount - uGapCount) / (double) uSeqCount; } void MSA::ToFile(TextFile &File) const { if (g_bMSF) ToMSFFile(File); else if (g_bAln) ToAlnFile(File); else if (g_bHTML) ToHTMLFile(File); else if (g_bPHYS) ToPhySequentialFile(File); else if (g_bPHYI) ToPhyInterleavedFile(File); else ToFASTAFile(File); if (0 != g_pstrScoreFileName) WriteScoreFile(*this); } bool MSA::ColumnHasGap(unsigned uColIndex) const { const unsigned uSeqCount = GetSeqCount(); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) if (IsGap(uSeqIndex, uColIndex)) return true; return false; } void MSA::SetIdCount(unsigned uIdCount) { //if (m_uIdCount != 0) // Quit("MSA::SetIdCount: may only be called once"); if (m_uIdCount > 0) { if (uIdCount > m_uIdCount) Quit("MSA::SetIdCount: cannot increase count"); return; } m_uIdCount = uIdCount; } void MSA::SetSeqId(unsigned uSeqIndex, unsigned uId) { assert(uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); assert(uId < m_uIdCount); if (0 == m_SeqIndexToId) { if (0 == m_uIdCount) Quit("MSA::SetSeqId, SetIdCount has not been called"); m_IdToSeqIndex = new unsigned[m_uIdCount]; m_SeqIndexToId = new unsigned[m_uSeqCount]; memset(m_IdToSeqIndex, 0xff, m_uIdCount*sizeof(unsigned)); memset(m_SeqIndexToId, 0xff, m_uSeqCount*sizeof(unsigned)); } m_SeqIndexToId[uSeqIndex] = uId; m_IdToSeqIndex[uId] = uSeqIndex; } unsigned MSA::GetSeqIndex(unsigned uId) const { assert(uId < m_uIdCount); assert(0 != m_IdToSeqIndex); unsigned uSeqIndex = m_IdToSeqIndex[uId]; assert(uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); return uSeqIndex; } bool MSA::GetSeqIndex(unsigned uId, unsigned *ptruIndex) const { for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { if (uId == m_SeqIndexToId[uSeqIndex]) { *ptruIndex = uSeqIndex; return true; } } return false; } unsigned MSA::GetSeqId(unsigned uSeqIndex) const { assert(uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount); unsigned uId = m_SeqIndexToId[uSeqIndex]; assert(uId < m_uIdCount); return uId; } bool MSA::WeightsSet() const { return BTInsane != m_Weights[0]; } void MSASubsetByIds(const MSA &msaIn, const unsigned Ids[], unsigned uIdCount, MSA &msaOut) { const unsigned uColCount = msaIn.GetColCount(); msaOut.SetSize(uIdCount, uColCount); for (unsigned uSeqIndexOut = 0; uSeqIndexOut < uIdCount; ++uSeqIndexOut) { const unsigned uId = Ids[uSeqIndexOut]; const unsigned uSeqIndexIn = msaIn.GetSeqIndex(uId); const char *ptrName = msaIn.GetSeqName(uSeqIndexIn); msaOut.SetSeqId(uSeqIndexOut, uId); msaOut.SetSeqName(uSeqIndexOut, ptrName); for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uColCount; ++uColIndex) { const char c = msaIn.GetChar(uSeqIndexIn, uColIndex); msaOut.SetChar(uSeqIndexOut, uColIndex, c); } } } // Caller must allocate ptrSeq and ptrLabel as new char[n]. void MSA::AppendSeq(char *ptrSeq, unsigned uSeqLength, char *ptrLabel) { if (m_uSeqCount > m_uCacheSeqCount) Quit("Internal error MSA::AppendSeq"); if (m_uSeqCount == m_uCacheSeqCount) ExpandCache(m_uSeqCount + 4, uSeqLength); m_szSeqs[m_uSeqCount] = ptrSeq; m_szNames[m_uSeqCount] = ptrLabel; ++m_uSeqCount; } void MSA::ExpandCache(unsigned uSeqCount, unsigned uColCount) { if (m_IdToSeqIndex != 0 || m_SeqIndexToId != 0 || uSeqCount < m_uSeqCount) Quit("Internal error MSA::ExpandCache"); if (m_uSeqCount > 0 && uColCount != m_uColCount) Quit("Internal error MSA::ExpandCache, ColCount changed"); char **NewSeqs = new char *[uSeqCount]; char **NewNames = new char *[uSeqCount]; WEIGHT *NewWeights = new WEIGHT[uSeqCount]; for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { NewSeqs[uSeqIndex] = m_szSeqs[uSeqIndex]; NewNames[uSeqIndex] = m_szNames[uSeqIndex]; NewWeights[uSeqIndex] = m_Weights[uSeqIndex]; } for (unsigned uSeqIndex = m_uSeqCount; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { char *Seq = new char[uColCount]; NewSeqs[uSeqIndex] = Seq; #if DEBUG memset(Seq, '?', uColCount); #endif } delete[] m_szSeqs; delete[] m_szNames; delete[] m_Weights; m_szSeqs = NewSeqs; m_szNames = NewNames; m_Weights = NewWeights; m_uCacheSeqCount = uSeqCount; m_uCacheSeqLength = uColCount; m_uColCount = uColCount; } void MSA::FixAlpha() { ClearInvalidLetterWarning(); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < m_uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < m_uColCount; ++uColIndex) { char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, uColIndex); if (!IsResidueChar(c) && !IsGapChar(c)) { char w = GetWildcardChar(); // Warning("Invalid letter '%c', replaced by '%c'", c, w); InvalidLetterWarning(c, w); SetChar(uSeqIndex, uColIndex, w); } } } ReportInvalidLetters(); } ALPHA MSA::GuessAlpha() const { // If at least MIN_NUCLEO_PCT of the first CHAR_COUNT non-gap // letters belong to the nucleotide alphabet, guess nucleo. // Otherwise amino. const unsigned CHAR_COUNT = 100; const unsigned MIN_NUCLEO_PCT = 95; const unsigned uSeqCount = GetSeqCount(); const unsigned uColCount = GetColCount(); if (0 == uSeqCount) return ALPHA_Amino; unsigned uDNACount = 0; unsigned uRNACount = 0; unsigned uTotal = 0; unsigned i = 0; for (;;) { unsigned uSeqIndex = i/uColCount; if (uSeqIndex >= uSeqCount) break; unsigned uColIndex = i%uColCount; ++i; char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, uColIndex); if (IsGapChar(c)) continue; if (IsDNA(c)) ++uDNACount; if (IsRNA(c)) ++uRNACount; ++uTotal; if (uTotal >= CHAR_COUNT) break; } if (uTotal != 0 && ((uRNACount*100)/uTotal) >= MIN_NUCLEO_PCT) return ALPHA_RNA; if (uTotal != 0 && ((uDNACount*100)/uTotal) >= MIN_NUCLEO_PCT) return ALPHA_DNA; return ALPHA_Amino; }