#ifndef tree_h #define tree_h #include class Clust; const unsigned NULL_NEIGHBOR = UINT_MAX; enum NEWICK_TOKEN_TYPE { NTT_Unknown, // Returned from Tree::GetToken: NTT_Lparen, NTT_Rparen, NTT_Colon, NTT_Comma, NTT_Semicolon, NTT_String, // Following are never returned from Tree::GetToken: NTT_SingleQuotedString, NTT_DoubleQuotedString, NTT_Comment }; class Tree { public: Tree() { m_uNodeCount = 0; m_uCacheCount = 0; m_uNeighbor1 = 0; m_uNeighbor2 = 0; m_uNeighbor3 = 0; m_dEdgeLength1 = 0; m_dEdgeLength2 = 0; m_dEdgeLength3 = 0; m_dHeight = 0; m_bHasEdgeLength1 = 0; m_bHasEdgeLength2 = 0; m_bHasEdgeLength3 = 0; m_bHasHeight = 0; m_ptrName = 0; m_Ids = 0; } virtual ~Tree() { Clear(); } void Clear() { for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_uNodeCount; ++n) free(m_ptrName[n]); m_uNodeCount = 0; m_uCacheCount = 0; delete[] m_uNeighbor1; delete[] m_uNeighbor2; delete[] m_uNeighbor3; delete[] m_dEdgeLength1; delete[] m_dEdgeLength2; delete[] m_dEdgeLength3; delete[] m_bHasEdgeLength1; delete[] m_bHasEdgeLength2; delete[] m_bHasEdgeLength3; delete[] m_ptrName; delete[] m_Ids; delete[] m_bHasHeight; delete[] m_dHeight; m_uNeighbor1 = 0; m_uNeighbor2 = 0; m_uNeighbor3 = 0; m_dEdgeLength1 = 0; m_dEdgeLength2 = 0; m_dEdgeLength3 = 0; m_ptrName = 0; m_Ids = 0; m_uRootNodeIndex = 0; m_bHasHeight = 0; m_dHeight = 0; m_bRooted = false; } // Creation and manipulation void CreateRooted(); void CreateUnrooted(double dEdgeLength); void FromFile(TextFile &File); void FromClust(Clust &C); void Copy(const Tree &tree); void Create(unsigned uLeafCount, unsigned uRoot, const unsigned Left[], const unsigned Right[], const float LeftLength[], const float RightLength[], const unsigned LeafIds[], char *LeafNames[]); unsigned AppendBranch(unsigned uExistingNodeIndex); void SetLeafName(unsigned uNodeIndex, const char *ptrName); void SetLeafId(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uId); void SetEdgeLength(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2, double dLength); void RootUnrootedTree(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2); void RootUnrootedTree(ROOT Method); void UnrootByDeletingRoot(); // Saving to file void ToFile(TextFile &File) const; // Accessor functions unsigned GetNodeCount() const { return m_uNodeCount; } unsigned GetLeafCount() const { if (m_bRooted) { assert(m_uNodeCount%2 == 1); return (m_uNodeCount + 1)/2; } else { assert(m_uNodeCount%2 == 0); return (m_uNodeCount + 2)/2; } } unsigned GetNeighbor(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uNeighborSubscript) const; unsigned GetNeighbor1(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); return m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; } unsigned GetNeighbor2(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); return m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]; } unsigned GetNeighbor3(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); return m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]; } unsigned GetParent(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(m_bRooted && uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); return m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; } bool IsRooted() const { return m_bRooted; } unsigned GetLeft(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(m_bRooted && uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); return m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]; } unsigned GetRight(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(m_bRooted && uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); return m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]; } const char *GetName(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); return m_ptrName[uNodeIndex]; } unsigned GetRootNodeIndex() const { assert(m_bRooted); return m_uRootNodeIndex; } unsigned GetNeighborCount(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { const unsigned n1 = m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; const unsigned n2 = m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]; const unsigned n3 = m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]; return (NULL_NEIGHBOR != n1) + (NULL_NEIGHBOR != n2) + (NULL_NEIGHBOR != n3); } bool IsLeaf(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); if (1 == m_uNodeCount) return true; return 1 == GetNeighborCount(uNodeIndex); } bool IsRoot(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { return IsRooted() && m_uRootNodeIndex == uNodeIndex; } unsigned GetLeafId(unsigned uNodeIndex) const; unsigned GetLeafNodeIndex(const char *ptrName) const; bool IsEdge(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2) const; bool HasEdgeLength(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2) const; double GetEdgeLength(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2) const; const char *GetLeafName(unsigned uNodeIndex) const; unsigned GetNeighborSubscript(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uNeighborIndex) const; double GetNodeHeight(unsigned uNodeIndex) const; // Depth-first traversal unsigned FirstDepthFirstNode() const; unsigned NextDepthFirstNode(unsigned uNodeIndex) const; unsigned FirstDepthFirstNodeR() const; unsigned NextDepthFirstNodeR(unsigned uNodeIndex) const; // Equivalent of GetLeft/Right in unrooted tree, works in rooted tree too. unsigned GetFirstNeighbor(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uNeighborIndex) const; unsigned GetSecondNeighbor(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uNeighborIndex) const; // Getting parent node in unrooted tree defined iff leaf unsigned GetLeafParent(unsigned uNodeIndex) const; // Misc const char *NTTStr(NEWICK_TOKEN_TYPE NTT) const; void FindCenterByLongestSpan(unsigned *ptrNodeIndex1, unsigned *ptrNodeIndex2) const; void PruneTree(const Tree &tree, unsigned Subfams[], unsigned uSubfamCount); unsigned LeafIndexToNodeIndex(unsigned uLeafIndex) const; // Debugging & trouble-shooting support void Validate() const; void ValidateNode(unsigned uNodeIndex) const; void AssertAreNeighbors(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2) const; void LogMe() const; private: unsigned UnrootFromFile(); NEWICK_TOKEN_TYPE GetTokenVerbose(TextFile &File, char szToken[], unsigned uBytes) const { NEWICK_TOKEN_TYPE NTT = GetToken(File, szToken, uBytes); Log("GetToken %10.10s %s\n", NTTStr(NTT), szToken); return NTT; } void InitCache(unsigned uCacheCount); void ExpandCache(); NEWICK_TOKEN_TYPE GetToken(TextFile &File, char szToken[], unsigned uBytes) const; bool GetGroupFromFile(TextFile &File, unsigned uNodeIndex, double *ptrdEdgeLength); unsigned GetLeafCountUnrooted(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2, double *ptrdTotalDistance) const; void ToFileNodeRooted(TextFile &File, unsigned uNodeIndex) const; void ToFileNodeUnrooted(TextFile &File, unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uParent) const; void OrientParent(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uParentNodeIndex); double FromClustNode(const Clust &C, unsigned uClustNodeIndex, unsigned uPhyNodeIndex); unsigned GetAnyNonLeafNode() const; // Yuck. Data is made public for the convenience of Tree::Copy. // There has to be a better way. public: unsigned m_uNodeCount; unsigned m_uCacheCount; unsigned *m_uNeighbor1; unsigned *m_uNeighbor2; unsigned *m_uNeighbor3; double *m_dEdgeLength1; double *m_dEdgeLength2; double *m_dEdgeLength3; double *m_dHeight; bool *m_bHasEdgeLength1; bool *m_bHasEdgeLength2; bool *m_bHasEdgeLength3; bool *m_bHasHeight; unsigned *m_Ids; char **m_ptrName; bool m_bRooted; unsigned m_uRootNodeIndex; }; struct PhyEnumEdgeState { PhyEnumEdgeState() { m_bInit = false; m_uNodeIndex1 = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNodeIndex2 = NULL_NEIGHBOR; } bool m_bInit; unsigned m_uNodeIndex1; unsigned m_uNodeIndex2; }; const unsigned NODE_CHANGED = (unsigned) (~0); extern bool PhyEnumBiParts(const Tree &tree, PhyEnumEdgeState &ES, unsigned Leaves1[], unsigned *ptruCount1, unsigned Leaves2[], unsigned *ptruCount2); extern bool PhyEnumBiPartsR(const Tree &tree, PhyEnumEdgeState &ES, unsigned Leaves1[], unsigned *ptruCount1, unsigned Leaves2[], unsigned *ptruCount2); extern void ClusterByHeight(const Tree &tree, double dMaxHeight, unsigned Subtrees[], unsigned *ptruSubtreeCount); void ClusterBySubfamCount(const Tree &tree, unsigned uSubfamCount, unsigned Subfams[], unsigned *ptruSubfamCount); void GetLeaves(const Tree &tree, unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned Leaves[], unsigned *ptruLeafCount); void GetLeavesExcluding(const Tree &tree, unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uExclude, unsigned Leaves[], unsigned *ptruCount); void GetInternalNodesInHeightOrder(const Tree &tree, unsigned NodeIndexes[]); void ApplyMinEdgeLength(Tree &tree, double dMinEdgeLength); void LeafIndexesToLeafNames(const Tree &tree, const unsigned Leaves[], unsigned uCount, char *Names[]); void LeafIndexesToIds(const Tree &tree, const unsigned Leaves[], unsigned uCount, unsigned Ids[]); void MSASeqSubset(const MSA &msaIn, char *Names[], unsigned uSeqCount, MSA &msaOut); void DiffTrees(const Tree &Tree1, const Tree &Tree2, Tree &Diffs, unsigned IdToDiffsLeafNodeIndex[]); void DiffTreesE(const Tree &NewTree, const Tree &OldTree, unsigned NewNodeIndexToOldNodeIndex[]); void FindRoot(const Tree &tree, unsigned *ptruNode1, unsigned *ptruNode2, double *ptrdLength1, double *ptrdLength2, ROOT RootMethod); void FixRoot(Tree &tree, ROOT RootMethod); #endif // tree_h