Uses of Class

Packages that use FastaSequence A data model for multiple sequence alignment web services Classes in this package have no dependencies to other sources in the project. 
compbio.metadata A meta-data model for multiple sequence alignment web services Classes in this package have no dependencies to other sources in the project. 

Uses of FastaSequence in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FastaSequence
 java.util.List<FastaSequence> Alignment.getSequences()
static java.util.List<FastaSequence> SequenceUtil.readFasta( inStream)
          Reads fasta sequences from inStream into the list of FastaSequence objects

Methods in with parameters of type FastaSequence
static boolean SequenceUtil.isNucleotideSequence(FastaSequence s)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type FastaSequence
static void SequenceUtil.writeFasta( os, java.util.List<FastaSequence> sequences)
          Writes FastaSequence in the file, each sequence will take one line only
static void SequenceUtil.writeFasta( outstream, java.util.List<FastaSequence> sequences, int width)
          Writes list of FastaSequeces into the outstream formatting the sequence so that it contains width chars on each line

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type FastaSequence
Alignment(java.util.List<FastaSequence> sequences, AlignmentMetadata metadata)
Alignment(java.util.List<FastaSequence> sequences, Program program, char gapchar)

Uses of FastaSequence in compbio.metadata

Method parameters in compbio.metadata with type arguments of type FastaSequence
static int Limit.getAvgSequenceLength(java.util.List<FastaSequence> data)
          Calculates an average sequence length of the dataset
 boolean Limit.isExceeded(java.util.List<FastaSequence> data)
          Checks if the number of sequences or their average length in the dataset exceeds limits the values defined by this Limit
static LimitExceededException LimitExceededException.newLimitExceeded(Limit<?> limit, java.util.List<FastaSequence> seqs)