Uses of Class

Packages that use Score A data model for multiple sequence alignment web services and utility methods that work on the objects of this model. 
compbio.runner Utilities commonly used by all runners. 

Uses of Score in

Fields in with type parameters of type Score
 TreeSet<Score> ScoreManager.ScoreHolder.scores

Methods in that return Score
 Score ScoreManager.ScoreHolder.getScoreByMethod(Enum<?> method)
 Score ScoreManager.ScoreHolder.getScoreByMethod(String method)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Score
 Map<String,TreeSet<Score>> ScoreManager.asMap()
 Set<Score> ScoreManager.asSet()
static HashSet<Score> SequenceUtil.readAAConResults(InputStream results)
          Read AACon result with no alignment files.
static HashMap<String,Set<Score>> SequenceUtil.readDisembl(InputStream input)
          > Foobar_dundeefriends # COILS 34-41, 50-58, 83-91, 118-127, 160-169, 191-220, 243-252, 287-343 # REM465 355-368 # HOTLOOPS 190-204 # RESIDUE COILS REM465 HOTLOOPS M 0.86010 0.88512 0.37094 T 0.79983 0.85864 0.44331 >Next Sequence name
static HashMap<String,Set<Score>> SequenceUtil.readGlobPlot(InputStream input)
          > Foobar_dundeefriends # COILS 34-41, 50-58, 83-91, 118-127, 160-169, 191-220, 243-252, 287-343 # REM465 355-368 # HOTLOOPS 190-204 # RESIDUE COILS REM465 HOTLOOPS M 0.86010 0.88512 0.37094 T 0.79983 0.85864 0.44331 >Next Sequence name
static Map<String,Score> SequenceUtil.readIUPred(File result)
          Read IUPred output
static Map<String,Score> SequenceUtil.readJRonn(File result)
static Map<String,Score> SequenceUtil.readJRonn(InputStream inStream)
          Reader for JRonn horizontal file format

Methods in with parameters of type Score
 int Score.compareTo(Score o)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Score
static ScoreManager ScoreManager.newInstance(Map<String,Set<Score>> data)
static ScoreManager ScoreManager.newInstanceSingleScore(Map<String,Score> seqScoresMap)
static ScoreManager ScoreManager.newInstanceSingleSequence(Set<Score> data)
static void Score.write(TreeSet<Score> scores, Writer writer)
          Outputs the List of Score objects into the Output stream.

Uses of Score in compbio.runner

Methods in compbio.runner that return types with arguments of type Score
static Map<String,Score> Util.readJronnFile(String workDirectory, String clustFile)