Class DisemblWS

  extended by
      extended by<Disembl>
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
JABAService, JManagement, Metadata<Disembl>, SequenceAnnotation<Disembl>

public class DisemblWS
extends SequenceAnnotationService<Disembl>
implements SequenceAnnotation<Disembl>

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String customAnalize(List<FastaSequence> sequences, List<Option<Disembl>> options)
          Analyse the sequences according to custom settings defined in options list.
 String presetAnalize(List<FastaSequence> sequences, Preset<Disembl> preset)
          Analyse the sequences according to the preset settings.
Methods inherited from class
analize, getAnnotation
Methods inherited from class
cancelJob, getJobStatus, getLimit, getLimits, getPresets, getRunnerOptions, pullExecStatistics
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
analize, getAnnotation
Methods inherited from interface
cancelJob, getJobStatus, pullExecStatistics
Methods inherited from interface
getLimit, getLimits, getPresets, getRunnerOptions

Constructor Detail


public DisemblWS()
Method Detail


public String customAnalize(List<FastaSequence> sequences,
                            List<Option<Disembl>> options)
                     throws UnsupportedRuntimeException,
Description copied from interface: SequenceAnnotation
Analyse the sequences according to custom settings defined in options list. The actual analysis algorithm is defined by the type T. Default Limit is used to decide whether the calculation will be permitted or denied

Specified by:
customAnalize in interface SequenceAnnotation<Disembl>
customAnalize in class SequenceAnnotationService<Disembl>
sequences - List of FastaSequence objects. The programme does not perform any sequence validity checks. Nor does it checks whether the sequences names are unique. It is responsibility of the caller to validate this information
options - A list of Options
jobId - unique identifier for the job
UnsupportedRuntimeException - thrown if server OS does not support native executables for a given web service, e.g. JABAWS is deployed on Windows and Mafft service is called
LimitExceededException - is throw if the input sequences number or average length exceeds what is defined by the limit
JobSubmissionException - is thrown when the job could not be submitted due to the following reasons: 1) The number of sequences in the submission or their average length is greater then defined by the default Limit. 2) Any problems on the server side e.g. it is misconfigured or malfunction, is reported via this exception. In the first case the information on the limit could be obtained from an exception.
WrongParameterException - is throws when 1) One of the Options provided is not supported, 2) The value of the option is defined outside the boundaries. In both cases exception object contain the information on the violating Option.
See Also:


public String presetAnalize(List<FastaSequence> sequences,
                            Preset<Disembl> preset)
                     throws UnsupportedRuntimeException,
Description copied from interface: SequenceAnnotation
Analyse the sequences according to the preset settings. The actual analysis algorithm is defined by the type T. Limit for a presetName is used whether the calculation will be permitted or denied. If no Limit was defined for a presetName, than default limit is used.

Specified by:
presetAnalize in interface SequenceAnnotation<Disembl>
presetAnalize in class SequenceAnnotationService<Disembl>
sequences - List of FastaSequence objects. The programme does not perform any sequence validity checks. Nor does it checks whether the sequences names are unique. It is responsibility of the caller to validate this information
preset - A list of Options
String - jobId - unique identifier for the job
UnsupportedRuntimeException - thrown if server OS does not support native executables for a given web service, e.g. JABAWS is deployed on Windows and Mafft service is called
LimitExceededException - is throw if the input sequences number or average length exceeds what is defined by the limit
JobSubmissionException - is thrown when the job could not be submitted due to the following reasons: 1) The number of sequences in the submission or their average length is greater then defined by the default Limit. 2) Any problems on the server side e.g. it is misconfigured or malfunction, is reported via this exception. In the first case the information on the limit could be obtained from an exception.
WrongParameterException - is throws when 1) One of the Options provided is not supported, 2) The value of the option is defined outside the boundaries. In both cases exception object contain the information on the violating Option.