A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W _


name - Variable in class compbio.data.msa.Category
NetNglyc - Class in compbio.runner._impl
NetNglyc() - Constructor for class compbio.runner._impl.NetNglyc
newCommandBuilder(List<? extends Option<T>>, String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.CommandBuilder
This produces the same result as getCommands method.
newConfExecutable(RunConfiguration) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.ConfExecutable
newFilePuller(String, int) - Static method in class compbio.engine.FilePuller
newInstance(Map<String, Set<Score>>) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.ScoreManager
newInstanceSingleScore(Map<String, Score>) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.ScoreManager
newInstanceSingleSequence(Set<Score>) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.ScoreManager
newLimitExceeded(Limit<?>, List<FastaSequence>) - Static method in exception compbio.metadata.LimitExceededException
newProgressPuller(String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.FilePuller
Progress Puller is designed to read 3 characters from the beginning of the file, nothing more.
newStatCollecton(Date, Date) - Static method in class compbio.stat.servlet.util.StatCollection
next() - Method in class compbio.data.sequence.FastaReader
Reads the next FastaSequence from the input
NON_AA - Static variable in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
inversion of AA pattern
NON_NUCLEOTIDE - Static variable in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
Non nucleotide
NONWORD - Static variable in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
Non word
NUCLEOTIDE - Static variable in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
Nucleotides a, t, g, c, u

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