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id - Variable in class compbio.data.sequence.ScoreManager.ScoreHolder
initPull() - Method in class compbio.engine.FilePuller
INPUT - Static variable in class compbio.engine.client.SkeletalExecutable
InputFilter - Class in compbio.stat.collector
InputFilter() - Constructor for class compbio.stat.collector.InputFilter
IOHelper - Class in compbio.ws.client
IOHelper() - Constructor for class compbio.ws.client.IOHelper
IS_CLUSTER_ENGINE_ENABLED - Static variable in class compbio.engine.Configurator
IS_LOCAL_ENGINE_ENABLED - Static variable in class compbio.engine.Configurator
isAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.PathValidator
Whether a certain path is absolute or not is operation system dependent!
isAmbiguosProtein(String) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
Check whether the sequence confirms to amboguous protein sequence
isClusterJob() - Method in class compbio.stat.collector.JobStat
isDefault() - Method in class compbio.metadata.Limit
isExceeded(List<FastaSequence>) - Method in class compbio.metadata.Limit
Checks if the number of sequences or their average length in the dataset exceeds this limit.
isFileCreated() - Method in class compbio.engine.FilePuller
isJavaLibrary(Class<?>) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.Util
Returns true of executableName.jar.file property has some value in the Executable.properties file, false otherwise.
isMarked(String, JobStatus) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.Util
isNonAmbNucleotideSequence(String) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
Ambiguous DNA chars : AGTCRYMKSWHBVDN // differs from protein in only one (!) - B char
isNucleotideSequence(FastaSequence) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
IsOperating - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
IsOperating() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.IsOperating
isOperating(Services) - Method in interface compbio.data.msa.RegistryWS
Check whether a particular web service is working on this server
isOperating(Services) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.RegistryWS
IsOperatingResponse - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
IsOperatingResponse() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.IsOperatingResponse
isProteinSequence(String) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
isRequired() - Method in class compbio.metadata.Option
Flag that indicated that this option must be specified in the command line for an executable to run
isReturn() - Method in class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.CancelJobResponse
isReturn() - Method in class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.IsOperatingResponse
isValidClustalFile(InputStream) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.ClustalAlignmentUtil
Please note this method closes the input stream provided as a parameter
isValidDirectory(String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.PathValidator
isValidExecutable(String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.PathValidator
isValidJobId(String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.Util
IUPred - Class in compbio.runner.disorder
iupred sequenceFile Maximum sequence length is 40000 chars.
IUPred() - Constructor for class compbio.runner.disorder.IUPred
IUPRED_INFO - Static variable in enum compbio.ws.client.Services
IUPredWS - Class in compbio.ws.server
IUPredWS() - Constructor for class compbio.ws.server.IUPredWS

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