JABAWS on the Cloud

We provide pre-configured JABAWS Amazon Machine Image (AMI) which you can use on the Amazon EC2 cloud. Typical use cases are

  • you need to perform large scale calculations but do not have the resources available locally
  • your organization already uses the Amazon cloud and you do not want to do any special arrangements for the JABAWS
  • you want to benefit from the Amazon automatic scaling and monitoring to make sure JABAWS is always ready

If you know what to do than JABAWS AMI ID is ami-d1d5e9a5, manifest 846107356395/JABAWS 2 to get you started, if not please refer to How to use JABAWS on the Amazon EC2 cloud pages.

Alternatively you can use JABAWS on the Amazon Elastic BeanStalk. You may want to use this option to deploy JABAWS in the cluster configuration.