How to use JABAWS on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

  1. Create Amazon Web Services account.
  2. Log in into the Amazon Web Services (AWS) console and switch to AWS Elastic Beanstalk view. Elastic Beanstalk launch JABAWS war step 1
  3. Create a new Beanstalk application by uploading JABAWS war file: Elastic Beanstalk launch JABAWS war step 2
  4. Give a name to your JABAWS instance. This name will be a part of the access URL for your JABAWS. Elastic Beanstalk launch JABAWS war step 3
  5. Choose the type of hardware you want to run JABAWS on. Elastic Beanstalk launch JABAWS war step 4
  6. If everything goes well you should be able to access your JABAWS on http://jabaws.elasticbeanstalk.com Elastic Beanstalk launch JABAWS war