Last updated: 2019-10-09 # TRANSPILING USING ECLIPSE AS AN EXTERNAL CLI TOOL: Download and install a clean eclipse-jee-2019-06 (or eclipse-jee-2019-09) In edit `jalviewjs_eclipse_root` to point to the root dir. If you're on a mac, DO NOT include the `` folder in the path (use the path up to this point, but not the .app folder itself). You can use a '~' as the first character which will get replaced with `System.getProperty("user.home")`. Note that the gradle tasks (`jalviewjsEclipseCopyDropins`) will take care of copying `net.sf.j2s.core.jar` and the `com.seeq.eclipse.importprojects.jar` into the `dropins` and `plugins` dir (on either unix or mac -- not tested on windows yet). Note that the logs from the transpile go into `build/jalviewjs/` as `j2s-transpile.out` and `j2s-transpile.err` gradle tasks possibly of interest to you: ``` gradle jalviewjs # (should build the build/jalviewjs/site dir) gradle jalviewjsSiteTar # will produce build/distribution/site.tar.gz gradle jalviewjsTranspile # should run a new eclipse compile+transpile gradle jalviewjsServerStart # will run a localhost http server to allow you to test the site in a browser. Just use the URL given in the output. To stop the server you have to do gradle --stop or you can just leave it running until the gradle daemon dies. ``` If it's working okay, you just need to to ``` gradle jalviewjs gradle jalviewjsServer ``` and go to the localhost URL in the output of the jalviewjsServer task in your web browser (on a mac, just right clicking on the URL in terminal window gives an "Open URL" option which is nice and easy).