--- version: date: 2022-08-09 channel: "release" --- ## New Features - New GECOS amino acid colourschemes flower, blossum, ocean and sunset - Migrated Uniprot Free Text Search to latest Uniprot search API - Improved Structure Chooser's 3D-Beacons search button design and visual delay indicators - 3D beacons Fetch Uniprot References confirmation dialog is only shown when number of sequences exceeds a threshold - Warning when Jalview compiled for Java 1.8 is run in a Java 11+ JRE - Updated tldr; section of Jalview's build documentation (doc/building.md) ## Issues Resolved - buggy PCA plot axes rendering can make them appear to be non-orthogonal - Enable 'All groups' option when conservation slider is opened and 'Colour All Groups' is enabled in Colours menu