/* VARNA is a tool for the automated drawing, visualization and annotation of the secondary structure of RNA, designed as a companion software for web servers and databases. Copyright (C) 2008 Kevin Darty, Alain Denise and Yann Ponty. electronic mail : Yann.Ponty@lri.fr paper mail : LRI, bat 490 Université Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay Cedex France This file is part of VARNA version 3.1. VARNA version 3.1 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. VARNA version 3.1 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with VARNA version 3.1. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses. */ package fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.rna; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.exceptions.ExceptionModeleStyleBaseSyntaxError; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.exceptions.ExceptionParameterError; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.VARNAConfig; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.utils.XMLUtils; /** * The display Style of a rna base with the base name font, the ouline, * innerline, number and name color * * @author darty * */ public class ModelBaseStyle implements Cloneable, Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4331494086323517208L; private Color _base_outline_color, _base_inner_color, _base_number_color, _base_name_color; private boolean _selected; public static String XML_ELEMENT_NAME = "basestyle"; public static String XML_VAR_OUTLINE_NAME = "outline"; public static String XML_VAR_INNER_NAME = "inner"; public static String XML_VAR_NUMBER_NAME = "num"; public static String XML_VAR_NAME_NAME = "name"; public void toXML(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException { AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl(); atts.addAttribute("","",XML_VAR_OUTLINE_NAME,"CDATA",""+XMLUtils.toHTMLNotation(_base_outline_color)); atts.addAttribute("","",XML_VAR_INNER_NAME,"CDATA",""+XMLUtils.toHTMLNotation(_base_inner_color)); atts.addAttribute("","",XML_VAR_NUMBER_NAME,"CDATA",""+XMLUtils.toHTMLNotation(_base_number_color)); atts.addAttribute("","",XML_VAR_NAME_NAME,"CDATA",""+XMLUtils.toHTMLNotation(_base_name_color)); hd.startElement("","",XML_ELEMENT_NAME,atts); hd.endElement("","",XML_ELEMENT_NAME); } public ModelBaseStyle clone() { ModelBaseStyle result = new ModelBaseStyle(); result._base_inner_color = this._base_inner_color; result._base_name_color = this._base_name_color; result._base_number_color = this._base_number_color; result._base_outline_color = this._base_outline_color; result._selected = this._selected; return result; } /** * Creates a new base style with default colors and font * * @see VARNAConfig#BASE_OUTLINE_COLOR_DEFAULT * @see VARNAConfig#BASE_INNER_COLOR_DEFAULT * @see VARNAConfig#BASE_NUMBER_COLOR_DEFAULT * @see VARNAConfig#BASE_NAME_COLOR_DEFAULT * */ public ModelBaseStyle() { _base_outline_color = VARNAConfig.BASE_OUTLINE_COLOR_DEFAULT; _base_inner_color = VARNAConfig.BASE_INNER_COLOR_DEFAULT; _base_number_color = VARNAConfig.BASE_NUMBER_COLOR_DEFAULT; _base_name_color = VARNAConfig.BASE_NAME_COLOR_DEFAULT; _selected = false; } /** * Creates a new base style with custom colors and custom font * * @param outline * The out line color of the base * @param inner * The inner line color of the base * @param number * The number color of the base * @param name * The name color of the base * @param font * The name font of the base */ public ModelBaseStyle(Color outline, Color inner, Color number, Color name, Font font) { _base_outline_color = outline; _base_inner_color = inner; _base_number_color = number; _base_name_color = name; } public ModelBaseStyle(String parameterValue) throws ExceptionModeleStyleBaseSyntaxError, ExceptionParameterError { this(); assignParameters(parameterValue); } public ModelBaseStyle(ModelBaseStyle msb) { _base_outline_color = msb.getBaseOutlineColor(); _base_inner_color = msb.getBaseInnerColor(); _base_number_color = msb.getBaseNumberColor(); _base_name_color = msb.getBaseNameColor(); } public Color getBaseOutlineColor() { return _base_outline_color; } public void setBaseOutlineColor(Color _base_outline_color) { this._base_outline_color = _base_outline_color; } public Color getBaseInnerColor() { return _base_inner_color; } public void setBaseInnerColor(Color _base_inner_color) { this._base_inner_color = _base_inner_color; } public Color getBaseNumberColor() { return _base_number_color; } public void setBaseNumberColor(Color _base_numbers_color) { this._base_number_color = _base_numbers_color; } public Color getBaseNameColor() { return _base_name_color; } public void setBaseNameColor(Color _base_name_color) { this._base_name_color = _base_name_color; } public static final String PARAM_INNER_COLOR = "fill"; public static final String PARAM_OUTLINE_COLOR = "outline"; public static final String PARAM_TEXT_COLOR = "label"; public static final String PARAM_NUMBER_COLOR = "number"; public static Color getSafeColor(String col) { Color result; try { result = Color.decode(col); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { result = Color.getColor(col, Color.green); } return result; } public void assignParameters(String parametersValue) throws ExceptionModeleStyleBaseSyntaxError, ExceptionParameterError { if (parametersValue.equals("")) return; String[] parametersL = parametersValue.split(","); ArrayList namesArray = new ArrayList(); ArrayList valuesArray = new ArrayList(); String[] param; for (int i = 0; i < parametersL.length; i++) { param = parametersL[i].split("="); if (param.length != 2) throw new ExceptionModeleStyleBaseSyntaxError( "Bad parameter: '" + param[0] + "' ..."); namesArray.add(param[0].replace(" ", "")); valuesArray.add(param[1].replace(" ", "")); } for (int i = 0; i < namesArray.size(); i++) { if (namesArray.get(i).toLowerCase().equals(PARAM_INNER_COLOR)) { try { setBaseInnerColor(getSafeColor(valuesArray.get(i))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ExceptionParameterError(e.getMessage(), "Bad inner color Syntax:" + valuesArray.get(i)); } } else if (namesArray.get(i).toLowerCase().equals(PARAM_TEXT_COLOR)) { try { setBaseNameColor(getSafeColor(valuesArray.get(i))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ExceptionParameterError(e.getMessage(), "Bad name color Syntax:" + valuesArray.get(i)); } } else if (namesArray.get(i).toLowerCase().equals( PARAM_NUMBER_COLOR)) { try { setBaseNumberColor(getSafeColor(valuesArray.get(i))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ExceptionParameterError(e.getMessage(), "Bad numbers color Syntax:" + valuesArray.get(i)); } } else if (namesArray.get(i).toLowerCase().equals( PARAM_OUTLINE_COLOR)) { try { setBaseOutlineColor(getSafeColor(valuesArray.get(i))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ExceptionParameterError(e.getMessage(), "Bad outline color Syntax:" + valuesArray.get(i)); } } else throw new ExceptionModeleStyleBaseSyntaxError( "Unknown parameter:" + namesArray.get(i)); } } /** * Find the font style integer from a string. Return null if * the font style is unknown. * * @param s * The string to decode * @return The font style integer as Font.PLAIN. */ public static Integer StyleToInteger(String s) { Integer style; if (s.toLowerCase().equals("italic")) style = Font.ITALIC; else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("bold")) style = Font.BOLD; else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("plain")) style = Font.PLAIN; else style = null; return style; } }