/* Bonnie Berger, David Wilson and Theodore Tonchev 1992 */ /* Modified by Bonnie Berger and Ethan Wolf 1995. */ /* Commented by Ethan Wolf 1995. */ /* C Code File */ /************************************************************************* * scscore.c contains functions to compute the probabilities for genbnk * * and the positives. The probabilities are computed for genbnk * * directly from the frequencies. For the positives, the 0 frequency * * residues (and residue pairs) other than Prolines are given a non-zero* * probability that is no more than 1/5 of the minimum probability of * * a term with non-zero frequency. This accounts for sampling errors. * * * In addition, the PairCoil scoring algorithm is implemented here to * * score subsequences obtained by the function subsequence_advance() * * To obtain this score, residue "propensities" are first calculated * * for each residue in every possible offset. Then each window of * * length PAIRWINDOW is given a score which is the maximum of the sum * * of the residue propensities in that window over all possible window * * offsets. (Note that if a PAIRWINDOW does not fit in the subsequence,* * then the max size window is used, as long as it is at least size * * min(WINDOW,MINWINDOW). * * The subsequence is then given the max score over all the windows * * containe d in it and it is given the offset of that window. * * * Additionally, code for doing STOCK scoring is contained here, based * * only on single residue probabilities and windows of size STOCKWINDOW.* *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "sc.h" #include "scscore.h" #include "scconst.h" #include "options.h" #include "switches.h" #include "stats.h" /*#include "scio.h"*/ /* #define Two_to_Three_Ratio 15 */ /* Make it an extern double instead. */ /* This guesses for Pr[x in C_2]/Pr[x in C_3] */ /** WINDOW is the size of the WINDOW that is currently being scored. * * It is normally size PAIRWINDOW, but changing its value allows * * the computation of scores on shorter sequences (like size 28). */ /*** int WINDOW = PAIRWINDOW; ***/ extern int WINDOW; /* Now WINDOW is defined in interface.c so can read */ /* it in in get_defaults(). **/ extern double (*pprobs)[POSNUM]; extern double (*pprobp)[NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM][POSNUM]; extern double gprobs[NUM_RES_TYPE], gprobp[NUM_RES_TYPE][NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM]; extern int functnum; /****************************************************************************/ /*** For now just average, but should really do weighted avg, or something more complex. ***/ double combine_dist_scores(double window_scores[POSNUM][MAXSEQLEN], int i, int functnumber, char lib[MAXFUNCTNUM], int end, int end_effects) { int f, number_dist=0; double score=0; for (f=0; f0) return(score/number_dist); else return(window_scores[lib[0]][i]); } /***********************************************************************/ /* These are relative frequences, and logs need to be taken of them. */ /* They are used when computing stocks scores when STOCKSTOCK is defined */ /* in scconst.h. These frequencies correspond to the frequencies used */ /* by stock in the program that they distribute. */ static double relative[20][7] ={ {3.167, 0.297, 0.398, 3.902, 0.585, 0.501, 0.483}, {2.597, 0.098, 0.345, 0.894, 0.514, 0.471, 0.431}, {1.665, 0.403, 0.386, 0.949, 0.211, 0.342, 0.360}, {2.240, 0.307, 0.480, 1.409, 0.541, 0.772, 0.663}, {0.531, 0.076, 0.403, 0.662, 0.189, 0.106, 0.013}, {1.417, 0.090, 0.122, 1.659, 0.190, 0.130, 0.155}, {0.045, 0.275, 0.578, 0.216, 0.211, 0.426, 0.156}, {1.297, 1.551, 1.084, 2.612, 0.377, 1.248, 0.877}, {1.375, 2.639, 1.763, 0.191, 1.815, 1.961, 2.795}, {0.659, 1.163, 1.210, 0.031, 1.358, 1.937, 1.798}, {0.347, 0.275, 0.679, 0.395, 0.294, 0.579, 0.213}, {0.262, 3.496, 3.108, 0.998, 5.685, 2.494, 3.048}, {0.030, 2.352, 2.268, 0.237, 0.663, 1.620, 1.448}, {0.179, 2.114, 1.778, 0.631, 2.550, 1.578, 2.526}, {0.835, 1.475, 1.534, 0.039, 1.722, 2.456, 2.280}, {0.382, 0.583, 1.052, 0.419, 0.525, 0.916, 0.628}, {0.169, 0.702, 0.955, 0.654, 0.791, 0.843, 0.647}, {0.824, 0.022, 0.308, 0.152, 0.180, 0.156, 0.044}, {0.240, 0.000, 0.000, 0.456, 0.019, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.008, 0.000, 0.013, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}; /* Takes logs of relative frequencies for singles */ initialize_relative () { int aa, off; for (aa=0; aa=AANUM-1). Here P is assumed to have number */ /* AANUM-1 and the higher numbered residues correspond to X,Z,B. */ /* st is the position of the last bad residue read (i.e. the previous value */ /* for en). The subsequence returned to be scored goes from st to en-1. */ /* If the end of the sequence is reached en=seqlen (seqlen-1 is the last */ /* residue in the sequence). */ /* If ProlineFreeWindows are not used, then prolines will NOT terminate */ /* the subsequence, so regions which include prolines will be scored. */ int subsequence_advance (int *st, int *en, char seq[], int seqlen, int ProlineFreeWin) { int start, end; if (ProlineFreeWin) { /* Assumes that Proline == AANUM-1, i.e. last residue in list */ /* Read past "bad" residues P (X,Z,B are now okay). */ /* Used to be seq[start] >=AANUM-1 when X,Z,B weren't okay. */ for (start = *en; (start < seqlen) && (seq[start] == Proline); start++); /* Read in next contiguous subsequence of "good" residues to score on. */ /* Used to be seq[end] < AANUM -1 */ for (end = start; (end < seqlen) && (seq[end] != Proline) && (seq[end]=AANUM. */ for (start = *en; (start < seqlen) && (seq[start] >= Undefined); start++); /* Read in next subsequence of "good" residues (including P). */ /* Used to be seq[end] = seqlen) return 0; /* [st,en-1] now gives a subsequence to be scored. */ *st = start; *en = end; return 1; } /****************************************************************************/ /* Takes a position and an offset value for position 0 and returns the offset value for that position. */ int getoffs(int pos, int offs) { return ((pos+offs)%POSNUM); } /** The right propensity is defined as a function of the normalized prob. **/ /** terms (pprobp[R1][R2][p2-offs][p2]-gprobp[R1][R2][off]) **/ /** minus by (pprobs[R1][p2-offs]-gprobs[R1]). **/ /** i.e. the log of (normalized pair prob.)/(normalized single prob.). **/ double rpropensity_term(int x, int y, int xoffs, int yoffs, char dist, char seq[]) { double lnprob=0; /* First the pair probability normalized by genbnk. */ lnprob = pprobp[seq[x]][seq[y]][xoffs][yoffs] - gprobp[seq[x]][seq[y]][dist]; /* Then the singles probability normalized by genbnk are included.*/ lnprob -= pprobs[seq[x]][xoffs] - gprobs[seq[x]]; return(lnprob); } /*********************************************************************/ /** This function is used to calculate the differentiator based on **/ /** paircoil algorithm, and is called in get_respropl from */ /** get_winscores from scseqadj. **/ double lprop_diff_term(int x, int y, int xoffs, int yoffs, char dist, char seq[]) { double lnprob=0; extern double many_pprobs[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM], many_pprobp[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][NUM_RES_TYPE][NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM][POSNUM]; /* First the difference in the logs of the probabilities. */ lnprob = many_pprobp[0][seq[x]][seq[y]][xoffs][yoffs] - many_pprobp[1][seq[x]][seq[y]][xoffs][yoffs]; /* Then the singles probabilities are included.*/ lnprob -= many_pprobs[0][seq[y]][yoffs] - many_pprobs[1][seq[y]][yoffs]; return(lnprob); } /***************************************************************************/ /** The left propensity terms are similar, but divided by rightmost singles**/ /** giving (pprobp[R1][R2][p1][p1+offs]-gprobp[R1][R2][off]) **/ /** minus by (pprobs[R2][p1+offs]-gprobs[R2]). **/ double lpropensity_term(int x, int y, int xoffs, int yoffs, char dist, char seq[]) { double lnprob=0; /*** Note: The weightp and weights stuff is statistical weighting **/ /*** based on whether the differences between pos file prob and genbnk **/ /*** residues are really significant enough to be useful in the score. **/ /*** sigma is defined in stats.c in order to make the weights sharper. **/ /* First the pair probability normalized by genbnk. */ lnprob = pprobp[seq[x]][seq[y]][xoffs][yoffs] - gprobp[seq[x]][seq[y]][dist]; /* Then the singles probability normalized by genbnk are included.*/ lnprob -= pprobs[seq[y]][yoffs] - gprobs[seq[y]]; return(lnprob); } /****************************************************************************/ /**For the following, SCOREACCUMULATE is defined in options.h to take the */ /**min or to take the average of functnum terms. */ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /** These "r" functions score the sequence from right to left and are */ /** comparable to the corresponding "l" functions defined later. */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Function to compute right residue propensity at the start of subsequence, */ /* when there is no residue at distance lib[f]. Uses the pairs that are */ /* available and uses singles probabilities if there are no pairs. */ /* maxfval is the maximum of the distances lib[f], so any residue within */ /* maxfval from the start of the subsequence must have its propensity */ /* computed by this function. */ getr_sc_en (double respropr[], char seq[], int st, int en, int offs, char lib[MAXFUNCTNUM], int maxfval) { double lnprob=0; int f, i, cnt; /* cnt counts the number of lib[f] distances that stay */ /* within the subsequence, and so can be included in */ /* the propensity calculation. */ int x, y, xoffs, yoffs; for (y = st+maxfval; y >= st; y--) { yoffs = getoffs(y,offs); for (f = 0, cnt=0; f < functnum; f++) if ((x = y-lib[f]-1) >= st) { /* If the pair residue x is in the */ cnt++; /* subseq, then can include that pair. */ xoffs = getoffs(x,offs); lnprob= rpropensity_term(x, y, xoffs, yoffs, lib[f], seq); #ifdef AvgDist respropr[y] += lnprob; /** Will need to divide by cnt. **/ #endif #ifdef MinDist if (respropr[y] > lnprob) respropr[y] = lnprob; #endif } if (!(cnt)) /* no pairs so do singles */ respropr[y] = pprobs[seq[y]][yoffs] - gprobs[seq[y]]; else { #ifdef AvgDist respropr[y] /= cnt; /* divide by number of pairs done to average them */ #endif } } } /* Computes right residue propensities for each position between st and en, */ /* going right to left (respropr), and computing the geometric mean of the */ /* paritial propensity terms at distance d of the position when AvgDist */ /* defined, and the min of these terms when MinDist is defined. */ get_respropr (double respropr[], char seq[], int st, int en, int offs, char lib[MAXFUNCTNUM]) { double lnprob=0; int f, i, maxfval = 0; int x, y, xoffs, yoffs; for (f = 0; f < functnum; f++) if (maxfval < lib[f]) maxfval = lib[f]; for (i = st; i < en; i++) respropr[i] = SCOREIDENTITY; /* 0 for avg; HUGE_VAL for min */ /* Store residue propensity of each position in respropr */ for (f = 0; f < functnum; f++) for (y = en-1, x = y-lib[f]-1; y >= st+maxfval+1; x--, y--) { /* lib dist's off by 1 */ xoffs = getoffs(x,offs); yoffs = getoffs(y,offs); lnprob= rpropensity_term(x, y, xoffs, yoffs, lib[f], seq); /* Incorporate new lnprob by taking function over it and old one */ SCOREACCUMULATE(respropr[y],lnprob); /* This averages functnum terms */ /* or takes their min depending */ /* on if AvgDis or MinDist def'd*/ } /* If can't do all pairs, do as many pairs as possible, or singles */ getr_sc_en(respropr,seq,st,en,offs,lib,maxfval); } /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /*****Left to right versions of propensities for scoring. Currently **/ /**** scoring is left to right. **/ /****************************************************************************/ /* Computes the left residue propensities for the positions towards the end of the subsequence where it is not possible to compute all the pair scores. For each such position, all the pairs that can be done are done, and if no pairs can be done, the singles are done. st and en-1 are the first and last postion in the subsequence considered, offs is the frame, lib is the distance-1 values, and maxfval is the max of the distances lib[f]. Any residue within maxfval of the end must have its propensity computed by this function. */ get_sc_en (double respropl[], char seq[], int st, int en, int offs, char lib[MAXFUNCTNUM], int maxfval, int differentiator) { double lnprob=0; int f, i, cnt; /* cnt counts the number of pair combos possible at a pos.*/ int x, y, xoffs, yoffs; for (x = en-maxfval-1; x < en; x++) { xoffs = getoffs(x,offs); for (f = 0, cnt=0; f < functnum; f++) if ((y = x+lib[f]+1) < en) { /* If the pair residue y is in the */ cnt++; /* sequence, then can do that pair */ yoffs = getoffs(y,offs); if (differentiator) lnprob = lprop_diff_term(x,y,xoffs,yoffs,lib[f],seq); else /* The normal paircoil score term. */ lnprob= lpropensity_term(x, y, xoffs, yoffs, lib[f], seq); #ifdef AvgDist respropl[x] += lnprob; /* Divide by cnt after go all distances.*/ #endif #ifdef MinDist if (respropl[x] > lnprob) respropl[x] = lnprob; #endif } if (!(cnt)) /* no pairs so do singles */ if (differentiator) { extern double many_pprobs[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM], many_pprobp[MAX_TABLE_NUMBER][NUM_RES_TYPE][NUM_RES_TYPE][POSNUM][POSNUM]; respropl[x] = many_pprobs[0][seq[x]][xoffs] - many_pprobs[1][seq[x]][xoffs]; } else { respropl[x] = pprobs[seq[x]][xoffs] - gprobs[seq[x]]; } else #ifdef AvgDist respropl[x] /= cnt; /* Average by number of do-able pairs. */ #endif } } /* Computes left residue propensities for each position between st and en, * going left to right. */ get_bonnie_respropl (double respropl[], char seq[], int st, int en, int offs, char lib[MAXFUNCTNUM], int differentiator) { double lnprob=0; int f, i, maxfval = 0; int x, y, xoffs, yoffs; for (f = 0; f < functnum; f++) if (maxfval < lib[f]) maxfval = lib[f]; for (i = st; i < en; i++) { respropl[i] = SCOREIDENTITY; /* 0 for avg; HUGE_VAL for min */ } /* Store residue propensity of position x in respropl[x] */ for (f = 0; f < functnum; f++) { for (x = st, y = x+lib[f]+1; x < en-maxfval-1; x++, y++) { /* lib dist's off by 1 */ xoffs = getoffs(x,offs); yoffs = getoffs(y,offs); if (differentiator) lnprob = lprop_diff_term(x,y,xoffs,yoffs,lib[f],seq); else /* The normal paircoil score term. */ lnprob= lpropensity_term(x, y, xoffs, yoffs, lib[f], seq); /* Incorporate new lnprob by averaging or taking min of it and the */ /* terms corresponding to other distances, depending on options.h. */ SCOREACCUMULATE(respropl[x],lnprob); } } /* If can't do all pairs because of end of subsequence, do all the */ /* distances that stay within the subsequence for x. */ get_sc_en(respropl,seq,st,en,offs,lib,maxfval, differentiator); } get_respropl (double respropl[POSNUM][MAXSEQLEN], char seq[], int st, int en, int offs, char lib[MAXFUNCTNUM], int differentiator) { double lnprob=0; int f, i, maxfval = 0; int x, y, xoffs, yoffs; for (f = 0; f < functnum; f++) { if (maxfval < lib[f]) maxfval = lib[f]; /**** Don't need to initialize since not accumulateing over distances*** for (i = st; i < en; i++) respropl[lib[f]][i] = SCOREIDENTITY; ***/ /* 0 for avg; HUGE_VAL for min */ } /* Store residue propensity of position x in respropl[x] */ for (f = 0; f < functnum; f++) { for (x = st, y = x+lib[f]+1; x < en-lib[f]-1; x++, y++) { /* lib dist's off by 1 */ xoffs = getoffs(x,offs); yoffs = getoffs(y,offs); if (differentiator) lnprob = lprop_diff_term(x,y,xoffs,yoffs,lib[f],seq); else /* The normal paircoil score term. */ lnprob= lpropensity_term(x, y, xoffs, yoffs, lib[f], seq); /* Incorporate new lnprob by averaging or taking min of it and the */ /* terms corresponding to other distances, depending on options.h. */ respropl[lib[f]][x] = lnprob; } while (x=WINDOW) { if (!differentiator) { #ifdef BONNIE_END_EFFECTS max_over_windows(&(bonnie_scorebuff[st]),&(bonnie_winscores[st]), en-st,WINDOW); /** The score of a residue is its max window */ /** score over windows containing it for PAIRCOIL */ for (i=st; ilocalmax) { offsets[i] = offs; localmax = scores[i][offs]; } if (localmax > gmax) gmax = localmax; } } #ifdef LOGSCALE *maxscore = gmax; #else *maxscore = exp(gmax/WINDOW); for (i = 0; i < seqlen; i++) for (offs=0; offs