VAMSAS Library ToDO list ------------------------ Begun for the VAMSAS hackathon/sprint/fest/thing (13-15 December 2006) This file is a tabbed list of things that have to be implemented or tested in the SVN package. Check for updates regularly and add/modifiy it everytime you do something. Number - goes up by one for each item. If you delete an item, don't renumber stuff. Status tells us how far we've got on that item. Words like the following please: * - or nonexistent: its just been made up, nothing has been done on it yet * designed - someone has an idea how this item is going to be implemented (and ideally, they can describe it to someone else) * specified: prototyping has been done and checked in, either a text/graphic description is written down somewhere for anyone to access or abstract classes and interfaces have been declared. * implemented: code has actually been written to do what this Item requires done. * tested: the implementation is as bug-free and stable as we can make it (notwithstanding anything else that it depends on). Package/Classes/Path tells us where to go to find the relevant bits for this item in the repository, and an items package/class set might be written explicitly into the dependencies column of another item. Who - you, me or anyone else dealing with this item, or blank if no-one has got to it yet. Item - brief name for the development task. Dependencies - names of other items, or description of other things that have to be done before this Item can be finished (ie tested and completed).