Dundee specific settings from JWS2 branch
[jabaws.git] / binaries / src / muscle / diaglist.cpp
1 #include "muscle.h"\r
2 #include "diaglist.h"\r
3 #include "pwpath.h"\r
4 \r
5 #define MAX(x, y)       ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))\r
6 #define MIN(x, y)       ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))\r
7 \r
8 void DiagList::Add(const Diag &d)\r
9         {\r
10         if (m_uCount == MAX_DIAGS)\r
11                 Quit("DiagList::Add, overflow %u", m_uCount);\r
12         m_Diags[m_uCount] = d;\r
13         ++m_uCount;\r
14         }\r
15 \r
16 void DiagList::Add(unsigned uStartPosA, unsigned uStartPosB, unsigned uLength)\r
17         {\r
18         Diag d;\r
19         d.m_uStartPosA = uStartPosA;\r
20         d.m_uStartPosB = uStartPosB;\r
21         d.m_uLength = uLength;\r
22         Add(d);\r
23         }\r
24 \r
25 const Diag &DiagList::Get(unsigned uIndex) const\r
26         {\r
27         if (uIndex >= m_uCount)\r
28                 Quit("DiagList::Get(%u), count=%u", uIndex, m_uCount);\r
29         return m_Diags[uIndex];\r
30         }\r
31 \r
32 void DiagList::LogMe() const\r
33         {\r
34         Log("DiagList::LogMe, count=%u\n", m_uCount);\r
35         Log("  n  StartA  StartB  Length\n");\r
36         Log("---  ------  ------  ------\n");\r
37         for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_uCount; ++n)\r
38                 {\r
39                 const Diag &d = m_Diags[n];\r
40                 Log("%3u  %6u  %6u  %6u\n",\r
41                   n, d.m_uStartPosA, d.m_uStartPosB, d.m_uLength);\r
42                 }\r
43         }\r
44 \r
45 void DiagList::FromPath(const PWPath &Path)\r
46         {\r
47         Clear();\r
48 \r
49         const unsigned uEdgeCount = Path.GetEdgeCount();\r
50         unsigned uLength = 0;\r
51         unsigned uStartPosA;\r
52         unsigned uStartPosB;\r
53         for (unsigned uEdgeIndex = 0; uEdgeIndex < uEdgeCount; ++uEdgeIndex)\r
54                 {\r
55                 const PWEdge &Edge = Path.GetEdge(uEdgeIndex);\r
56 \r
57         // Typical cases\r
58                 if (Edge.cType == 'M')\r
59                         {\r
60                         if (0 == uLength)\r
61                                 {\r
62                                 uStartPosA = Edge.uPrefixLengthA - 1;\r
63                                 uStartPosB = Edge.uPrefixLengthB - 1;\r
64                                 }\r
65                         ++uLength;\r
66                         }\r
67                 else\r
68                         {\r
69                         if (uLength >= g_uMinDiagLength)\r
70                                 Add(uStartPosA, uStartPosB, uLength);\r
71                         uLength = 0;\r
72                         }\r
73                 }\r
74 \r
75 // Special case for last edge\r
76         if (uLength >= g_uMinDiagLength)\r
77                 Add(uStartPosA, uStartPosB, uLength);\r
78         }\r
79 \r
80 bool DiagList::NonZeroIntersection(const Diag &d) const\r
81         {\r
82         for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_uCount; ++n)\r
83                 {\r
84                 const Diag &d2 = m_Diags[n];\r
85                 if (DiagOverlap(d, d2) > 0)\r
86                         return true;\r
87                 }\r
88         return false;\r
89         }\r
90 \r
91 // DialogOverlap returns the length of the overlapping\r
92 // section of the two diagonals along the diagonals\r
93 // themselves; in other words, the length of\r
94 // the intersection of the two sets of cells in\r
95 // the matrix.\r
96 unsigned DiagOverlap(const Diag &d1, const Diag &d2)\r
97         {\r
98 // Determine where the diagonals intersect the A\r
99 // axis (extending them if required). If they\r
100 // intersect at different points, they do not\r
101 // overlap. Coordinates on a diagonal are\r
102 // given by B = A + c where c is the value of\r
103 // A at the intersection with the A axis.\r
104 // Hence, c = B - A for any point on the diagonal.\r
105         int c1 = (int) d1.m_uStartPosB - (int) d1.m_uStartPosA;\r
106         int c2 = (int) d2.m_uStartPosB - (int) d2.m_uStartPosA;\r
107         if (c1 != c2)\r
108                 return 0;\r
109 \r
110         assert(DiagOverlapA(d1, d2) == DiagOverlapB(d1, d2));\r
111         return DiagOverlapA(d1, d2);\r
112         }\r
113 \r
114 // DialogOverlapA returns the length of the overlapping\r
115 // section of the projection of the two diagonals onto\r
116 // the A axis.\r
117 unsigned DiagOverlapA(const Diag &d1, const Diag &d2)\r
118         {\r
119         unsigned uMaxStart = MAX(d1.m_uStartPosA, d2.m_uStartPosA);\r
120         unsigned uMinEnd = MIN(d1.m_uStartPosA + d1.m_uLength - 1,\r
121           d2.m_uStartPosA + d2.m_uLength - 1);\r
122 \r
123         int iLength = (int) uMinEnd - (int) uMaxStart + 1;\r
124         if (iLength < 0)\r
125                 return 0;\r
126         return (unsigned) iLength;\r
127         }\r
128 \r
129 // DialogOverlapB returns the length of the overlapping\r
130 // section of the projection of the two diagonals onto\r
131 // the B axis.\r
132 unsigned DiagOverlapB(const Diag &d1, const Diag &d2)\r
133         {\r
134         unsigned uMaxStart = MAX(d1.m_uStartPosB, d2.m_uStartPosB);\r
135         unsigned uMinEnd = MIN(d1.m_uStartPosB + d1.m_uLength - 1,\r
136           d2.m_uStartPosB + d2.m_uLength - 1);\r
137 \r
138         int iLength = (int) uMinEnd - (int) uMaxStart + 1;\r
139         if (iLength < 0)\r
140                 return 0;\r
141         return (unsigned) iLength;\r
142         }\r
143 \r
144 // Returns true if the two diagonals can be on the\r
145 // same path through the DP matrix. If DiagCompatible\r
146 // returns false, they cannot be in the same path\r
147 // and hence "contradict" each other.\r
148 bool DiagCompatible(const Diag &d1, const Diag &d2)\r
149         {\r
150         if (DiagOverlap(d1, d2) > 0)\r
151                 return true;\r
152         return 0 == DiagOverlapA(d1, d2) && 0 == DiagOverlapB(d1, d2);\r
153         }\r
154 \r
155 // Returns the length of the "break" between two diagonals.\r
156 unsigned DiagBreak(const Diag &d1, const Diag &d2)\r
157         {\r
158         int c1 = (int) d1.m_uStartPosB - (int) d1.m_uStartPosA;\r
159         int c2 = (int) d2.m_uStartPosB - (int) d2.m_uStartPosA;\r
160         if (c1 != c2)\r
161                 return 0;\r
162 \r
163         int iMaxStart = MAX(d1.m_uStartPosA, d2.m_uStartPosA);\r
164         int iMinEnd = MIN(d1.m_uStartPosA + d1.m_uLength - 1,\r
165           d2.m_uStartPosA + d1.m_uLength - 1);\r
166         int iBreak = iMaxStart - iMinEnd - 1;\r
167         if (iBreak < 0)\r
168                 return 0;\r
169         return (unsigned) iBreak;\r
170         }\r
171 \r
172 // Merge diagonals that are continuations of each other with\r
173 // short breaks of up to length g_uMaxDiagBreak.\r
174 // In a sorted list of diagonals, we only have to check\r
175 // consecutive entries.\r
176 void MergeDiags(DiagList &DL)\r
177         {\r
178         return;\r
179 #if     DEBUG\r
180         if (!DL.IsSorted())\r
181                 Quit("MergeDiags: !IsSorted");\r
182 #endif\r
183 \r
184 // TODO: Fix this!\r
185 // Breaks must be with no offset (no gaps)\r
186         const unsigned uCount = DL.GetCount();\r
187         if (uCount <= 1)\r
188                 return;\r
189 \r
190         DiagList NewList;\r
191 \r
192         Diag MergedDiag;\r
193         const Diag *ptrPrev = &DL.Get(0);\r
194         for (unsigned i = 1; i < uCount; ++i)\r
195                 {\r
196                 const Diag *ptrDiag = &DL.Get(i);\r
197                 unsigned uBreakLength = DiagBreak(*ptrPrev, *ptrDiag);\r
198                 if (uBreakLength <= g_uMaxDiagBreak)\r
199                         {\r
200                         MergedDiag.m_uStartPosA = ptrPrev->m_uStartPosA;\r
201                         MergedDiag.m_uStartPosB = ptrPrev->m_uStartPosB;\r
202                         MergedDiag.m_uLength = ptrPrev->m_uLength + ptrDiag->m_uLength\r
203                           + uBreakLength;\r
204                         ptrPrev = &MergedDiag;\r
205                         }\r
206                 else\r
207                         {\r
208                         NewList.Add(*ptrPrev);\r
209                         ptrPrev = ptrDiag;\r
210                         }\r
211                 }\r
212         NewList.Add(*ptrPrev);\r
213         DL.Copy(NewList);\r
214         }\r
215 \r
216 void DiagList::DeleteIncompatible()\r
217         {\r
218         assert(IsSorted());\r
219 \r
220         if (m_uCount < 2)\r
221                 return;\r
222 \r
223         bool *bFlagForDeletion = new bool[m_uCount];\r
224         for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_uCount; ++i)\r
225                 bFlagForDeletion[i] = false;\r
226 \r
227         for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_uCount; ++i)\r
228                 {\r
229                 const Diag &di = m_Diags[i];\r
230                 for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < m_uCount; ++j)\r
231                         {\r
232                         const Diag &dj = m_Diags[j];\r
233 \r
234                 // Verify sorted correctly\r
235                         assert(di.m_uStartPosA <= dj.m_uStartPosA);\r
236 \r
237                 // If two diagonals are incompatible and\r
238                 // one is is much longer than the other,\r
239                 // keep the longer one.\r
240                         if (!DiagCompatible(di, dj))\r
241                                 {\r
242                                 if (di.m_uLength > dj.m_uLength*4)\r
243                                         bFlagForDeletion[j] = true;\r
244                                 else if (dj.m_uLength > di.m_uLength*4)\r
245                                         bFlagForDeletion[i] = true;\r
246                                 else\r
247                                         {\r
248                                         bFlagForDeletion[i] = true;\r
249                                         bFlagForDeletion[j] = true;\r
250                                         }\r
251                                 }\r
252                         }\r
253                 }\r
254 \r
255         for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_uCount; ++i)\r
256                 {\r
257                 const Diag &di = m_Diags[i];\r
258                 if (bFlagForDeletion[i])\r
259                         continue;\r
260 \r
261                 for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < m_uCount; ++j)\r
262                         {\r
263                         const Diag &dj = m_Diags[j];\r
264                         if (bFlagForDeletion[j])\r
265                                 continue;\r
266 \r
267                 // Verify sorted correctly\r
268                         assert(di.m_uStartPosA <= dj.m_uStartPosA);\r
269 \r
270                 // If sort order in B different from sorted order in A,\r
271                 // either diags are incompatible or we detected a repeat\r
272                 // or permutation.\r
273                         if (di.m_uStartPosB >= dj.m_uStartPosB || !DiagCompatible(di, dj))\r
274                                 {\r
275                                 bFlagForDeletion[i] = true;\r
276                                 bFlagForDeletion[j] = true;\r
277                                 }\r
278                         }\r
279                 }\r
280 \r
281         unsigned uNewCount = 0;\r
282         Diag *NewDiags = new Diag[m_uCount];\r
283         for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_uCount; ++i)\r
284                 {\r
285                 if (bFlagForDeletion[i])\r
286                         continue;\r
287 \r
288                 const Diag &d = m_Diags[i];\r
289                 NewDiags[uNewCount] = d;\r
290                 ++uNewCount;\r
291                 }\r
292         memcpy(m_Diags, NewDiags, uNewCount*sizeof(Diag));\r
293         m_uCount = uNewCount;\r
294         delete[] NewDiags;\r
295         }\r
296 \r
297 void DiagList::Copy(const DiagList &DL)\r
298         {\r
299         Clear();\r
300         unsigned uCount = DL.GetCount();\r
301         for (unsigned i = 0; i < uCount; ++i)\r
302                 Add(DL.Get(i));\r
303         }\r
304 \r
305 // Check if sorted in increasing order of m_uStartPosA\r
306 bool DiagList::IsSorted() const\r
307         {\r
308         return true;\r
309         unsigned uCount = GetCount();\r
310         for (unsigned i = 1; i < uCount; ++i)\r
311                 if (m_Diags[i-1].m_uStartPosA > m_Diags[i].m_uStartPosA)\r
312                         return false;\r
313         return true;\r
314         }\r
315 \r
316 // Sort in increasing order of m_uStartPosA\r
317 // Dumb bubble sort, but don't care about speed\r
318 // because don't get long lists.\r
319 void DiagList::Sort()\r
320         {\r
321         if (m_uCount < 2)\r
322                 return;\r
323 \r
324         bool bContinue = true;\r
325         while (bContinue)\r
326                 {\r
327                 bContinue = false;\r
328                 for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_uCount - 1; ++i)\r
329                         {\r
330                         if (m_Diags[i].m_uStartPosA > m_Diags[i+1].m_uStartPosA)\r
331                                 {\r
332                                 Diag Tmp = m_Diags[i];\r
333                                 m_Diags[i] = m_Diags[i+1];\r
334                                 m_Diags[i+1] = Tmp;\r
335                                 bContinue = true;\r
336                                 }\r
337                         }\r
338                 }\r
339         }\r
340 \r
341 //void TestDiag()\r
342 //      {\r
343 //      Diag d1;\r
344 //      Diag d2;\r
345 //      Diag d3;\r
346 //\r
347 //      d1.m_uStartPosA = 0;\r
348 //      d1.m_uStartPosB = 1;\r
349 //      d1.m_uLength = 32;\r
350 //\r
351 //      d2.m_uStartPosA = 55;\r
352 //      d2.m_uStartPosB = 70;\r
353 //      d2.m_uLength = 36;\r
354 //\r
355 //      d3.m_uStartPosA = 102;\r
356 //      d3.m_uStartPosB = 122;\r
357 //      d3.m_uLength = 50;\r
358 //\r
359 //      DiagList DL;\r
360 //      DL.Add(d1);\r
361 //      DL.Add(d2);\r
362 //      DL.Add(d3);\r
363 //\r
364 //      Log("Before DeleteIncompatible:\n");\r
365 //      DL.LogMe();\r
366 //      DL.DeleteIncompatible();\r
367 //\r
368 //      Log("After DeleteIncompatible:\n");\r
369 //      DL.LogMe();\r
370 //\r
371 //      MergeDiags(DL);\r
372 //      Log("After Merge:\n");\r
373 //      DL.LogMe();\r
374 //\r
375 //      DPRegionList RL;\r
376 //      DiagListToDPRegionList(DL, RL, 200, 200);\r
377 //      RL.LogMe();\r
378 //      }\r