[jabaws.git] / engine / compbio / engine / client /
1 /* Copyright (c) 2009 Peter Troshin\r
2  *  \r
3  *  JAva Bioinformatics Analysis Web Services (JABAWS) @version: 1.0     \r
4  * \r
5  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the\r
6  *  Apache License version 2 as published by the Apache Software Foundation\r
7  * \r
8  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without\r
9  *  even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Apache \r
10  *  License for more details.\r
11  * \r
12  *  A copy of the license is in apache_license.txt. It is also available here:\r
13  * @see:\r
14  * \r
15  * Any republication or derived work distributed in source code form\r
16  * must include this copyright and license notice.\r
17  */\r
18 \r
19 package compbio.engine.client;\r
20 \r
21 import;\r
22 import;\r
23 import;\r
24 import;\r
25 import;\r
26 import;\r
27 import java.util.Map;\r
28 \r
29 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;\r
30 \r
31 import compbio.engine.client.Executable.ExecProvider;\r
32 import compbio.engine.conf.DirectoryManager;\r
33 import compbio.engine.conf.PropertyHelperManager;\r
34 import compbio.metadata.JobStatus;\r
35 import compbio.metadata.LimitsManager;\r
36 import compbio.metadata.ResultNotAvailableException;\r
37 import compbio.util.FileUtil;\r
38 import compbio.util.PropertyHelper;\r
39 import compbio.util.SysPrefs;\r
40 \r
41 public final class Util {\r
42 \r
43         private static final PropertyHelper ph = PropertyHelperManager\r
44                         .getPropertyHelper();\r
45 \r
46         private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Util.class);\r
47 \r
48         public static boolean isValidJobId(final String key) {\r
49                 if (compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(key)) {\r
50                         return false;\r
51                 }\r
52                 int delIdx = key.indexOf(DirectoryManager.DELIM);\r
53                 if (delIdx < 0) {\r
54                         return false;\r
55                 }\r
56                 String id = key.substring(delIdx + DirectoryManager.DELIM.length());\r
57                 try {\r
58                         Long.parseLong(id);\r
59                 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {\r
60                         log.debug("Invalid key! " + e.getLocalizedMessage());\r
61                         return false;\r
62                 }\r
63                 return true;\r
64         }\r
65 \r
66         public static void writeStatFile(String workDirectory,\r
67                         String fileAndEventName) {\r
68                 // never override old stat files!\r
69                 // Work directory could be null for cancelled or incomplete jobs, just\r
70                 // ignore\r
71                 if (!compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(workDirectory)) {\r
72                         writeFile(workDirectory, fileAndEventName, new Long(System\r
73                                         .currentTimeMillis()).toString(), false);\r
74                 }\r
75         }\r
76 \r
77         public static void writeFile(String workDirectory, String fileAndEventName,\r
78                         String content, boolean override) {\r
79                 File file = null;\r
80                 if (compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(workDirectory)) {\r
81                         log\r
82                                         .debug("Calling compbio.engine.Util.writeFile() with not work directory."\r
83                                                         + " Skipping writing statistics!");\r
84                         return;\r
85                 }\r
86                 assert !compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(content) : "Content expected!";\r
87                 FileWriter writer = null;\r
88                 try {\r
89                         file = new File(workDirectory, fileAndEventName);\r
90                         // Do not override existing files unless asked to do so !\r
91                         if (file.exists() && !override) {\r
92                                 return;\r
93                         }\r
94                         writer = new FileWriter(file);\r
95                         writer.write(content);\r
96                         writer.close();\r
97                         log.debug("File " + fileAndEventName + " with content: " + content\r
98                                         + " has been recorder successfully! ");\r
99                 } catch (IOException e) {\r
100                         log.error("Could not record the " + fileAndEventName + " file in "\r
101                                         + workDirectory + " for local execution! Ignoring... "\r
102                                         + e.getMessage());\r
103                 } finally {\r
104                         FileUtil.closeSilently(log, writer);\r
105                 }\r
106         }\r
107 \r
108         public static final boolean writeMarker(String workDirectory,\r
109                         JobStatus fileType) {\r
110                 if (fileType == null) {\r
111                         throw new NullPointerException("MarkerType must be provided!");\r
112                 }\r
113                 if (fileType == fileType.FINISHED || fileType == fileType.STARTED) {\r
114                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(\r
115                                         "Please use Util.writeStatFile(workDirectory, fileAndEventName) to record FINISHED and STARTED statuses!");\r
116                 }\r
117                 if (!PathValidator.isValidDirectory(workDirectory)) {\r
118                         // This is OK as some task could be cancelled even before they\r
119                         // started\r
120                         log.warn("Attempting to write " + fileType\r
121                                         + " marker in the work directory " + workDirectory\r
122                                         + " is not provided or does not exist!");\r
123                         return false;\r
124                 }\r
125                 try {\r
126                         File sfile = new File(workDirectory, fileType.toString());\r
127                         if (!sfile.exists()) {\r
128                                 return sfile.createNewFile();\r
129                         }\r
130                 } catch (IOException e) {\r
131                         log.error("Could not record stat marker file " + fileType\r
132                                         + " into the directory " + workDirectory + " ! "\r
133                                         + e.getMessage(), e.getCause());\r
134                 }\r
135                 return false;\r
136         }\r
137 \r
138         public static boolean isMarked(String workDirectory, JobStatus marker) {\r
139                 if (!PathValidator.isValidDirectory(workDirectory)) {\r
140                         throw new NullPointerException("Work directory " + workDirectory\r
141                                         + " is not provided or does not exist!");\r
142                 }\r
143                 return new File(workDirectory, marker.toString()).exists();\r
144         }\r
145 \r
146         public static Map<String, String> mergeEnvVariables(\r
147                         final Map<String, String> sysEnvTobeModified,\r
148                         final Map<String, String> variables) {\r
149                 if (variables.containsKey(EnvVariableProcessor.PATH)) {\r
150                         String propPath = variables.get(EnvVariableProcessor.PATH);\r
151                         String sysPATH = sysEnvTobeModified.get(EnvVariableProcessor.PATH);\r
152                         String syspath = sysEnvTobeModified.get(EnvVariableProcessor.PATH\r
153                                         .toLowerCase());\r
154                         // This version appears surprisingly often on windows machines\r
155                         boolean added = false;\r
156                         String sysPath = sysEnvTobeModified.get("Path");\r
157                         if (sysPATH != null) {\r
158                                 sysEnvTobeModified.put(EnvVariableProcessor.PATH, sysPATH\r
159                                                 + File.pathSeparator + propPath);\r
160                                 added = true;\r
161                         }\r
162                         if (syspath != null) {\r
163                                 sysEnvTobeModified.put(EnvVariableProcessor.PATH.toLowerCase(),\r
164                                                 syspath + File.pathSeparator + propPath);\r
165                                 added = true;\r
166                         }\r
167                         if (sysPath != null) {\r
168                                 sysEnvTobeModified.put("Path", sysPath + File.pathSeparator\r
169                                                 + propPath);\r
170                                 added = true;\r
171                         }\r
172                         // If not path variable is found, then add it\r
173                         if (!added) {\r
174                                 sysEnvTobeModified.put(EnvVariableProcessor.PATH, propPath);\r
175                         }\r
176                         variables.remove(EnvVariableProcessor.PATH);\r
177                 }\r
178                 sysEnvTobeModified.putAll(variables);\r
179                 return sysEnvTobeModified;\r
180         }\r
181 \r
182         public static String convertToAbsolute(String relativePath) {\r
183                 // If specified path is relative, than make it absolute\r
184                 String absolute = relativePath;\r
185                 if (!PathValidator.isAbsolutePath(relativePath)) {\r
186                         absolute = PropertyHelperManager.getLocalPath() + relativePath;\r
187                         Util.log\r
188                                         .trace("Changing local path in enviromental variable to absolute: FROM "\r
189                                                         + relativePath + " TO " + absolute);\r
190                 }\r
191                 return absolute;\r
192         }\r
193 \r
194         public static String getExecProperty(String propertySpec, Executable<?> exec) {\r
195                 assert !compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(propertySpec);\r
196                 assert exec != null;\r
197                 return Util.getExecProperty(propertySpec, exec.getClass());\r
198         }\r
199 \r
200         public static String getExecProperty(String propertySpec, Class<?> clazz) {\r
201                 assert !compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(propertySpec);\r
202                 assert clazz != null;\r
203                 String property = clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + "."\r
204                                 + propertySpec.toLowerCase();\r
205                 log.trace("Processing property: " + property);\r
206                 return ph.getProperty(property);\r
207         }\r
208 \r
209         public static String getFullPath(String workDirectory, String fileName) {\r
210                 assert !compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(fileName) : "Filename must be provided! ";\r
211                 assert !compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(workDirectory) : "Workdirectory must be provided! ";\r
212                 return workDirectory + File.separator + fileName;\r
213         }\r
214 \r
215         public static String getCommand(ExecProvider provider, Class<?> clazz) {\r
216                 if (provider == ExecProvider.Any) {\r
217                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(\r
218                                         "A particular execution environment must be chosen");\r
219                 }\r
220                 String execCommandName = clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase();\r
221                 String bin = "";\r
222                 if (provider == ExecProvider.Local) {\r
223                         if (SysPrefs.isWindows) {\r
224                                 bin = ph.getProperty("local." + execCommandName\r
225                                                 + "");\r
226                         } else {\r
227                                 bin = ph.getProperty("local." + execCommandName + ".bin");\r
228                         }\r
229                         // If path to executable defined in the properties is not absolute,\r
230                         // then make it so\r
231                         // as setting working directory of ProcessBuilder will make it\r
232                         // impossible\r
233                         // to find an executable otherwise\r
234                         if (!compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(bin)\r
235                                         && !PathValidator.isAbsolutePath(bin)) {\r
236                                 bin = PropertyHelperManager.getLocalPath() + bin;\r
237                         }\r
238                 } else {\r
239                         bin = ph.getProperty("cluster." + execCommandName + ".bin");\r
240                 }\r
241                 return bin; // File.separator\r
242         }\r
243 \r
244         public static ExecProvider getSupportedRuntimes(Class<?> clazz) {\r
245                 boolean localRuntimeSupport = false;\r
246                 boolean clusterRuntimeSupport = false;\r
247                 String executableName = clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase();\r
248                 String localRuntime1 = ph.getProperty("local." + executableName\r
249                                 + "");\r
250                 String localRuntime2 = ph.getProperty("local." + executableName\r
251                                 + ".bin");\r
252                 if (!compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(localRuntime1)\r
253                                 || !compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(localRuntime2)) {\r
254                         localRuntimeSupport = true;\r
255                 }\r
256                 String clusterRuntime = ph.getProperty("cluster." + executableName\r
257                                 + ".bin");\r
258                 if (!compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(clusterRuntime)) {\r
259                         clusterRuntimeSupport = true;\r
260                 }\r
261                 if (localRuntimeSupport && clusterRuntimeSupport) {\r
262                         return ExecProvider.Any;\r
263                 } else if (localRuntimeSupport) {\r
264                         return ExecProvider.Local;\r
265                 } else if (clusterRuntimeSupport) {\r
266                         return ExecProvider.Cluster;\r
267                 }\r
268                 // Means executable cannot be executed -> is improperly configured\r
269                 // should be ignored\r
270                 throw new InvalidParameterException(\r
271                                 "Executable is not provided for any runtime environments");\r
272         }\r
273 \r
274         public static ConfiguredExecutable<?> loadExecutable(String taskId)\r
275                         throws ResultNotAvailableException {\r
276                 String workDir = compbio.engine.Configurator.getWorkDirectory(taskId);\r
277                 // The results for this job has been collected once, or the JVM may\r
278                 // have been restarted,\r
279                 // so that the job is not in the job list\r
280                 // ->load a ConfiguredExercutable from saved run and return it\r
281                 FileInputStream fileInStream = null;\r
282                 ConfiguredExecutable<?> exec = null;\r
283                 try {\r
284                         fileInStream = new FileInputStream(workDir + File.separator\r
285                                         + RunConfiguration.rconfigFile);\r
286                         RunConfiguration rconf = RunConfiguration.load(fileInStream);\r
287                         exec = ConfExecutable.newConfExecutable(rconf);\r
288                         fileInStream.close();\r
289                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {\r
290                         log.error("Could not find run configuration to load!"\r
291                                         + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getCause());\r
292                         throw new ResultNotAvailableException(\r
293                                         "Could not find run configuration to load!"\r
294                                                         + e.getMessage(), e.getCause());\r
295                 } catch (IOException e) {\r
296                         log.error("IO Exception while reading run configuration file!"\r
297                                         + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getCause());\r
298                         throw new ResultNotAvailableException(\r
299                                         "Could not load run configuration!" + e.getMessage(), e\r
300                                                         .getCause());\r
301                 } finally {\r
302                         FileUtil.closeSilently(log, fileInStream);\r
303                 }\r
304                 return exec;\r
305         }\r
306 \r
307         /**\r
308          * For now just assume that all parameters which came in needs setting it\r
309          * will be a client responsibility to prepare RunnerConfig object then\r
310          * \r
311          * @param rconfig\r
312          * @return\r
313          * \r
314          *         public static List<String> toOptionString(RunnerConfig<?>\r
315          *         rconfig) { String option = ""; List<String> options = new\r
316          *         ArrayList<String>(); for (Parameter<?> par :\r
317          *         rconfig.getParameters()) { if (par.getPossibleValues().isEmpty())\r
318          *         { option = par.getOptionName(); } else { option =\r
319          *         par.getOptionName() + "=" + par.getPossibleValues().get(0); } //\r
320          *         separate options options.add(option); } return options; }\r
321          */\r
322         \r
323         public static <T> LimitsManager<T> getLimits(Class<Executable<T>> clazz) {\r
324                 LimitsManager<T> limits = null;\r
325                 try {\r
326                         limits = ConfExecutable.getRunnerLimits(clazz);\r
327                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {\r
328                         Util.log.warn(\r
329                                         "No limits are found for " + clazz + " executable! "\r
330                                                         + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getCause());\r
331                         // its ok, limit may not be initialized\r
332                 } catch (IOException e) {\r
333                         Util.log.warn("IO exception while attempting to read limits for "\r
334                                         + clazz + " executable! " + e.getLocalizedMessage(),\r
335                                         e.getCause());\r
336                 }\r
337                 return limits;\r
338         }\r
339 \r
340 }\r