JAL-1524 fix
[jalview.git] / help / html / webServices / AACon.html
1 <html>
2 <!--
3  * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8.1)
4  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Jalview Authors
5  * 
6  * This file is part of Jalview.
7  * 
8  * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
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19 -->
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21 <title>AACon Web Service</title>
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23 <body>
24         <strong>AACon Alignment Conservation Calculation Service</strong>
25         <p>The JABAWS AACon service implements 17 different conservation
26                 scores for protein sequence alignments.</p>
27         <p>
28                 The majority of these scores were described by Valdar in 2002 (Scoring
29                 residue conservation. <em>Proteins: Structure, Function, and
30                         Genetics</em> 43(2): 227-241. <a
31                         href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12112692">PubMed</a> or
32                 available on the <a
33                         href="http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~valdar/publications.html">Valdar
34                         Group publications page</a>), but the SMERFs score was developed later
35                 and described by Manning et al. in 2008 (<a
36                         href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/51">BMC
37                         Bioinformatics 2008, 9:51 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-51</a>).
38         </p>
39         <p>
40                 <strong>Enabling and disabling AACon calculations</strong><br /> When
41                 the <strong>AACon Calculation</strong> entry in the <strong>Web
42                         Services&rarr;Conservation</strong> is ticked, AACon calculations will be
43                 performed every time the alignment is modified. Selecting the menu
44                 item will enable or disable automatic recalculation.
45         </p>
46         <p>
47                 <strong>Configuring which AACon calculations are performed</strong><br />
48                 The <strong>Web Services&rarr;Conservation&rarr;Change AACon
49                         Settings ...</strong> menu entry will open a <a href="webServicesParams.html">web
50                         services parameter dialog</a> for the currently configured AACon server.
51                 Standard presets are provided for quick and more expensive
52                 conservation calculations, and parameters are also provided to change
53                 the way that SMERFS calculations are performed.<br /> <em>AACon
54                         settings for an alignment are saved in <a
55                         href="../features/jalarchive.html">Jalview projects</a> along with
56                         the latest calculation results.
57                 </em>
58         </p>
59         <p>
60                 <strong>Changing the server used for AACon calculations</strong><br />
61                 If you are working with alignments too large to analyse with the
62                 public JABAWS server, then you will most likely have already
63                 configured <a href="webServicesPrefs.html">additional JABAWS
64                         servers</a>. By default, Jalview will chose the first AACon service
65                 available from the list of JABAWS servers available. If available, you can switch to
66                 use another AACon service by selecting it from the <strong>Web
67                         Services&rarr;Conservation&rarr;Switch Server</strong> submenu.
68         </p>
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