Adding JABA web services usage statistics web application. Stat database is to follow
[jabaws.git] / statpages / header.jsp
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9   <head>
10     <title>
11       The
12       <![CDATA[&lt;display:*>]]>
13       tag library
14     </title>
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29     <a href="index.jsp" id="bannerRight">
30       <img src="img/displaytag.png" alt="" />
31     </a>
32     <div class="clear">
33       <hr />
34     </div>
35   </div>
36   <div id="breadcrumbs">
37     <div class="xright">
38       <a href="">Documentation</a>
39       |
40       <a href="index.jsp">Examples</a>
41     </div>
42     <div class="clear">
43       <hr />
44     </div>
45   </div>
46   <div id="leftColumn">
47     <div id="navcolumn">
48       <h5>Examples</h5>
49       <ul>
50         <li>
51           <a href="example-nocolumns.jsp">Simplest case, no columns</a>
52         </li>
53         <li>
54           <a href="example-columns.jsp">Columns</a>
55         </li>
56         <li>
57           <a href="example-styles.jsp">Styles</a>
58         </li>
59         <li>
60           <a href="example-datasource.jsp">Acquiring your List of data</a>
61         </li>
62         <li>
63           <a href="example-imp-objects.jsp">Implicit objects</a>
64         </li>
65         <li>
66           <a href="example-subsets.jsp">Showing subsets of data</a>
67         </li>
68         <li>
69           <a href="example-autolink.jsp">Smart linking</a>
70         </li>
71         <li>
72           <a href="example-decorator.jsp">Using decorators</a>
73         </li>
74         <li>
75           <a href="example-decorator-link.jsp">Creating dynamic links</a>
76         </li>
77         <li>
78           <a href="example-paging.jsp">Auto-paging of long lists</a>
79         </li>
80         <li>
81           <a href="example-sorting.jsp">Auto-sorting by columns</a>
82         </li>
83         <li>
84           <a href="example-grouping.jsp">Column grouping</a>
85         </li>
86         <li>
87           <a href="example-callbacks.jsp">Using callbacks for totals</a>
88         </li>
89         <li>
90           <a href="example-export.jsp">Data exporting</a>
91         </li>
92         <li>
93           <a href="example-config.jsp">Config, overriding default</a>
94         </li>
95         <li>
96           <a href="example-pse.jsp">All the features together</a>
97         </li>
98         <li>
99           <a href="example-twotables.jsp">More tables on one page</a>
100         </li>
101         <li>
102           <a href="example-nestedtables.jsp">Nested tables</a>
103         </li>
104         <li>
105           <a href="example-caption-footer.jsp">Caption and footer</a>
106         </li>
107         <li>
108           <a href="example-misc.jsp">Misc, odds and ends</a>
109         </li>
110         <li>
111           <a href="example-new-export.jsp">WYSIWYG data exporting</a>
112         </li>
113         <li>
114           <a href="example-format.jsp">Using format</a>
115         </li>
116         <li>
117           <a href="example-columnlist.jsp">Dynamic Column Creation</a>
118         </li>
119         <li>
120           <a href="example-rowclass.jsp">Row highlighting</a>
121         </li>
122         <li>
123           <a href="example-columnsummation.jsp">Column Summation</a>
124         </li>
125         <li>
126           <a href="example-keepstatus.jsp">Preserve pagination status</a>
127         </li>
128         <li>
129           <a href="example-checkboxes.jsp">Posting forms (checkboxes)</a>
130         </li>
131       </ul>
132       <a href="" id="poweredBy">
133         <img src="img/valid-xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" style="border:none" />
134       </a>
135     </div>
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