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[jabaws.git] / targets
1 82:     <target name="clean">
2 92:     <target name="full-clean" depends="clean">
3 102:    <target name="clearStatDB" description="Remove all records from statistics database">
6 120:    <target name="compile_with_debug" depends="clean"       description="Perform a multiple step compilation to ensure layered structure is preserved. Debug enabled.">
7 167:    <target name="compile" depends="clean"                  description="Perform a multiple step compilation to ensure layered structure is preserved. Debug disabled, optimisation enabled. Tests are not compiled.">
8 193:    <target name="datamodel-jar" depends="compile"          description="Pack data model classes">
9 216:    <target name="jabaws-client-src-jar"                    description="Pack metadata, data model, WS interfaces, a simple ws client class">
10 238:    <target name="minimal-jabaws-client-jar"                description="Pack metadata, data model, WS interfaces, a simple ws client class">
11 277:    <target name="full-jabaws-client-jar"                   description="Pack datamodel, engine and runners">
12 298:    <target name="aacon-ws-client-jar"                      description="Pack metadata, data model, WS interfaces, a simple ws client class">
13 320:    <target name="full-jabaws-client"                       description="Pack binaries with sources and configuration files">
14 332:    <target name="source-jar"                               description="Pack java sources">
15 356:    <target name="datamodel-source-jar"                     description="Pack java sources">
16 375:    <target name="full-jabaws-jar"                          description="Pack datamodel, engine, runners, configuration, binaries and webservices">
17 406:    <target name="pack-binaries"                            description="Zip all binary files">
18 413:    <target name="jabaws-no-binaries"                       description="Prepare JABAWS war file without native binaries">
19 444:    <target name="build-devel-website"                      description="Pack developement related pages, tests, javadoc" >
20 454:    <target name="jabaws-complete"                          description="Prepare JABAWS war file without runtime dependency - JAXWS jars">
21 464:    <target name="build-all"                                description="Build-all the distributives"/>
22 467:    <target name="archive-project"                          description="Pack everything in the project for those who do not have access to SVN" depends="compile">
24 483:    <target name="CustomTest" depends="compile_with_debug">
25 498:    <target name="Run_cluster_dependent_test" depends="compile_with_debug">
26 513:    <target name="Test" depends="compile_with_debug">
27 528:    <target name="Performance_tests" depends="compile_with_debug">
28 543:    <target name="Test_runners" depends="compile_with_debug">
29 558:    <target name="Test_engines" depends="compile_with_debug">
30 573:    <target name="All_cluster_independent_windows_only_tests" depends="compile_with_debug">
31 587:    <target name="All_cluster_independent_tests" depends="compile_with_debug">
32 601:    <target name="Rerun_failed_tests" depends="compile_with_debug">