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3 <title>TestNG:  compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester</title>
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56 <h2 align='center'>compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester</h2><table border='1' align="center">
57 <tr>
58 <td>Tests passed/Failed/Skipped:</td><td>6/0/0</td>
59 </tr><tr>
60 <td>Started on:</td><td>Thu Jun 23 10:11:52 BST 2011</td>
61 </tr>
62 <tr><td>Total time:</td><td>14 seconds (14490 ms)</td>
63 </tr><tr>
64 <td>Included groups:</td><td></td>
65 </tr><tr>
66 <td>Excluded groups:</td><td></td>
67 </tr>
68 </table><p/>
69 <small><i>(Hover the method name to see the test class name)</i></small><p/>
70 <table width='100%' border='1' class='invocation-passed'>
71 <tr><td colspan='4' align='center'><b>PASSED TESTS</b></td></tr>
72 <tr><td><b>Test method</b></td>
73 <td><b>Instance</b></td>
74 <td width="10%"><b>Time (seconds)</b></td>
75 <td width="30%"><b>Exception</b></td>
76 </tr>
77 <tr>
78 <td title='compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester.readStatistics()'><b>readStatistics</b><br>Test class:compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester</td>
79 <td>compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester@54bb7759</td><td>0</td>
80 <td></td>
81 </tr>
82 <tr>
83 <td title='compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester.testConfigurationLoading()'><b>testConfigurationLoading</b><br>Test class:compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester</td>
84 <td>compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester@54bb7759</td><td>0</td>
85 <td></td>
86 </tr>
87 <tr>
88 <td title='compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester.testPersistance()'><b>testPersistance</b><br>Test class:compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester</td>
89 <td>compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester@54bb7759</td><td>0</td>
90 <td></td>
91 </tr>
92 <tr>
93 <td title='compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester.testRunLocally()'><b>testRunLocally</b><br>Test class:compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester</td>
94 <td>compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester@54bb7759</td><td>0</td>
95 <td></td>
96 </tr>
97 <tr>
98 <td title='compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester.testRunOnCluster()'><b>testRunOnCluster</b><br>Test class:compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester</td>
99 <td>compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester@54bb7759</td><td>7</td>
100 <td></td>
101 </tr>
102 <tr>
103 <td title='compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester.testRunOnClusterAsync()'><b>testRunOnClusterAsync</b><br>Test class:compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester</td>
104 <td>compbio.runner.disorder.GlobPlotTester@54bb7759</td><td>5</td>
105 <td></td>
106 </tr>
107 </table><p>
108 </body>
109 </html>