/*********************************************** * # Copyright 2009-2010. Liu Yongchao * # Contact: Liu Yongchao, School of Computer Engineering, * # Nanyang Technological University. * # Emails: liuy0039@ntu.edu.sg; nkcslyc@hotmail.com * # * # GPL version 3.0 applies. * # * ************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MSA.h" #include "MSAClusterTree.h" #include "Defaults.h" #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif string parametersInputFilename = ""; string parametersOutputFilename = "no training"; string annotationFilename = ""; bool enableVerbose = false; bool enableAnnotation = false; bool enableClustalWOutput = false; bool enableAlignOrder = false; int numConsistencyReps = 2; int numPreTrainingReps = 0; int numIterativeRefinementReps = 100; float cutoff = 0; VF initDistrib(NumMatrixTypes); VF gapOpen(2 * NumInsertStates); VF gapExtend(2 * NumInsertStates); VVF emitPairs(256, VF(256, 1e-10)); VF emitSingle(256, 1e-5); string alphabet = alphabetDefault; const int MIN_PRETRAINING_REPS = 0; const int MAX_PRETRAINING_REPS = 20; const int MIN_CONSISTENCY_REPS = 0; const int MAX_CONSISTENCY_REPS = 5; const int MIN_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS = 0; const int MAX_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS = 1000; string posteriorProbsFilename = ""; bool allscores = true; string infilename; int flag_gui = 0; //0: no gui related o/p //1: gui related o/p generated int flag_ppscore = 0; //0: no pp score sequence added to o/p fasta alignment //1: pp score seq added to o/p fasta alignment /////////////////////////////// // global scoring matrix variables ////////////////////////////// float g_gap_open1, g_gap_open2, g_gap_ext1, g_gap_ext2; char *aminos, *bases, matrixtype[20] = "gonnet_160"; int subst_index[26]; double sub_matrix[26][26]; double normalized_matrix[26][26];// add by YE Yongtao int firstread = 0; //this makes sure that matrices are read only once float TEMPERATURE = 5; int MATRIXTYPE = 160; int prot_nuc = 0; //0=prot, 1=nucleotide float GAPOPEN = 0; float GAPEXT = 0; int numThreads = 0; //argument support typedef struct { char input[30]; int matrix; int N; float T; float beta; char opt; //can be 'P' or 'M' float gapopen; float gapext; } argument_decl; argument_decl argument; extern inline void read_sustitution_matrix(char *fileName); extern void setmatrixtype(int le); extern inline int matrixtype_to_int(); extern inline void read_dna_matrix(); extern inline void read_vtml_la_matrix(); extern void init_arguments(); MSA::MSA(int argc, char* argv[]) { //parse program parameters SafeVector sequenceNames = ParseParams(argc, argv); //initialize arguments for partition function init_arguments(); ReadParameters(); //PrintParameters ("Using parameter set:", initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend, emitPairs, emitSingle, NULL); //read the input sequences MultiSequence *sequences = new MultiSequence(); assert(sequences); for (int i = 0; i < (int) sequenceNames.size(); i++) { cerr << "Loading sequence file: " << sequenceNames[i] << endl; sequences->LoadMFA(sequenceNames[i], true); } //allocate space for sequence weights this->seqsWeights = new int[sequences->GetNumSequences()]; //initilaize parameters for OPENMP #ifdef _OPENMP if(numThreads <= 0) { numThreads = omp_get_num_procs(); // cerr << "Automatically detected " << numThreads << " CPU cores" << endl; } // cerr <<"Enabling OpenMP (with "<WriteALN(*alignOutFile); } else { alignment->WriteMFA(*alignOutFile); } //release resources delete[] this->seqsWeights; delete alignment; delete sequences; } MSA::~MSA() { /*close the output file*/ if (alignOutFileName.length() > 0) { ((std::ofstream*) alignOutFile)->close(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PrintParameters() // // Prints MSAPROBS parameters to STDERR. If a filename is // specified, then the parameters are also written to the file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MSA::PrintParameters(const char *message, const VF &initDistrib, const VF &gapOpen, const VF &gapExtend, const VVF &emitPairs, const VF &emitSingle, const char *filename) { // print parameters to the screen cerr << message << endl << " initDistrib[] = { "; for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) cerr << setprecision(10) << initDistrib[i] << " "; cerr << "}" << endl << " gapOpen[] = { "; for (int i = 0; i < NumInsertStates * 2; i++) cerr << setprecision(10) << gapOpen[i] << " "; cerr << "}" << endl << " gapExtend[] = { "; for (int i = 0; i < NumInsertStates * 2; i++) cerr << setprecision(10) << gapExtend[i] << " "; cerr << "}" << endl << endl; // if a file name is specified if (filename) { // attempt to open the file for writing FILE *file = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!file) { cerr << "ERROR: Unable to write parameter file: " << filename << endl; exit(1); } // if successful, then write the parameters to the file for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) fprintf(file, "%.10f ", initDistrib[i]); fprintf(file, "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NumInsertStates; i++) fprintf(file, "%.10f ", gapOpen[i]); fprintf(file, "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NumInsertStates; i++) fprintf(file, "%.10f ", gapExtend[i]); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "%s\n", alphabet.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) fprintf(file, "%.10f ", emitPairs[(unsigned char) alphabet[i]][(unsigned char) alphabet[j]]); fprintf(file, "\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.size(); i++) fprintf(file, "%.10f ", emitSingle[(unsigned char) alphabet[i]]); fprintf(file, "\n"); fclose(file); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // doAlign() // // First computes all pairwise posterior probability matrices. // Then, computes new parameters if training, or a final // alignment, otherwise. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern VF *ComputePostProbs(int a, int b, string seq1, string seq2); MultiSequence* MSA::doAlign(MultiSequence *sequences, const ProbabilisticModel &model, int levelid) { assert(sequences); //get the number of sequences const int numSeqs = sequences->GetNumSequences(); //create distance matrix VVF distances(numSeqs, VF(numSeqs, 0)); //creat sparseMatrices SafeVector > sparseMatrices(numSeqs, SafeVector(numSeqs, NULL)); #ifdef _OPENMP //calculate sequence pairs for openmp model int pairIdx = 0; numPairs = (numSeqs - 1) * numSeqs / 2; seqsPairs = new SeqsPair[numPairs]; for(int a = 0; a < numSeqs; a++) { for(int b = a + 1; b < numSeqs; b++) { seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq1 = a; seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq2 = b; pairIdx++; } } #endif // do all pairwise alignments for posterior probability matrices #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for private(pairIdx) default(shared) schedule(dynamic) for(pairIdx = 0; pairIdx < numPairs; pairIdx++) { int a= seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq1; int b = seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq2; if(enableVerbose) { #pragma omp critical cerr <<"tid "<GetSequence(a); Sequence *seq2 = sequences->GetSequence(b); //posterior probability matrix VF* posterior; //low similarity use local model if(levelid == 1){ VF *forward = model.ComputeForwardMatrix(seq1, seq2,false); assert(forward); VF *backward = model.ComputeBackwardMatrix(seq1, seq2,false); assert(backward); posterior = model.ComputePosteriorMatrix(seq1, seq2, *forward,*backward, false); delete forward; delete backward; } //high similarity use global model else if(levelid >= 2) posterior = ::ComputePostProbs(a, b, seq1->GetString(),seq2->GetString()); //extreme low or extreme high similarity use combined model else{ //probcons // compute forward and backward probabilities VF *forward = model.ComputeForwardMatrix(seq1, seq2); assert(forward); VF *backward = model.ComputeBackwardMatrix(seq1, seq2); assert(backward); // compute posterior probability matrix from HMM VF *probcons_posterior = model.ComputePosteriorMatrix(seq1, seq2, *forward,*backward); assert(probcons_posterior); delete forward; delete backward; //probalign VF *probalign_posterior = ::ComputePostProbs(a, b, seq1->GetString(),seq2->GetString()); assert(probalign_posterior); //local forward = model.ComputeForwardMatrix(seq1, seq2,false); assert(forward); backward = model.ComputeBackwardMatrix(seq1, seq2,false); assert(backward); posterior = model.ComputePosteriorMatrix(seq1, seq2, *forward,*backward, false); assert(posterior); delete forward; delete backward; //combined model //merge probalign + local + probcons VF::iterator ptr1 = probcons_posterior->begin(); VF::iterator ptr2 = probalign_posterior->begin(); VF::iterator ptr = posterior->begin(); for (int i = 0; i <= seq1->GetLength(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= seq2->GetLength(); j++) { float v1 = *ptr1; float v2 = *ptr2; float v3 = *ptr; *ptr = sqrt((v1*v1 + v2*v2 + v3*v3)/3); ptr1++; ptr2++; ptr++; } } delete probcons_posterior; delete probalign_posterior; } assert(posterior); // perform the pairwise sequence alignment pair *, float> alignment = model.ComputeAlignment( seq1->GetLength(), seq2->GetLength(), *posterior); //compute expected accuracy distances[a][b] = distances[b][a] = 1.0f - alignment.second / min(seq1->GetLength(), seq2->GetLength()); // compute sparse representations sparseMatrices[a][b] = new SparseMatrix(seq1->GetLength(), seq2->GetLength(), *posterior); sparseMatrices[b][a] = NULL; delete posterior; delete alignment.first; #ifndef _OPENMP } #endif } //create the guide tree this->tree = new MSAClusterTree(this, distances, numSeqs); this->tree->create(); // perform the consistency transformation the desired number of times float* fweights = new float[numSeqs]; for (int r = 0; r < numSeqs; r++) { fweights[r] = ((float) seqsWeights[r]) / INT_MULTIPLY; fweights[r] *= 10; } for (int r = 0; r < numConsistencyReps; r++) { SafeVector > newSparseMatrices = DoRelaxation(fweights, sequences, sparseMatrices); // now replace the old posterior matrices for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numSeqs; j++) { delete sparseMatrices[i][j]; sparseMatrices[i][j] = newSparseMatrices[i][j]; } } } delete[] fweights; #ifdef _OPENMP delete [] seqsPairs; #endif //compute the final multiple sequence alignment MultiSequence *finalAlignment = ComputeFinalAlignment(this->tree, sequences, sparseMatrices, model,levelid); // build annotation if (enableAnnotation) { WriteAnnotation(finalAlignment, sparseMatrices); } //destroy the guide tree delete this->tree; this->tree = 0; // delete sparse matrices for (int a = 0; a < numSeqs - 1; a++) { for (int b = a + 1; b < numSeqs; b++) { delete sparseMatrices[a][b]; delete sparseMatrices[b][a]; } } return finalAlignment; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetInteger() // // Attempts to parse an integer from the character string given. // Returns true only if no parsing error occurs. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool GetInteger(char *data, int *val) { char *endPtr; long int retVal; assert(val); errno = 0; retVal = strtol(data, &endPtr, 0); if (retVal == 0 && (errno != 0 || data == endPtr)) return false; if (errno != 0 && (retVal == LONG_MAX || retVal == LONG_MIN)) return false; if (retVal < (long) INT_MIN || retVal > (long) INT_MAX) return false; *val = (int) retVal; return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetFloat() // // Attempts to parse a float from the character string given. // Returns true only if no parsing error occurs. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool GetFloat(char *data, float *val) { char *endPtr; double retVal; assert(val); errno = 0; retVal = strtod(data, &endPtr); if (retVal == 0 && (errno != 0 || data == endPtr)) return false; if (errno != 0 && (retVal >= 1000000.0 || retVal <= -1000000.0)) return false; *val = (float) retVal; return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadParameters() // // Read initial distribution, transition, and emission // parameters from a file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MSA::ReadParameters() { ifstream data; emitPairs = VVF(256, VF(256, 1e-10)); emitSingle = VF(256, 1e-5); // read initial state distribution and transition parameters if (parametersInputFilename == string("")) { if (NumInsertStates == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) initDistrib[i] = initDistrib1Default[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NumInsertStates; i++) gapOpen[i] = gapOpen1Default[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NumInsertStates; i++) gapExtend[i] = gapExtend1Default[i]; } else if (NumInsertStates == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) initDistrib[i] = initDistrib2Default[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NumInsertStates; i++) gapOpen[i] = gapOpen2Default[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NumInsertStates; i++) gapExtend[i] = gapExtend2Default[i]; } else { cerr << "ERROR: No default initial distribution/parameter settings exist" << endl << " for " << NumInsertStates << " pairs of insert states. Use --paramfile." << endl; exit(1); } alphabet = alphabetDefault; for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.length(); i++) { emitSingle[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])] = emitSingleDefault[i]; emitSingle[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])] = emitSingleDefault[i]; for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) tolower( alphabet[j])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j]; emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) toupper( alphabet[j])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j]; emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) tolower( alphabet[j])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j]; emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) toupper( alphabet[j])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j]; emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) tolower( alphabet[i])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j]; emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) toupper( alphabet[i])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j]; emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) tolower( alphabet[i])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j]; emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) toupper( alphabet[i])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j]; } } } else { data.open(parametersInputFilename.c_str()); if (data.fail()) { cerr << "ERROR: Unable to read parameter file: " << parametersInputFilename << endl; exit(1); } string line[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!getline(data, line[i])) { cerr << "ERROR: Unable to read transition parameters from parameter file: " << parametersInputFilename << endl; exit(1); } } istringstream data2; data2.clear(); data2.str(line[0]); for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) data2 >> initDistrib[i]; data2.clear(); data2.str(line[1]); for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NumInsertStates; i++) data2 >> gapOpen[i]; data2.clear(); data2.str(line[2]); for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NumInsertStates; i++) data2 >> gapExtend[i]; if (!getline(data, line[0])) { cerr << "ERROR: Unable to read alphabet from scoring matrix file: " << parametersInputFilename << endl; exit(1); } // read alphabet as concatenation of all characters on alphabet line alphabet = ""; string token; data2.clear(); data2.str(line[0]); while (data2 >> token) alphabet += token; for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { float val; data >> val; emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) tolower( alphabet[j])] = val; emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) toupper( alphabet[j])] = val; emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) tolower( alphabet[j])] = val; emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) toupper( alphabet[j])] = val; emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) tolower( alphabet[i])] = val; emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) toupper( alphabet[i])] = val; emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) tolower( alphabet[i])] = val; emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) toupper( alphabet[i])] = val; } } for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.size(); i++) { float val; data >> val; emitSingle[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])] = val; emitSingle[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])] = val; } data.close(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ParseParams() // // Parse all command-line options. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MSA::printUsage() { cerr << "************************************************************************" << endl << "\tMSAPROBS is a open-source protein multiple sequence alignment algorithm" << endl << "\tbased on pair hidden markov model and partition function postirior" << endl << "\tprobabilities. If any comments or problems, please contact" << endl << "\tLiu Yongchao(liuy0039@ntu.edu.sg or nkcslyc@hotmail.com)" << endl << "*************************************************************************" << endl << "Usage:" << endl << " msaprobs [OPTION]... [infile]..." << endl << endl << "Description:" << endl << " Align sequences in multi-FASTA format" << endl << endl << " -o, --outfile " << endl << " specify the output file name (STDOUT by default)" << endl << " -num_threads " << endl << " specify the number of threads used, and otherwise detect automatically" << endl << " -clustalw" << endl << " use CLUSTALW output format instead of FASTA format" << endl << endl << " -c, --consistency REPS" << endl << " use " << MIN_CONSISTENCY_REPS << " <= REPS <= " << MAX_CONSISTENCY_REPS << " (default: " << numConsistencyReps << ") passes of consistency transformation" << endl << endl << " -ir, --iterative-refinement REPS" << endl << " use " << MIN_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS << " <= REPS <= " << MAX_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS << " (default: " << numIterativeRefinementReps << ") passes of iterative-refinement" << endl << endl << " -v, --verbose" << endl << " report progress while aligning (default: " << (enableVerbose ? "on" : "off") << ")" << endl << endl << " -annot FILENAME" << endl << " write annotation for multiple alignment to FILENAME" << endl << endl << " -a, --alignment-order" << endl << " print sequences in alignment order rather than input order (default: " << (enableAlignOrder ? "on" : "off") << ")" << endl << " -version " << endl << " print out version of MSAPROBS " << endl << endl; } SafeVector MSA::ParseParams(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printUsage(); exit(1); } SafeVector sequenceNames; int tempInt; float tempFloat; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { //help if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-?")) { printUsage(); exit(1); //output file name } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--outfile")) { if (i < argc - 1) { alignOutFileName = argv[++i]; //get the file name } else { cerr << "ERROR: String expected for option " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } // parameter file } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-p") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--paramfile")){ if (i < argc - 1) parametersInputFilename = string (argv[++i]); else { cerr << "ERROR: Filename expected for option " << argv[i] << endl; exit (1); } //number of threads used } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-num_threads")) { if (i < argc - 1) { if (!GetInteger(argv[++i], &tempInt)) { cerr << " ERROR: invalid integer following option " << argv[i - 1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } else { if (tempInt < 0) { tempInt = 0; } numThreads = tempInt; } } else { cerr << "ERROR: Integer expected for option " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } // number of consistency transformations } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--consistency")) { if (i < argc - 1) { if (!GetInteger(argv[++i], &tempInt)) { cerr << "ERROR: Invalid integer following option " << argv[i - 1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } else { if (tempInt < MIN_CONSISTENCY_REPS || tempInt > MAX_CONSISTENCY_REPS) { cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i - 1] << ", integer must be between " << MIN_CONSISTENCY_REPS << " and " << MAX_CONSISTENCY_REPS << "." << endl; exit(1); } else { numConsistencyReps = tempInt; } } } else { cerr << "ERROR: Integer expected for option " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } } // number of randomized partitioning iterative refinement passes else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ir") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--iterative-refinement")) { if (i < argc - 1) { if (!GetInteger(argv[++i], &tempInt)) { cerr << "ERROR: Invalid integer following option " << argv[i - 1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } else { if (tempInt < MIN_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS || tempInt > MAX_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS) { cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i - 1] << ", integer must be between " << MIN_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS << " and " << MAX_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS << "." << endl; exit(1); } else numIterativeRefinementReps = tempInt; } } else { cerr << "ERROR: Integer expected for option " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } } // annotation files else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-annot")) { enableAnnotation = true; if (i < argc - 1) { annotationFilename = argv[++i]; } else { cerr << "ERROR: FILENAME expected for option " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } } // clustalw output format else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-clustalw")) { enableClustalWOutput = true; } // cutoff else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-co") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--cutoff")) { if (i < argc - 1) { if (!GetFloat(argv[++i], &tempFloat)) { cerr << "ERROR: Invalid floating-point value following option " << argv[i - 1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } else { if (tempFloat < 0 || tempFloat > 1) { cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i - 1] << ", floating-point value must be between 0 and 1." << endl; exit(1); } else cutoff = tempFloat; } } else { cerr << "ERROR: Floating-point value expected for option " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } } // verbose reporting else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose")) { enableVerbose = true; } // alignment order else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-a") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--alignment-order")) { enableAlignOrder = true; } //print out version else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-version")) { cerr << "MSAPROBS version " << VERSION << endl; exit(1); } // bad arguments else { cerr << "ERROR: Unrecognized option: " << argv[i] << endl; exit(1); } } else { sequenceNames.push_back(string(argv[i])); } } /*check the output file name*/ cerr << "-------------------------------------" << endl; if (alignOutFileName.length() == 0) { cerr << "The final alignments will be printed out to STDOUT" << endl; alignOutFile = &std::cout; } else { cerr << "Open the output file " << alignOutFileName << endl; alignOutFile = new ofstream(alignOutFileName.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::out | ios::trunc); } cerr << "-------------------------------------" << endl; return sequenceNames; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProcessTree() // // Process the tree recursively. Returns the aligned sequences // corresponding to a node or leaf of the tree. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MultiSequence* MSA::ProcessTree(TreeNode *tree, MultiSequence *sequences, const SafeVector > &sparseMatrices, const ProbabilisticModel &model) { MultiSequence *result; // check if this is a node of the alignment tree //if (tree->GetSequenceLabel() == -1){ if (tree->leaf == NODE) { MultiSequence *alignLeft = ProcessTree(tree->left, sequences, sparseMatrices, model); MultiSequence *alignRight = ProcessTree(tree->right, sequences, sparseMatrices, model); assert(alignLeft); assert(alignRight); result = AlignAlignments(alignLeft, alignRight, sparseMatrices, model); assert(result); delete alignLeft; delete alignRight; } // otherwise, this is a leaf of the alignment tree else { result = new MultiSequence(); assert(result); //result->AddSequence (sequences->GetSequence(tree->GetSequenceLabel())->Clone()); result->AddSequence(sequences->GetSequence(tree->idx)->Clone()); } return result; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ComputeFinalAlignment() // // Compute the final alignment by calling ProcessTree(), then // performing iterative refinement as needed. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MultiSequence* MSA::ComputeFinalAlignment(MSAGuideTree*tree, MultiSequence *sequences, const SafeVector > &sparseMatrices, const ProbabilisticModel &model, int levelid) { MultiSequence *alignment = ProcessTree(tree->getRoot(), sequences, sparseMatrices, model); SafeVector oldOrdering; int numSeqs = alignment->GetNumSequences(); if (enableAlignOrder) { for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) oldOrdering.push_back(alignment->GetSequence(i)->GetSortLabel()); alignment->SaveOrdering(); enableAlignOrder = false; } // tree-based refinement // TreeBasedBiPartitioning (sparseMatrices, model, alignment, tree); /* int numSeqs = alignment->GetNumSequences(); //if(numSeqs < numIterativeRefinementReps){ for(int iter = 0; iter < 5; iter ++){ for(int i = 0; i < numSeqs - 1; i++){ DoIterativeRefinementTreeNode(sparseMatrices, model, alignment, i); } } //}*/ /* //DoIterativeRefinement() return 1,2: this refinement unsuccessful if(levelid == 3) numIterativeRefinementReps=10; int ineffectiveness = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numIterativeRefinementReps; i++){ int flag = DoIterativeRefinement(sparseMatrices, model, alignment); if(numSeqs > 35 && levelid < 3){ if(flag > 0){ if(numIterativeRefinementReps < 10*numSeqs) numIterativeRefinementReps ++; if(flag == 1) ineffectiveness ++; } //else ineffectiveness = 0; if(ineffectiveness > numSeqs && i >100 ) break; } } */ //if(levelid == 3) numIterativeRefinementReps=10; for (int i = 0; i < numIterativeRefinementReps; i++) DoIterativeRefinement(sparseMatrices, model, alignment); cerr << endl; if (oldOrdering.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) oldOrdering.size(); i++) { alignment->GetSequence(i)->SetSortLabel(oldOrdering[i]); } } // return final alignment return alignment; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AlignAlignments() // // Returns the alignment of two MultiSequence objects. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MultiSequence* MSA::AlignAlignments(MultiSequence *align1, MultiSequence *align2, const SafeVector > &sparseMatrices, const ProbabilisticModel &model) { // print some info about the alignment if (enableVerbose) { for (int i = 0; i < align1->GetNumSequences(); i++) cerr << ((i == 0) ? "[" : ",") << align1->GetSequence(i)->GetLabel(); cerr << "] vs. "; for (int i = 0; i < align2->GetNumSequences(); i++) cerr << ((i == 0) ? "[" : ",") << align2->GetSequence(i)->GetLabel(); cerr << "]: "; } #if 0 VF *posterior = model.BuildPosterior (align1, align2, sparseMatrices, cutoff); #else VF *posterior = model.BuildPosterior(getSeqsWeights(), align1, align2, sparseMatrices, cutoff); #endif // compute an "accuracy" measure for the alignment before refinement pair *, float> alignment; //perform alignment alignment = model.ComputeAlignment(align1->GetSequence(0)->GetLength(), align2->GetSequence(0)->GetLength(), *posterior); delete posterior; if (enableVerbose) { // compute total length of sequences int totLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < align1->GetNumSequences(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < align2->GetNumSequences(); j++) totLength += min(align1->GetSequence(i)->GetLength(), align2->GetSequence(j)->GetLength()); // give an "accuracy" measure for the alignment cerr << alignment.second / totLength << endl; } // now build final alignment MultiSequence *result = new MultiSequence(); for (int i = 0; i < align1->GetNumSequences(); i++) result->AddSequence( align1->GetSequence(i)->AddGaps(alignment.first, 'X')); for (int i = 0; i < align2->GetNumSequences(); i++) result->AddSequence( align2->GetSequence(i)->AddGaps(alignment.first, 'Y')); if (!enableAlignOrder) result->SortByLabel(); // free temporary alignment delete alignment.first; return result; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DoRelaxation() // // Performs one round of the weighted probabilistic consistency transformation. // 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SafeVector > MSA::DoRelaxation(float* seqsWeights, MultiSequence *sequences, SafeVector > &sparseMatrices) { const int numSeqs = sequences->GetNumSequences(); SafeVector > newSparseMatrices(numSeqs, SafeVector(numSeqs, NULL)); // for every pair of sequences #ifdef _OPENMP int pairIdx; #pragma omp parallel for private(pairIdx) default(shared) schedule(dynamic) for(pairIdx = 0; pairIdx < numPairs; pairIdx++) { int i = seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq1; int j = seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq2; float wi = seqsWeights[i]; float wj = seqsWeights[j]; #else for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) { float wi = seqsWeights[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < numSeqs; j++) { float wj = seqsWeights[j]; #endif Sequence *seq1 = sequences->GetSequence(i); Sequence *seq2 = sequences->GetSequence(j); if (enableVerbose) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical #endif cerr << "Relaxing (" << i + 1 << ") " << seq1->GetHeader() << " vs. " << "(" << j + 1 << ") " << seq2->GetHeader() << ": "; } // get the original posterior matrix VF *posteriorPtr = sparseMatrices[i][j]->GetPosterior(); assert(posteriorPtr); VF &posterior = *posteriorPtr; const int seq1Length = seq1->GetLength(); const int seq2Length = seq2->GetLength(); // contribution from the summation where z = x and z = y float w = wi * wi * wj + wi * wj * wj; float sumW = w; for (int k = 0; k < (seq1Length + 1) * (seq2Length + 1); k++) { //posterior[k] = w*posterior[k]; posterior[k] += posterior[k]; } if (enableVerbose) cerr << sparseMatrices[i][j]->GetNumCells() << " --> "; // contribution from all other sequences for (int k = 0; k < numSeqs; k++) { if (k != i && k != j) { float wk = seqsWeights[k]; float w = wi * wj * wk; sumW += w; if (k < i) Relax1(w, sparseMatrices[k][i], sparseMatrices[k][j], posterior); else if (k > i && k < j) Relax(w, sparseMatrices[i][k], sparseMatrices[k][j], posterior); else { SparseMatrix *temp = sparseMatrices[j][k]->ComputeTranspose(); Relax(w, sparseMatrices[i][k], temp, posterior); delete temp; } } } //cerr<<"sumW "<::iterator XYptr = matXY->GetRowPtr(x); SafeVector::iterator XYend = XYptr + matXY->GetRowSize(x); VF::iterator base = posterior.begin() + x * (seq2Length + 1); int curr = 0; while (XYptr != XYend) { // zero out all cells until the first filled column while (curr < XYptr->first) { base[curr] = 0; curr++; } // now, skip over this column curr++; ++XYptr; } // zero out cells after last column while (curr <= seq2Length) { base[curr] = 0; curr++; } } // save the new posterior matrix newSparseMatrices[i][j] = new SparseMatrix(seq1->GetLength(), seq2->GetLength(), posterior); newSparseMatrices[j][i] = NULL; if (enableVerbose) cerr << newSparseMatrices[i][j]->GetNumCells() << " -- "; delete posteriorPtr; if (enableVerbose) cerr << "done." << endl; #ifndef _OPENMP } #endif } return newSparseMatrices; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Relax() // // Computes the consistency transformation for a single sequence // z, and adds the transformed matrix to "posterior". ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MSA::Relax(float weight, SparseMatrix *matXZ, SparseMatrix *matZY, VF &posterior) { assert(matXZ); assert(matZY); int lengthX = matXZ->GetSeq1Length(); int lengthY = matZY->GetSeq2Length(); assert(matXZ->GetSeq2Length() == matZY->GetSeq1Length()); // for every x[i] for (int i = 1; i <= lengthX; i++) { SafeVector::iterator XZptr = matXZ->GetRowPtr(i); SafeVector::iterator XZend = XZptr + matXZ->GetRowSize(i); VF::iterator base = posterior.begin() + i * (lengthY + 1); // iterate through all x[i]-z[k] while (XZptr != XZend) { SafeVector::iterator ZYptr = matZY->GetRowPtr(XZptr->first); SafeVector::iterator ZYend = ZYptr + matZY->GetRowSize(XZptr->first); const float XZval = XZptr->second; // iterate through all z[k]-y[j] while (ZYptr != ZYend) { //base[ZYptr->first] += weight * XZval * ZYptr->second; base[ZYptr->first] += XZval * ZYptr->second; ZYptr++; } XZptr++; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Relax1() // // Computes the consistency transformation for a single sequence // z, and adds the transformed matrix to "posterior". ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MSA::Relax1(float weight, SparseMatrix *matZX, SparseMatrix *matZY, VF &posterior) { assert(matZX); assert(matZY); int lengthZ = matZX->GetSeq1Length(); int lengthY = matZY->GetSeq2Length(); // for every z[k] for (int k = 1; k <= lengthZ; k++) { SafeVector::iterator ZXptr = matZX->GetRowPtr(k); SafeVector::iterator ZXend = ZXptr + matZX->GetRowSize(k); // iterate through all z[k]-x[i] while (ZXptr != ZXend) { SafeVector::iterator ZYptr = matZY->GetRowPtr(k); SafeVector::iterator ZYend = ZYptr + matZY->GetRowSize(k); const float ZXval = ZXptr->second; VF::iterator base = posterior.begin() + ZXptr->first * (lengthY + 1); // iterate through all z[k]-y[j] while (ZYptr != ZYend) { //base[ZYptr->first] += weight * ZXval * ZYptr->second; base[ZYptr->first] += ZXval * ZYptr->second; ZYptr++; } ZXptr++; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DoIterativeRefinement() // // Performs a single round of randomized partionining iterative // refinement. // return 0: successful refinement, 1: ineffective refinement, 2: random problem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int MSA::DoIterativeRefinement( const SafeVector > &sparseMatrices, const ProbabilisticModel &model, MultiSequence* &alignment) { set groupOne, groupTwo; int numSeqs = alignment->GetNumSequences(); int i; // create two separate groups for (i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) { int index = rand(); if (index % 2) { groupOne.insert(i); } else { groupTwo.insert(i); } } if (groupOne.empty() || groupTwo.empty()) return 2; // project into the two groups MultiSequence *groupOneSeqs = alignment->Project(groupOne); assert(groupOneSeqs); MultiSequence *groupTwoSeqs = alignment->Project(groupTwo); assert(groupTwoSeqs); //start add by Yongtao #if 1 VF *posterior = model.BuildPosterior (groupOneSeqs, groupTwoSeqs, sparseMatrices, cutoff); #else VF *posterior = model.BuildPosterior(getSeqsWeights(), groupOneSeqs, groupTwoSeqs, sparseMatrices, cutoff); #endif // compute an "accuracy" measure for the alignment before refinement SafeVector::iterator> oldOnePtrs(groupOne.size()); SafeVector::iterator> oldTwoPtrs(groupTwo.size()); i=0; for (set::const_iterator iter = groupOne.begin(); iter != groupOne.end(); ++iter) { oldOnePtrs[i++] = alignment->GetSequence(*iter)->GetDataPtr(); } i=0; for (set::const_iterator iter = groupTwo.begin(); iter != groupTwo.end(); ++iter) { oldTwoPtrs[i++] = alignment->GetSequence(*iter)->GetDataPtr(); } VF &posteriorArr = *posterior; int oldLength = alignment->GetSequence(0)->GetLength(); int groupOneindex=0; int groupTwoindex=0; float accuracy_before = 0; int j; for (i = 1; i <= oldLength; i++) { // check to see if there is a gap in every sequence of the set bool foundOne = false; for (j = 0; !foundOne && j < (int) groupOne.size(); j++) foundOne = (oldOnePtrs[j][i] != '-'); // if not, then this column counts towards the sequence length if (foundOne) groupOneindex ++; bool foundTwo = false; for (j = 0; !foundTwo && j < (int) groupTwo.size(); j++) foundTwo = (oldTwoPtrs[j][i] != '-'); if (foundTwo) groupTwoindex ++; if(foundOne && foundTwo) accuracy_before += posteriorArr[groupOneindex * (groupTwoSeqs->GetSequence(0)->GetLength() + 1) + groupTwoindex]; } pair *, float> refinealignment; //perform alignment refinealignment = model.ComputeAlignment(groupOneSeqs->GetSequence(0)->GetLength(), groupTwoSeqs->GetSequence(0)->GetLength(), *posterior); delete posterior; // now build final alignment MultiSequence *result = new MultiSequence(); for (int i = 0; i < groupOneSeqs->GetNumSequences(); i++) result->AddSequence( groupOneSeqs->GetSequence(i)->AddGaps(refinealignment.first, 'X')); for (int i = 0; i < groupTwoSeqs->GetNumSequences(); i++) result->AddSequence( groupTwoSeqs->GetSequence(i)->AddGaps(refinealignment.first, 'Y')); // free temporary alignment delete refinealignment.first; delete alignment; alignment = result; delete groupOneSeqs; delete groupTwoSeqs; if(accuracy_before == refinealignment.second) return 1; else return 0; } void MSA::DoIterativeRefinementTreeNode( const SafeVector > &sparseMatrices, const ProbabilisticModel &model, MultiSequence* &alignment, int nodeIndex) { set groupOne, groupTwo; int numSeqs = alignment->GetNumSequences(); vector inGroup1; inGroup1.resize(numSeqs); for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) { inGroup1[i] = false; } AlignmentOrder* orders = this->tree->getAlignOrders(); AlignmentOrder* order = &orders[nodeIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < order->leftNum; i++) { int si = order->leftLeafs[i]; inGroup1[si] = true; } for (int i = 0; i < order->rightNum; i++) { int si = order->rightLeafs[i]; inGroup1[si] = true; } // create two separate groups for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) { if (inGroup1[i]) { groupOne.insert(i); } else { groupTwo.insert(i); } } if (groupOne.empty() || groupTwo.empty()) return; // project into the two groups MultiSequence *groupOneSeqs = alignment->Project(groupOne); assert(groupOneSeqs); MultiSequence *groupTwoSeqs = alignment->Project(groupTwo); assert(groupTwoSeqs); delete alignment; // realign alignment = AlignAlignments(groupOneSeqs, groupTwoSeqs, sparseMatrices, model); delete groupOneSeqs; delete groupTwoSeqs; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteAnnotation() // // Computes annotation for multiple alignment and write values // to a file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MSA::WriteAnnotation(MultiSequence *alignment, const SafeVector > &sparseMatrices) { ofstream outfile(annotationFilename.c_str()); if (outfile.fail()) { cerr << "ERROR: Unable to write annotation file." << endl; exit(1); } const int alignLength = alignment->GetSequence(0)->GetLength(); const int numSeqs = alignment->GetNumSequences(); SafeVector position(numSeqs, 0); SafeVector::iterator> seqs(numSeqs); for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) seqs[i] = alignment->GetSequence(i)->GetDataPtr(); SafeVector > active; active.reserve(numSeqs); SafeVector lab; for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) lab.push_back(alignment->GetSequence(i)->GetSortLabel()); // for every column for (int i = 1; i <= alignLength; i++) { // find all aligned residues in this particular column active.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < numSeqs; j++) { if (seqs[j][i] != '-') { active.push_back(make_pair(lab[j], ++position[j])); } } sort(active.begin(), active.end()); outfile << setw(4) << ComputeScore(active, sparseMatrices) << endl; } outfile.close(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ComputeScore() // // Computes the annotation score for a particular column. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int MSA::ComputeScore(const SafeVector > &active, const SafeVector > &sparseMatrices) { if (active.size() <= 1) return 0; // ALTERNATIVE #1: Compute the average alignment score. float val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int) active.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < (int) active.size(); j++) { val += sparseMatrices[active[i].first][active[j].first]->GetValue( active[i].second, active[j].second); } } return (int) (200 * val / ((int) active.size() * ((int) active.size() - 1))); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ComputeSimilarity () // // Computes the average similarity for a particular family. // extreme low similarity(<=25%) return 0 // low similarity(<=40%) return 1 // high similarity(<=70%) return 2 // extreme high similarity(>70%) return 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int MSA::AdjustmentTest(MultiSequence *sequences,const ProbabilisticModel &model){ assert(sequences); //get the number of sequences const int numSeqs = sequences->GetNumSequences(); //average identity for all sequences float identity = 0; #ifdef _OPENMP //calculate sequence pairs for openmp model int pairIdx = 0; numPairs = (numSeqs - 1) * numSeqs / 2; seqsPairs = new SeqsPair[numPairs]; for(int a = 0; a < numSeqs; a++) { for(int b = a + 1; b < numSeqs; b++) { seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq1 = a; seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq2 = b; pairIdx++; } } #endif // do all pairwise alignments for family similarity #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for private(pairIdx) default(shared) schedule(dynamic) for(pairIdx = 0; pairIdx < numPairs; pairIdx++) { int a= seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq1; int b = seqsPairs[pairIdx].seq2; if(enableVerbose) { #pragma omp critical cerr <<"tid "<GetSequence(a); Sequence *seq2 = sequences->GetSequence(b); pair *, float> alignment = model.ComputeViterbiAlignment(seq1,seq2); SafeVector::iterator iter1 = seq1->GetDataPtr(); SafeVector::iterator iter2 = seq2->GetDataPtr(); float N_correct_match = 0; //float N_alignment = 0; int i = 1;int j = 1; for (SafeVector::iterator iter = alignment.first->begin(); iter != alignment.first->end(); ++iter){ //N_alignment += 1; if (*iter == 'B'){ unsigned char c1 = (unsigned char) iter1[i++]; unsigned char c2 = (unsigned char) iter2[j++]; if(c1==c2) N_correct_match += 1; } else if(*iter == 'X') i++; else if(*iter == 'Y') j++; } if(i!= seq1->GetLength()+1 || j!= seq2->GetLength() + 1 ) cerr << "similarity error"<< endl; identity += N_correct_match / alignment.first->size(); delete alignment.first; #ifndef _OPENMP } #endif } identity /= numPairs; /* FILE *fi = fopen ("accuracy", "a"); fprintf (fi, " %.10f ", similarity); fprintf (fi, "\n"); fclose (fi); */ //adapative if( identity <= 0.15 ) initDistrib[2] = 0.143854; else if( identity <= 0.2 ) initDistrib[2] = 0.191948; else if( identity <= 0.25 ) initDistrib[2] = 0.170705; else if( identity <= 0.3 ) initDistrib[2] = 0.100675; else if( identity <= 0.35 ) initDistrib[2] = 0.090755; else if( identity <= 0.4 ) initDistrib[2] = 0.146188; else if( identity <= 0.45 ) initDistrib[2] = 0.167858; else if( identity <= 0.5) initDistrib[2] = 0.250769; if( identity <= 0.25 ) return 0; else if( identity <= 0.4) return 1; else if( identity <= 0.7) return 2; else return 3; }