# Name of your program package "RNALfold" # don't use package if you're using automake purpose "calculate locally stable secondary structures of RNAs" #usage "RNALfold [options]\n" # Version of your program #version "2.0" # don't use version if you're using automake # command line options passed to gengetopt args "--file-name=RNALfold_cmdl --include-getopt --default-optional --func-name=RNALfold_cmdline_parser --arg-struct-name=RNALfold_args_info" description "Compute locally stable RNA secondary structure with a maximal base pair\ span. For a sequence of length n and a base pair span of L the algorithm uses only\ O(n+L*L) memory and O(n*L*L) CPU time. Thus it is practical to \"scan\" very large\ genomes for short RNA structures.\nOutput consists of a list of secondary structure\ components of size <= L, one entry per line. Each output line contains the predicted\ local structure its energy in kcal/mol and the starting position of the local structure.\n" # Options section "General Options" sectiondesc="Below are command line options which alter the general behavior of this program\n" option "span" L "Set the maximum allowed separation of a base pair to span. I.e. no pairs (i,j) with\ j-i>span will be allowed.\n\n" int default="150" optional option "noconv" - "Do not automatically substitude nucleotide \"T\" with \"U\"\n\n" flag off section "Algorithms" sectiondesc="Select additional algorithms which should be included in the calculations.\nThe Minimum free energy\ (MFE) and a structure representative are calculated in any case.\n\n" option "zscore" z "Activate z-score computation. An optional argument may be supplied to set the threshold\nDue to parsing the\ commandline parameters a negative value should be given immediately after \"z\" without spaces e.g. -z-4.9\n\n" double default="-2" argoptional optional option "gquad" g "Incoorporate G-Quadruplex formation into the structure prediction algorithm\n" flag off section "Model Details" option "temp" T "Rescale energy parameters to a temperature of temp C. Default is 37C.\n\n" double optional option "noTetra" 4 "Do not include special tabulated stabilizing energies for tri-, tetra- and hexaloop hairpins. Mostly for testing.\n\n" flag off option "dangles" d "How to treat \"dangling end\" energies for bases adjacent to helices in free ends and multi-loops\n" details="\nWith -d1 only unpaired bases can participate in at most one dangling end, this is the\ default for mfe folding but unsupported for the partition function folding.\n\nWith -d2 this check is ignored,\ dangling energies will be added for the bases adjacent to a helix on both sides in any case; this is the\ default for partition function folding (-p).\nThe option -d0 ignores dangling ends altogether (mostly for\ debugging).\nWith -d3 mfe folding will allow coaxial stacking of adjacent helices in multi-loops. At the\ moment the implementation will not allow coaxial stacking of the two interior pairs in a loop of degree 3\ and works only for mfe folding.\n\nNote that by default (as well as with -d1 and -d3) pf and mfe folding\ treat dangling ends differently. Use -d2 in addition to -p to ensure that both algorithms use the same\ energy model.\n\n" int default="2" optional option "noLP" - "Produce structures without lonely pairs (helices of length 1).\n" details="For partition function folding this only disallows pairs that can only occur isolated. Other\ pairs may still occasionally occur as helices of length 1.\n\n" flag off option "noGU" - "Do not allow GU pairs\n\n" flag off option "noClosingGU" - "Do not allow GU pairs at the end of helices\n\n" flag off option "paramFile" P "Read energy parameters from paramfile, instead of using the default parameter set.\n" details="A sample parameter file should accompany your distribution.\nSee the RNAlib\ documentation for details on the file format.\n\n" string typestr="paramfile" optional option "nsp" - "Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs.\n" details="Its argument is a comma separated list of additionally allowed pairs. If the\ first character is a \"-\" then AB will imply that AB and BA are allowed pairs.\ne.g.\ RNAfold -nsp -GA will allow GA and AG pairs. Nonstandard pairs are given 0 stacking\ energy.\n\n" string optional hidden option "energyModel" e "Rarely used option to fold sequences from the artificial ABCD... alphabet, where\ A pairs B, C-D etc. Use the energy parameters for GC (-e 1) or AU (-e 2) pairs.\n\n" int optional hidden text "\nIf in doubt our program is right, nature is at fault.\nComments should be sent to\ rna@tbi.univie.ac.at.\n"