# Name of your program package "RNAfold" # don't use package if you're using automake purpose "Calculate minimum free energy secondary structures and partition function of RNAs" #usage "RNAfold [options]\n" #version "2.0" # don't use version if you're using automake # command line options passed to gengetopt args "--file-name=RNAfold_cmdl --include-getopt --default-optional --func-name=RNAfold_cmdline_parser --arg-struct-name=RNAfold_args_info" description "The program reads RNA sequences from stdin, calculates their minimum free energy (mfe) structure\ and prints to stdout the mfe structure in bracket notation and its free energy. If the -p option\ was given it also computes the partition function (pf) and base pairing probability matrix, and\ prints the free energy of the thermodynamic ensemble, the frequency of the mfe structure in the ensemble,\ and the ensemble diversity to stdout.\n\nIt also produces PostScript files with plots of the resulting\ secondary structure graph and a \"dot plot\" of the base pairing matrix.\nThe dot plot shows a matrix of\ squares with area proportional to the pairing probability in the upper right half, and one square for each\ pair in the minimum free energy structure in the lower left half. For each pair i-j with probability\ p>10E-6 there is a line of the form\n\ni j sqrt(p) ubox\n\nin the PostScript file, so that the pair\ probabilities can be easily extracted.\n\nSequences may be provided in a simple text format where each sequence\ occupies a single line. Output files are named \"rna.ps\" and \"dot.ps\". Existing files of the same name\ will be overwritten.\nIt is also possible to provide sequence data in FASTA format. In this case, the first\ word (max. 42 char) of the FASTA header will be used for output file names. PostScript files \"name_ss.ps\"\ and \"name_dp.ps\" are produced for the structure and dot plot, respectively.\nOnce FASTA input was provided\ all following sequences must be in FASTA format too.\nThe program will continue to read new sequences until a\ line consisting of the single character @ or an end of file condition is encountered.\n\n" # Options section "General Options" sectiondesc="Below are command line options which alter the general behavior of this program\n\n" option "constraint" C "Calculate structures subject to constraints.\n" details="The program reads first the\ sequence, then a string containing constraints on the structure encoded with the symbols:\n\n. (no constraint\ for this base)\n\n| (the corresponding base has to be paired\n\nx (the base is unpaired)\n\n< (base i is paired with\ a base j>i)\n\n> (base i is paired with a base j