# Name of your program package "RNAup" # don't use package if you're using automake purpose "Calculate the thermodynamics of RNA-RNA interactions" #usage "RNAup" [options]\n" # Version of your program #version "2.0" # don't use version if you're using automake # command line options passed to gengetopt args "--file-name=RNAup_cmdl --include-getopt --default-optional --func-name=RNAup_cmdline_parser --arg-struct-name=RNAup_args_info" description "RNAup calculates the thermodynamics of RNA-RNA interactions, by decomposing the\ binding into two stages. (1) First the probability that a potential binding sites remains\ unpaired (equivalent to the free energy needed to open the site) is computed. (2) Then this\ accessibility is combined with the interaction energy to obtain the total binding energy.\ All calculations are done by computing partition functions over all possible conformations.\n" # Options section "General Options" sectiondesc="Below are command line options which alter the general behavior of this program\n" option "constraint" C "Calculate structures subject to constraints.\n" details="The program reads first the\ sequence(s), then a string containing constraints on the structure encoded with the symbols:\n\ . (no constraint for this base)\n x (the base is unpaired)\n\ < (base i is paired with a base j>i) (solely used for calculation of unpaired regions)\n\ > (base i is paired with a base j