/* Last changed Time-stamp: <2008-12-03 17:44:38 ivo> */ /* minimum free energy RNA secondary structure prediction c Ivo Hofacker, Chrisoph Flamm original implementation by Walter Fontana Vienna RNA package */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "energy_par.h" #include "fold_vars.h" #include "pair_mat.h" #include "params.h" #include "subopt.h" #include "fold.h" #include "loop_energies.h" #include "gquad.h" #include "cofold.h" #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif #define PAREN #define STACK_BULGE1 1 /* stacking energies for bulges of size 1 */ #define NEW_NINIO 1 /* new asymetry penalty */ #define MAXSECTORS 500 /* dimension for a backtrack array */ #define LOCALITY 0. /* locality parameter for base-pairs */ #undef TURN #define TURN 0 /* reset minimal base pair span for intermolecular pairings */ #define TURN2 3 /* used by zukersubopt */ #define SAME_STRAND(I,J) (((I)>=cut_point)||((J)cut) */ PRIVATE int *fML = NULL; /* multi-loop auxiliary energy array */ PRIVATE int *fM1 = NULL; /* second ML array, only for subopt */ PRIVATE int *Fmi = NULL; /* holds row i of fML (avoids jumps in memory) */ PRIVATE int *DMLi = NULL; /* DMLi[j] holds MIN(fML[i,k]+fML[k+1,j]) */ PRIVATE int *DMLi1 = NULL; /* MIN(fML[i+1,k]+fML[k+1,j]) */ PRIVATE int *DMLi2 = NULL; /* MIN(fML[i+2,k]+fML[k+1,j]) */ PRIVATE char *ptype = NULL; /* precomputed array of pair types */ PRIVATE short *S = NULL, *S1 = NULL; PRIVATE paramT *P = NULL; PRIVATE int init_length = -1; PRIVATE int zuker = 0; /* Do Zuker style suboptimals? */ PRIVATE sect sector[MAXSECTORS]; /* stack for backtracking */ PRIVATE int length; PRIVATE bondT *base_pair2 = NULL; PRIVATE int *BP; /* contains the structure constrainsts: BP[i] -1: | = base must be paired -2: < = base must be paired with j = base must be paired with j>i -4: x = base must not pair positive int: base is paired with int */ PRIVATE int struct_constrained = 0; PRIVATE int with_gquad = 0; PRIVATE int *ggg = NULL; /* minimum free energies of the gquadruplexes */ #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp threadprivate(mfe1, mfe2, indx, c, cc, cc1, f5, fc, fML, fM1, Fmi, DMLi, DMLi1, DMLi2,\ ptype, S, S1, P, zuker, sector, length, base_pair2, BP, struct_constrained,\ ggg, with_gquad) #endif /* ################################# # PRIVATE FUNCTION DECLARATIONS # ################################# */ PRIVATE void init_cofold(int length, paramT *parameters); PRIVATE void get_arrays(unsigned int size); /* PRIVATE void scale_parameters(void); */ PRIVATE void make_ptypes(const short *S, const char *structure); PRIVATE void backtrack(const char *sequence); PRIVATE int fill_arrays(const char *sequence); PRIVATE void free_end(int *array, int i, int start); /* ################################# # BEGIN OF FUNCTION DEFINITIONS # ################################# */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void init_cofold(int length, paramT *parameters){ #ifdef _OPENMP /* Explicitly turn off dynamic threads */ omp_set_dynamic(0); #endif if (length<1) nrerror("init_cofold: argument must be greater 0"); free_co_arrays(); get_arrays((unsigned) length); init_length=length; indx = get_indx((unsigned) length); update_cofold_params_par(parameters); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void get_arrays(unsigned int size){ if(size >= (unsigned int)sqrt((double)INT_MAX)) nrerror("get_arrays@cofold.c: sequence length exceeds addressable range"); c = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*((size*(size+1))/2+2)); fML = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*((size*(size+1))/2+2)); if (uniq_ML) fM1 = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*((size*(size+1))/2+2)); ptype = (char *) space(sizeof(char)*((size*(size+1))/2+2)); f5 = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(size+2)); fc = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(size+2)); cc = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(size+2)); cc1 = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(size+2)); Fmi = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(size+1)); DMLi = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(size+1)); DMLi1 = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(size+1)); DMLi2 = (int *) space(sizeof(int)*(size+1)); base_pair2 = (bondT *) space(sizeof(bondT)*(1+size/2+200)); /* add a guess of how many G's may be involved in a G quadruplex */ } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC void free_co_arrays(void){ if(indx) free(indx); if(c) free(c); if(fML) free(fML); if(f5) free(f5); if(cc) free(cc); if(cc1) free(cc1); if(fc) free(fc); if(ptype) free(ptype); if(fM1) free(fM1); if(base_pair2) free(base_pair2); if(Fmi) free(Fmi); if(DMLi) free(DMLi); if(DMLi1) free(DMLi1); if(DMLi2) free(DMLi2); if(P) free(P); if(ggg) free(ggg); indx = c = fML = f5 = cc = cc1 = fc = fM1 = Fmi = DMLi = DMLi1 = DMLi2 = ggg = NULL; ptype = NULL; base_pair2 = NULL; P = NULL; init_length = 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC void export_cofold_arrays_gq( int **f5_p, int **c_p, int **fML_p, int **fM1_p, int **fc_p, int **ggg_p, int **indx_p, char **ptype_p){ /* make the DP arrays available to routines such as subopt() */ *f5_p = f5; *c_p = c; *fML_p = fML; *fM1_p = fM1; *ggg_p = ggg; *indx_p = indx; *ptype_p = ptype; *fc_p =fc; } PUBLIC void export_cofold_arrays( int **f5_p, int **c_p, int **fML_p, int **fM1_p, int **fc_p, int **indx_p, char **ptype_p){ /* make the DP arrays available to routines such as subopt() */ *f5_p = f5; *c_p = c; *fML_p = fML; *fM1_p = fM1; *indx_p = indx; *ptype_p = ptype; *fc_p =fc; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC float cofold(const char *string, char *structure) { return cofold_par(string, structure, NULL, fold_constrained); } PUBLIC float cofold_par(const char *string, char *structure, paramT *parameters, int is_constrained){ int i, length, energy, bonus=0, bonus_cnt=0; zuker = 0; struct_constrained = is_constrained; length = (int) strlen(string); #ifdef _OPENMP /* always init everything since all global static variables are uninitialized when entering a thread */ init_cofold(length, parameters); #else if(parameters) init_cofold(length, parameters); else if (length>init_length) init_cofold(length, parameters); else if (fabs(P->temperature - temperature)>1e-6) update_cofold_params_par(parameters); #endif with_gquad = P->model_details.gquad; S = encode_sequence(string, 0); S1 = encode_sequence(string, 1); S1[0] = S[0]; /* store length at pos. 0 */ BP = (int *)space(sizeof(int)*(length+2)); make_ptypes(S, structure); energy = fill_arrays(string); backtrack(string); #ifdef PAREN parenthesis_structure(structure, base_pair2, length); #else letter_structure(structure, base_pair2, length); #endif /* * Backward compatibility: * This block may be removed if deprecated functions * relying on the global variable "base_pair" vanish from within the package! */ base_pair = base_pair2; /* { if(base_pair) free(base_pair); base_pair = (bondT *)space(sizeof(bondT) * (1+length/2)); memcpy(base_pair, base_pair2, sizeof(bondT) * (1+length/2)); } */ /* check constraints */ for(i=1;i<=length;i++) { if((BP[i]<0)&&(BP[i]>-4)) { bonus_cnt++; if((BP[i]==-3)&&(structure[i-1]==')')) bonus++; if((BP[i]==-2)&&(structure[i-1]=='(')) bonus++; if((BP[i]==-1)&&(structure[i-1]!='.')) bonus++; } if(BP[i]>i) { int l; bonus_cnt++; for(l=1; l<=base_pair2[0].i; l++) if(base_pair2[l].i != base_pair2[l].j) if((i==base_pair2[l].i)&&(BP[i]==base_pair2[l].j)) bonus++; } } if (bonus_cnt>bonus) fprintf(stderr,"\ncould not enforce all constraints\n"); bonus*=BONUS; free(S); free(S1); free(BP); energy += bonus; /*remove bonus energies from result */ if (backtrack_type=='C') return (float) c[indx[length]+1]/100.; else if (backtrack_type=='M') return (float) fML[indx[length]+1]/100.; else return (float) energy/100.; } PRIVATE int fill_arrays(const char *string) { /* fill "c", "fML" and "f5" arrays and return optimal energy */ int i, j, k, length, energy; int decomp, new_fML, max_separation; int no_close, type, type_2, tt, maxj; int bonus=0; int dangle_model = P->model_details.dangles; int noGUclosure = P->model_details.noGUclosure; int noLP = P->model_details.noLP; length = (int) strlen(string); max_separation = (int) ((1.-LOCALITY)*(double)(length-2)); /* not in use */ if(with_gquad) ggg = get_gquad_matrix(S, P); for (j=1; j<=length; j++) { Fmi[j]=DMLi[j]=DMLi1[j]=DMLi2[j]=INF; fc[j]=0; } for (j = 1; j<=length; j++) for (i=1; i<=j; i++) { c[indx[j]+i] = fML[indx[j]+i] = INF; if (uniq_ML) fM1[indx[j]+i] = INF; } for (i = length-TURN-1; i >= 1; i--) { /* i,j in [1..length] */ maxj=(zuker)? (MIN2(i+cut_point-1,length)):length; for (j = i+TURN+1; j <= maxj; j++) { int p, q, ij; ij = indx[j]+i; bonus = 0; type = ptype[ij]; /* enforcing structure constraints */ if ((BP[i]==j)||(BP[i]==-1)||(BP[i]==-2)) bonus -= BONUS; if ((BP[j]==-1)||(BP[j]==-3)) bonus -= BONUS; if ((BP[i]==-4)||(BP[j]==-4)) type=0; no_close = (((type==3)||(type==4))&&noGUclosure&&(bonus==0)); if (j-i-1 > max_separation) type = 0; /* forces locality degree */ if (type) { /* we have a pair */ int new_c=0, stackEnergy=INF; short si, sj; si = SAME_STRAND(i, i+1) ? S1[i+1] : -1; sj = SAME_STRAND(j-1, j) ? S1[j-1] : -1; /* hairpin ----------------------------------------------*/ if (SAME_STRAND(i,j)) { if (no_close) new_c = FORBIDDEN; else new_c = E_Hairpin(j-i-1, type, si, sj, string+i-1, P); } else { if (dangle_model) new_c += E_ExtLoop(rtype[type], sj, si, P); else new_c += E_ExtLoop(rtype[type], -1, -1, P); } /*-------------------------------------------------------- check for elementary structures involving more than one closing pair. --------------------------------------------------------*/ for (p = i+1; p <= MIN2(j-2-TURN,i+MAXLOOP+1) ; p++) { int minq = j-i+p-MAXLOOP-2; if (minqi+1)||(q= 0) && (sj >= 0)){ decomp = DMLi1[j-1]; tt = rtype[type]; MLenergy = P->MLclosing; switch(dangle_model){ case 0: MLenergy += decomp + E_MLstem(tt, -1, -1, P); break; case 2: MLenergy += decomp + E_MLstem(tt, sj, si, P); break; default: decomp += E_MLstem(tt, -1, -1, P); decomp = MIN2(decomp, DMLi1[j-2] + E_MLstem(tt, sj, -1, P) + P->MLbase); decomp = MIN2(decomp, DMLi2[j-1] + E_MLstem(tt, -1, si, P) + P->MLbase); decomp = MIN2(decomp, DMLi2[j-2] + E_MLstem(tt, sj, si, P) + 2*P->MLbase); MLenergy += decomp; break; } new_c = MIN2(new_c, MLenergy); } if (!SAME_STRAND(i,j)) { /* cut is somewhere in the multiloop*/ decomp = fc[i+1] + fc[j-1]; tt = rtype[type]; switch(dangle_model){ case 0: decomp += E_ExtLoop(tt, -1, -1, P); break; case 2: decomp += E_ExtLoop(tt, sj, si, P); break; default: decomp += E_ExtLoop(tt, -1, -1, P); decomp = MIN2(decomp, fc[i+2] + fc[j-2] + E_ExtLoop(tt, sj, si, P)); decomp = MIN2(decomp, fc[i+2] + fc[j-1] + E_ExtLoop(tt, -1, si, P)); decomp = MIN2(decomp, fc[i+1] + fc[j-2] + E_ExtLoop(tt, sj, -1, P)); break; } new_c = MIN2(new_c, decomp); } } /* end >> if (!no_close) << */ /* coaxial stacking of (i.j) with (i+1.k) or (k+1.j-1) */ if (dangle_model==3) { decomp = INF; for (k = i+2+TURN; k < j-2-TURN; k++) { type_2 = ptype[indx[k]+i+1]; type_2 = rtype[type_2]; if (type_2) decomp = MIN2(decomp, c[indx[k]+i+1]+P->stack[type][type_2]+ fML[indx[j-1]+k+1]); type_2 = ptype[indx[j-1]+k+1]; type_2 = rtype[type_2]; if (type_2) decomp = MIN2(decomp, c[indx[j-1]+k+1]+P->stack[type][type_2]+ fML[indx[k]+i+1]); } /* no TermAU penalty if coax stack */ decomp += 2*P->MLintern[1] + P->MLclosing; new_c = MIN2(new_c, decomp); } if(with_gquad){ /* include all cases where a g-quadruplex may be enclosed by base pair (i,j) */ if (!no_close && SAME_STRAND(i,j)) { tt = rtype[type]; energy = E_GQuad_IntLoop(i, j, type, S1, ggg, indx, P); new_c = MIN2(new_c, energy); } } new_c = MIN2(new_c, cc1[j-1]+stackEnergy); cc[j] = new_c + bonus; if (noLP){ if (SAME_STRAND(i,i+1) && SAME_STRAND(j-1,j)) c[ij] = cc1[j-1]+stackEnergy+bonus; else /* currently we don't allow stacking over the cut point */ c[ij] = FORBIDDEN; } else c[ij] = cc[j]; } /* end >> if (pair) << */ else c[ij] = INF; /* done with c[i,j], now compute fML[i,j] */ /* free ends ? -----------------------------------------*/ new_fML=INF; if (SAME_STRAND(i-1,i)) { if (SAME_STRAND(i,i+1)) new_fML = fML[ij+1]+P->MLbase; if (SAME_STRAND(j-1,j)) new_fML = MIN2(fML[indx[j-1]+i]+P->MLbase, new_fML); if (SAME_STRAND(j,j+1)) { energy = c[ij]; if(dangle_model == 2) energy += E_MLstem(type,(i>1) ? S1[i-1] : -1, (jMLbase); } } if (dangle_model%2==1) { /* normal dangles */ if (SAME_STRAND(i,i+1)) { tt = ptype[ij+1]; /* i+1,j */ new_fML = MIN2(new_fML, c[ij+1] + P->MLbase + E_MLstem(tt, S1[i], -1, P)); } if (SAME_STRAND(j-1,j)) { tt = ptype[indx[j-1]+i]; /* i,j-1 */ new_fML = MIN2(new_fML, c[indx[j-1]+i] + P->MLbase + E_MLstem(tt, -1, S1[j], P)); } if ((SAME_STRAND(j-1,j))&&(SAME_STRAND(i,i+1))) { tt = ptype[indx[j-1]+i+1]; /* i+1,j-1 */ new_fML = MIN2(new_fML, c[indx[j-1]+i+1] + 2*P->MLbase + E_MLstem(tt, S1[i], S1[j], P)); } } } if(with_gquad){ if(SAME_STRAND(i, j)) new_fML = MIN2(new_fML, ggg[indx[j] + i] + E_MLstem(0, -1, -1, P)); } /* modular decomposition -------------------------------*/ { int stopp; /*loop 1 up to cut, then loop 2*/ stopp=(cut_point>0)? (cut_point):(j-2-TURN); for (decomp=INF, k = i+1+TURN; k0)? (cut_point):(j-2-TURN); /* additional ML decomposition as two coaxially stacked helices */ for (decomp = INF, k = i+1+TURN; kstack[type][type_2]); } k++; for (;k <= j-2-TURN; k++) { type = ptype[indx[k]+i]; type = rtype[type]; type_2 = ptype[indx[j]+k+1]; type_2 = rtype[type_2]; if (type && type_2) decomp = MIN2(decomp, c[indx[k]+i]+c[indx[j]+k+1]+P->stack[type][type_2]); } decomp += 2*P->MLintern[1]; #if 0 /* This is needed for Y shaped ML loops with coax stacking of interior pairs, but backtracking will fail if activated */ DMLi[j] = MIN2(DMLi[j], decomp); if (SAME_STRAND(j-1,j)) DMLi[j] = MIN2(DMLi[j], DMLi[j-1]+P->MLbase); if (SAME_STRAND(i,i+1)) DMLi[j] = MIN2(DMLi[j], DMLi1[j]+P->MLbase); new_fML = MIN2(new_fML, DMLi[j]); #endif new_fML = MIN2(new_fML, decomp); } fML[ij] = Fmi[j] = new_fML; /* substring energy */ } if (i==cut_point) for (j=i; j<=maxj; j++) free_end(fc, j, cut_point); if (i0) { mfe1=f5[cut_point-1]; mfe2=fc[length]; /* add DuplexInit, check whether duplex*/ for (i=cut_point; i<=length; i++) { f5[i]=MIN2(f5[i]+P->DuplexInit, fc[i]+fc[1]); } } energy = f5[length]; if (cut_point<1) mfe1=mfe2=energy; return energy; } PRIVATE void backtrack_co(const char *string, int s, int b /* b=0: start new structure, b \ne 0: add to existing structure */) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------ trace back through the "c", "fc", "f5" and "fML" arrays to get the base pairing list. No search for equivalent structures is done. This is fast, since only few structure elements are recalculated. ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int i, j, k, length, energy, new; int no_close, type, type_2, tt; int bonus; int dangle_model = P->model_details.dangles; int noGUclosure = P->model_details.noGUclosure; int noLP = P->model_details.noLP; /* int b=0;*/ length = strlen(string); if (s==0) { sector[++s].i = 1; sector[s].j = length; sector[s].ml = (backtrack_type=='M') ? 1 : ((backtrack_type=='C')?2:0); } while (s>0) { int ml, fij, fi, cij, traced, i1, j1, mm, p, q, jj=0, gq=0; int canonical = 1; /* (i,j) closes a canonical structure */ i = sector[s].i; j = sector[s].j; ml = sector[s--].ml; /* ml is a flag indicating if backtracking is to occur in the fML- (1) or in the f-array (0) */ if (ml==2) { base_pair2[++b].i = i; base_pair2[b].j = j; goto repeat1; } if (j < i+TURN+1) continue; /* no more pairs in this interval */ if (ml==0) {fij = f5[j]; fi = f5[j-1];} else if (ml==1) {fij = fML[indx[j]+i]; fi = fML[indx[j-1]+i]+P->MLbase;} else /* 3 or 4 */ { fij = fc[j]; fi = (ml==3) ? INF : fc[j-1]; } if (fij == fi) { /* 3' end is unpaired */ sector[++s].i = i; sector[s].j = j-1; sector[s].ml = ml; continue; } if (ml==0 || ml==4) { /* backtrack in f5 or fc[i=cut,j>cut] */ int *ff; ff = (ml==4) ? fc : f5; switch(dangle_model){ case 0: /* j or j-1 is paired. Find pairing partner */ for (k=j-TURN-1,traced=0; k>=i; k--) { int cc; if(with_gquad){ if(fij == ff[k-1] + ggg[indx[j]+k]){ /* found the decomposition */ traced = j; jj = k - 1; gq = 1; break; } } type = ptype[indx[j]+k]; if(type){ cc = c[indx[j]+k]; if(!SAME_STRAND(k,j)) cc += P->DuplexInit; if(fij == ff[k-1] + cc + E_ExtLoop(type, -1, -1, P)){ traced = j; jj = k-1; } } if(traced) break; } break; case 2: /* j or j-1 is paired. Find pairing partner */ for (k=j-TURN-1,traced=0; k>=i; k--) { int cc; if(with_gquad){ if(fij == ff[k-1] + ggg[indx[j]+k]){ /* found the decomposition */ traced = j; jj = k - 1; gq = 1; break; } } type = ptype[indx[j]+k]; if(type){ cc = c[indx[j]+k]; if(!SAME_STRAND(k,j)) cc += P->DuplexInit; if(fij == ff[k-1] + cc + E_ExtLoop(type, (k>1) && SAME_STRAND(k-1,k) ? S1[k-1] : -1, (j=i; k--){ int cc; type = ptype[indx[j]+k]; if(with_gquad){ if(fij == ff[k-1] + ggg[indx[j]+k]){ /* found the decomposition */ traced = j; jj = k - 1; gq = 1; break; } } if(type){ cc = c[indx[j]+k]; if(!SAME_STRAND(k,j)) cc += P->DuplexInit; if(fij == ff[k-1] + cc + E_ExtLoop(type, -1, -1, P)){ traced = j; jj = k-1; break; } if((k>1) && SAME_STRAND(k-1,k)) if(fij == ff[k-2] + cc + E_ExtLoop(type, S1[k-1], -1, P)){ traced=j; jj=k-2; break; } } type = ptype[indx[j-1]+k]; if(type && SAME_STRAND(j-1,j)){ cc = c[indx[j-1]+k]; if (!SAME_STRAND(k,j-1)) cc += P->DuplexInit; /*???*/ if (fij == cc + ff[k-1] + E_ExtLoop(type, -1, S1[j], P)){ traced=j-1; jj = k-1; break; } if(k>i){ if (fij == ff[k-2] + cc + E_ExtLoop(type, SAME_STRAND(k-1,k) ? S1[k-1] : -1, S1[j], P)){ traced=j-1; jj=k-2; break; } } } } break; } if (!traced) nrerror("backtrack failed in f5 (or fc)"); sector[++s].i = i; sector[s].j = jj; sector[s].ml = ml; i=k; j=traced; if(with_gquad && gq){ /* goto backtrace of gquadruplex */ goto repeat_gquad; } base_pair2[++b].i = i; base_pair2[b].j = j; goto repeat1; } else if (ml==3) { /* backtrack in fc[i1 && SAME_STRAND(i-1,i)) ? S1[i-1] : -1, SAME_STRAND(k,k+1) ? S1[k+1] : -1, P)){ traced = i; } } if (traced) break; } break; default: for(k=i+TURN+1, traced=0; k<=j; k++){ jj=k+1; type = ptype[indx[k]+i]; if(type){ if(fc[i] == fc[k+1] + c[indx[k]+i] + E_ExtLoop(type, -1, -1, P)){ traced = i; break; } else if(fc[i] == fc[k+2] + c[indx[k]+i] + E_ExtLoop(type, -1, SAME_STRAND(k,k+1) ? S1[k+1] : -1, P)){ traced = i; jj=k+2; break; } } type = ptype[indx[k]+i+1]; if(type){ if(fc[i] == fc[k+1] + c[indx[k]+i+1] + E_ExtLoop(type, SAME_STRAND(i, i+1) ? S1[i] : -1, -1, P)){ traced = i+1; break; } if(kMLbase == fij) { /* 5' end is unpaired */ sector[++s].i = i+1; sector[s].j = j; sector[s].ml = ml; continue; } if(with_gquad){ if(fij == ggg[indx[j]+i] + E_MLstem(0, -1, -1, P)){ /* go to backtracing of quadruplex */ goto repeat_gquad; } } tt = ptype[indx[j]+i]; cij = c[indx[j]+i]; switch(dangle_model){ case 0: if(fij == cij + E_MLstem(tt, -1, -1, P)){ base_pair2[++b].i = i; base_pair2[b].j = j; goto repeat1; } break; case 2: if(fij == cij + E_MLstem(tt, (i>1) ? S1[i-1] : -1, (jMLbase + E_MLstem(tt, S1[i], -1, P)){ i++; base_pair2[++b].i = i; base_pair2[b].j = j; goto repeat1; } tt = ptype[indx[j-1]+i]; if(fij == c[indx[j-1]+i] + P->MLbase + E_MLstem(tt, -1, S1[j], P)){ j--; base_pair2[++b].i = i; base_pair2[b].j = j; goto repeat1; } tt = ptype[indx[j-1]+i+1]; if(fij == c[indx[j-1]+i+1] + 2*P->MLbase + E_MLstem(tt, S1[i], S1[j], P)){ i++; j--; base_pair2[++b].i = i; base_pair2[b].j = j; goto repeat1; } break; } /* find next component of multiloop */ for (k = i+1+TURN; k <= j-2-TURN; k++) if (fij == (fML[indx[k]+i]+fML[indx[j]+k+1])) break; if ((dangle_model==3)&&(k>j-2-TURN)) { /* must be coax stack */ ml = 2; for (k = i+1+TURN; k <= j-2-TURN; k++) { type = ptype[indx[k]+i]; type= rtype[type]; type_2 = ptype[indx[j]+k+1]; type_2= rtype[type_2]; if (type && type_2) if (fij == c[indx[k]+i]+c[indx[j]+k+1]+P->stack[type][type_2]+ 2*P->MLintern[1]) break; } } sector[++s].i = i; sector[s].j = k; sector[s].ml = ml; sector[++s].i = k+1; sector[s].j = j; sector[s].ml = ml; if (k>j-2-TURN) nrerror("backtrack failed in fML"); continue; } repeat1: /*----- begin of "repeat:" -----*/ if (canonical) cij = c[indx[j]+i]; type = ptype[indx[j]+i]; bonus = 0; if ((BP[i]==j)||(BP[i]==-1)||(BP[i]==-2)) bonus -= BONUS; if ((BP[j]==-1)||(BP[j]==-3)) bonus -= BONUS; if (noLP) if (cij == c[indx[j]+i]) { /* (i.j) closes canonical structures, thus (i+1.j-1) must be a pair */ type_2 = ptype[indx[j-1]+i+1]; type_2 = rtype[type_2]; cij -= P->stack[type][type_2] + bonus; base_pair2[++b].i = i+1; base_pair2[b].j = j-1; i++; j--; canonical=0; goto repeat1; } canonical = 1; no_close = (((type==3)||(type==4))&&noGUclosure&&(bonus==0)); if (SAME_STRAND(i,j)) { if (no_close) { if (cij == FORBIDDEN) continue; } else if (cij == E_Hairpin(j-i-1, type, S1[i+1], S1[j-1],string+i-1, P)+bonus) continue; } else { if(dangle_model){ if(cij == E_ExtLoop(rtype[type], SAME_STRAND(j-1,j) ? S1[j-1] : -1, SAME_STRAND(i,i+1) ? S1[i+1] : -1, P)) continue; } else if(cij == E_ExtLoop(rtype[type], -1, -1, P)) continue; } for (p = i+1; p <= MIN2(j-2-TURN,i+MAXLOOP+1); p++) { int minq; minq = j-i+p-MAXLOOP-2; if (minq= minq; q--) { type_2 = ptype[indx[q]+p]; if (type_2==0) continue; type_2 = rtype[type_2]; if (noGUclosure) if (no_close||(type_2==3)||(type_2==4)) if ((p>i+1)||(qMLclosing; sector[s+1].ml = sector[s+2].ml = 1; int ml0 = E_MLstem(tt, -1, -1, P); int ml5 = E_MLstem(tt, SAME_STRAND(j-1,j) ? S1[j-1] : -1, -1, P); int ml3 = E_MLstem(tt, -1, SAME_STRAND(i,i+1) ? S1[i+1] : -1, P); int ml53 = E_MLstem(tt, SAME_STRAND(j-1,j) ? S1[j-1] : -1, SAME_STRAND(i,i+1) ? S1[i+1] : -1, P); for (traced = 0, k = i+2+TURN; k < j-2-TURN; k++) { switch(dangle_model){ case 0: /* no dangles */ if(cij == mm + fML[indx[k]+i+1] + fML[indx[j-1]+k+1] + ml0) traced = i+1; break; case 2: /*double dangles */ if(cij == mm + fML[indx[k]+i+1] + fML[indx[j-1]+k+1] + ml53) traced = i+1; break; default: /* normal dangles */ if(cij == mm + fML[indx[k]+i+1] + fML[indx[j-1]+k+1] + ml0){ traced = i+1; break; } else if (cij == fML[indx[k]+i+2] + fML[indx[j-1]+k+1] + ml3 + mm + P->MLbase){ traced = i1 = i+2; break; } else if (cij == fML[indx[k]+i+1] + fML[indx[j-2]+k+1] + ml5 + mm + P->MLbase){ traced = i1 = i+1; j1 = j-2; break; } else if (cij == fML[indx[k]+i+2] + fML[indx[j-2]+k+1] + ml53 + mm + 2*P->MLbase){ traced = i1 = i+2; j1 = j-2; break; } break; } if(traced) break; /* coaxial stacking of (i.j) with (i+1.k) or (k.j-1) */ /* use MLintern[1] since coax stacked pairs don't get TerminalAU */ if (dangle_model==3) { int en; type_2 = ptype[indx[k]+i+1]; type_2 = rtype[type_2]; if (type_2) { en = c[indx[k]+i+1]+P->stack[type][type_2]+fML[indx[j-1]+k+1]; if (cij == en+2*P->MLintern[1]+P->MLclosing) { ml = 2; sector[s+1].ml = 2; break; } } type_2 = ptype[indx[j-1]+k+1]; type_2 = rtype[type_2]; if (type_2) { en = c[indx[j-1]+k+1]+P->stack[type][type_2]+fML[indx[k]+i+1]; if (cij == en+2*P->MLintern[1]+P->MLclosing) { sector[s+2].ml = 2; break; } } } } if (k<=j-3-TURN) { /* found the decomposition */ sector[++s].i = i1; sector[s].j = k; sector[++s].i = k+1; sector[s].j = j1; } else { #if 0 /* Y shaped ML loops don't work yet */ if (dangle_model==3) { /* (i,j) must close a Y shaped ML loop with coax stacking */ if (cij == fML[indx[j-2]+i+2] + mm + d3 + d5 + P->MLbase + P->MLbase) { i1 = i+2; j1 = j-2; } else if (cij == fML[indx[j-2]+i+1] + mm + d5 + P->MLbase) j1 = j-2; else if (cij == fML[indx[j-1]+i+2] + mm + d3 + P->MLbase) i1 = i+2; else /* last chance */ if (cij != fML[indx[j-1]+i+1] + mm + P->MLbase) fprintf(stderr, "backtracking failed in repeat"); /* if we arrive here we can express cij via fML[i1,j1]+dangles */ sector[++s].i = i1; sector[s].j = j1; } else #endif nrerror("backtracking failed in repeat"); } continue; /* this is a workarround to not accidentally proceed in the following block */ repeat_gquad: /* now we do some fancy stuff to backtrace the stacksize and linker lengths of the g-quadruplex that should reside within position i,j */ { int l[3], L, a; L = -1; get_gquad_pattern_mfe(S, i, j, P, &L, l); if(L != -1){ /* fill the G's of the quadruplex into base_pair2 */ for(a=0;a> while (s>0) << */ base_pair2[0].i = b; /* save the total number of base pairs */ } PRIVATE void free_end(int *array, int i, int start) { int inc, type, energy, length, j, left, right; int dangle_model = P->model_details.dangles; inc = (i>start)? 1:-1; length = S[0]; if (i==start) array[i]=0; else array[i] = array[i-inc]; if (inc>0) { left = start; right=i; } else { left = i; right = start; } for (j=start; inc*(i-j)>TURN; j+=inc) { int ii, jj; short si, sj; if (i>j) { ii = j; jj = i;} /* inc>0 */ else { ii = i; jj = j;} /* inc<0 */ type = ptype[indx[jj]+ii]; if (type) { /* i is paired with j */ si = (ii>1) && SAME_STRAND(ii-1,ii) ? S1[ii-1] : -1; sj = (jj 0){ if(j > left) array[i] = MIN2(array[i], array[j-2] + energy + E_ExtLoop(type, si, -1, P)); } else if(j < right) array[i] = MIN2(array[i], array[j+2] + energy + E_ExtLoop(type, -1, sj, P)); break; } } if(with_gquad){ if(SAME_STRAND(ii, jj)) array[i] = MIN2(array[i], array[j-inc] + ggg[indx[jj]+ii]); } if (dangle_model%2==1) { /* interval ends in a dangle (i.e. i-inc is paired) */ if (i>j) { ii = j; jj = i-1;} /* inc>0 */ else { ii = i+1; jj = j;} /* inc<0 */ type = ptype[indx[jj]+ii]; if (!type) continue; si = (ii > left) && SAME_STRAND(ii-1,ii) ? S1[ii-1] : -1; sj = (jj < right) && SAME_STRAND(jj,jj+1) ? S1[jj+1] : -1; energy = c[indx[jj]+ii]; if(inc>0) array[i] = MIN2(array[i], array[j - inc] + energy + E_ExtLoop(type, -1, sj, P)); else array[i] = MIN2(array[i], array[j - inc] + energy + E_ExtLoop(type, si, -1, P)); if(j!= start){ /* dangle_model on both sides */ array[i] = MIN2(array[i], array[j-2*inc] + energy + E_ExtLoop(type, si, sj, P)); } } } } PUBLIC void update_cofold_params(void){ update_cofold_params_par(NULL); } PUBLIC void update_cofold_params_par(paramT *parameters){ if(P) free(P); if(parameters){ P = get_parameter_copy(parameters); } else { model_detailsT md; set_model_details(&md); P = get_scaled_parameters(temperature, md); } make_pair_matrix(); if (init_length < 0) init_length=0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void make_ptypes(const short *S, const char *structure) { int n,i,j,k,l; int noLP = P->model_details.noLP; n=S[0]; for (k=1; kn) continue; type = pair[S[i]][S[j]]; while ((i>=1)&&(j<=n)) { if ((i>1)&&(jj]+x->i]+c[indx[x->i+length]+x->j]; ey = c[indx[y->j]+y->i]+c[indx[y->i+length]+y->j]; if (ex>ey) return 1; if (exj]+x->i - indx[y->j]+y->i); } PUBLIC SOLUTION *zukersubopt(const char *string) { return zukersubopt_par(string, NULL); } PUBLIC SOLUTION *zukersubopt_par(const char *string, paramT *parameters){ /* Compute zuker suboptimal. Here, we're abusing the cofold() code "double" sequence, compute dimerarray entries, track back every base pair. This is slightly wasteful compared to the normal solution */ char *doubleseq, *structure, *mfestructure, **todo; int i, j, counter, num_pairs, psize, p; float energy; SOLUTION *zukresults; bondT *pairlist; num_pairs = counter = 0; zuker = 1; length = (int)strlen(string); doubleseq = (char *)space((2*length+1)*sizeof(char)); mfestructure = (char *) space((unsigned) 2*length+1); structure = (char *) space((unsigned) 2*length+1); zukresults = (SOLUTION *)space(((length*(length-1))/2)*sizeof(SOLUTION)); mfestructure[0] = '\0'; BP = (int *)space(sizeof(int)*(2*length+2)); /* double the sequence */ strcpy(doubleseq,string); strcat(doubleseq,string); cut_point = length + 1; /* get mfe and do forward recursion */ #ifdef _OPENMP /* always init everything since all global static variables are uninitialized when entering a thread */ init_cofold(2 * length, parameters); #else if(parameters) init_cofold(2 * length, parameters); else if ((2 * length) > init_length) init_cofold(2 * length, parameters); else if (fabs(P->temperature - temperature)>1e-6) update_cofold_params_par(parameters); #endif S = encode_sequence(doubleseq, 0); S1 = encode_sequence(doubleseq, 1); S1[0] = S[0]; /* store length at pos. 0 */ make_ptypes(S, NULL); /* no constraint folding possible (yet?) with zukersubopt */ (void)fill_arrays(doubleseq); psize = length; pairlist = (bondT *) space(sizeof(bondT)*(psize+1)); todo = (char **) space(sizeof(char *)*(length+1)); for (i=1; i=psize) { psize = 1.2*psize + 32; pairlist = xrealloc(pairlist, sizeof(bondT)*(psize+1)); } pairlist[num_pairs].i = i; pairlist[num_pairs++].j = j; todo[i][j]=1; } } qsort(pairlist, num_pairs, sizeof(bondT), comp_pair); for (p=0; plength) x-=length; if (y>length) y-=length; if (x>y) { int temp; temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } todo[x][y] = 0; } } } /*free zeugs*/ free(pairlist); for (i=1; i