IMPORTANT --------- - consensus output (sto,aln) and compatibilety with bioperl/biopython - Split Homfam refs in two. Use one part as background HMM, the other parts for benchmarking - Implement meta flags: accurate: --iterations 3 default: --mbed --iterations 1 fast: --mbed and for more than 10k sequences: --mbed --mbed-iter - SSE instructions for hhalign (little use in ClustalO frontend; DD) / Patch new code which already contains SSE instructions also fix automake/configure then - Multi-HMMs; also for Pfam+iteration (FS) - Show degradation of alignment quality when using x reference sequences added to y random/false sequences (Lio Pachter) - Seed pre-alignment with M-Coffee, MSAProbs, ... - GUI/API: Will have to catch/override exits from source. find . -name \*.c -or -name \*.cpp -or -name \*.h | xargs grep 'exit(' Also best to allow for user override of void Fatal(char *msg, ...); void Error(char *msg, ...); void Warn(char *msg, ...); void Info(int level, char *msg, ...); - Soeding: DNA/RNA alignment incl. reading of nucleotide HMMs - Automatic HMM-selection/search/download for input - Structure input: Psipred predictions are apparently part of their hhms and should therefore be ready to use (part automatic HMM-selection)