/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /********************************************************************* * Clustal Omega - Multiple sequence alignment * * Copyright (C) 2010 University College Dublin * * Clustal-Omega is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This file is part of Clustal-Omega. * ********************************************************************/ /* * RCS $Id: general.h 290 2013-09-20 15:18:12Z fabian $ */ #ifndef GENERAL_H #define GENERAL_H #include "../clustal/log.h" #include /* ***** Omega definitions************************************ FS, 2010-02-19 */ enum {NO = 0, YES}; enum {BASE10 = 10}; enum {AMINOACIDS = 20, STATE_TRANSITIONS = 7}; enum {MAXWORD = 100, MAXLEN = 10000}; enum {OVER_ALLOCATE = 2}; enum {FAILURE = -1, OK}; enum {RETURN_OK = 0, RETURN_FROM_MAC, RETURN_FROM_VITERBI, RETURN_FROM_PRINT_ALI, RETURN_FROM_RNP, RETURN_UNKNOWN}; enum {REALLY_BIG_MEMORY_MB = 64000}; enum {F_OFFSET = 1}; enum {INTERN_ALN_2_HMM = 0, READ_ALN_2_HMM, READ_HMM_2_HMM, INTERN_HMM_2_HMM}; #define UNITY 1.00 enum {CALL_FROM_DONT_KNOW = -1, CALL_FROM_ALN_HMM, CALL_FROM_REGULAR}; /*#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))*/ /* parameters passed from Clustal-Omega to hhalign; FS, r240 -> */ typedef struct { int iMacRamMB; /* dedicated amount of RAM for Maximum Accuracy (in MB) */ bool bIsDna; /* indicates we're in nucleotide mode */ bool bIsRna; /* indicates we're in nucleotide mode */ double pca; double pcb; double pcc; double pcw; double gapb; double gapd; double gape; double gapf; double gapg; double gaph; double gapi; double pcaV; double pcbV; double pccV; double pcwV; double gapbV; double gapdV; double gapeV; double gapfV; double gapgV; double gaphV; double gapiV; } hhalign_para; /* 'scores' passed out from hhalign */ typedef struct{ double forwardProb; double backwardProb; double hhScore; double sumPP; double *PP; int L; } hhalign_scores; typedef struct { /***public***/ int n_display; char **sname; char **seq; int ncons; int nfirst; int nss_dssp; int nsa_dssp; int nss_pred; int nss_conf; int L; int N_in; int N_filtered; float *Neff_M; float *Neff_I; float *Neff_D; float Neff_HMM; char *longname; char name[511]; char file[511]; char fam[511]; char sfam[511]; char fold[511]; char cl[511]; float lamda; float mu; /***private***/ float **f; float **g; float **p; float **tr; float **linTr; char trans_lin; char *ss_dssp; char *sa_dssp; char *ss_pred; char *ss_conf; char *Xcons; float pav[20]; float pnul[20]; int *l; } hmm_light; #endif