/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /********************************************************************* * Clustal Omega - Multiple sequence alignment * * Copyright (C) 2010 University College Dublin * * Clustal-Omega is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This file is part of Clustal-Omega. * ********************************************************************/ /* * RCS $Id: util-C.h 155 2010-11-17 12:18:47Z fabian $ */ // Utility subroutines #ifndef MAIN #include // cin, cout, cerr #include // ofstream, ifstream #include // printf #include // exit #include // clock #endif #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Arithmetics ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// max and min inline double dmax(double x, double y) { return (x>y? x : y);} inline double dmin(double x, double y) { return (xy? x : y);} inline int imin(int x, int y) { return (x=0? x : -x);} // Rounding up, rounding down and rounding to nearest integer inline int iceil(double x) {return int(ceil(x));} inline int ifloor(double x) {return int(floor(x));} inline int iround(double x) {return int(floor(x+0.5));} //// Generalized mean: d=0: sqrt(x*y) d=1: (x+y)/2 d->-inf: min(x,y) d->+inf: max(x,y) inline double fmean(double x, double y, double d) { return pow( (pow(x,d)+pow(y,d))/2 ,1./d);} // log base 2 inline float log2(float x) {return (x<=0? (float)(-100000):1.442695041*log(x));} inline float log10(float x) {return (x<=0? (float)(-100000):0.434294481*log(x));} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fast log base 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function returns log2 with a max abolute deviation of +/- 1.5E-5 (typically 0.8E-5). // It takes 1.42E-8 s whereas log2(x) takes 9.5E-7 s. It is hence 9.4 times faster. // It makes use of the representation of 4-byte floating point numbers: // seee eeee emmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm // s is the sign, // the following 8 bits, eee eee e, give the exponent + 127 (in hex: 0x7f). // The following 23 bits, m, give the mantisse, the binary digits behind the decimal point. // In summary: x = (-1)^s * 1.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm * 2^(eeeeeee-127) // The expression (((*(int *)&x) & 0x7f800000 ) >>23 )-0x7f is the exponent eeeeeeee, i.e. // the largest integer that is smaller than log2(x) (e.g. -1 for 0.9). *(int *)&x is an integer which // contains the bytes as the floating point variable x is represented in memory. // Check: assert( sizeof(f) == sizeof(int) ); // Check: assert( sizeof(f) == 4 ); inline float fast_log2(float x) { static float lg2[1025]; // lg2[i] = log2[1+x/1024] static float diff[1025]; // diff[i]= (lg2[i+1]-lg2[i])/8096 (for interpolation) static char initialized; if (x<=0) return -100000; if (!initialized) //First fill in the arrays lg2[i] and diff[i] { float prev = 0.0f; lg2[0] = 0.0f; for (int i=1; i<=1024; ++i) { lg2[i] = log(float(1024+i))*1.442695041-10.0f; diff[i-1] = (lg2[i]-prev)*1.2352E-4; prev = lg2[i]; } initialized=1; } int a = (((*((int *)&x)) & 0x7F800000) >>23 )-0x7f; int b = ((*((int *)&x)) & 0x007FE000) >>13; int c = ((*((int *)&x)) & 0x00001FFF); return a + lg2[b] + diff[b]*(float)(c); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fast 2^x // ATTENTION: need to compile with g++ -fno-strict-aliasing when using -O2 or -O3!!! // Relative deviation < 1.5E-4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline float fpow2(float x) { if (x>=128) return FLT_MAX; if (x<=-128) return FLT_MIN; int *px = (int*)(&x); // store address of float as pointer to long float tx = (x-0.5f) + (3<<22); // temporary value for truncation: x-0.5 is added to a large integer (3<<22) int lx = *((int*)&tx) - 0x4b400000; // integer value of x float dx = x-(float)(lx); // float remainder of x x = 1.0f + dx*(0.6960656421638072f // cubic apporoximation of 2^x + dx*(0.224494337302845f // for x in the range [0, 1] + dx*(0.07944023841053369f))); *px += (lx<<23); // add integer power of 2 to exponent return x; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ATTENTION: // Can't be used with -O2/-O3 optimization on some compilers ! // Works with g++ version 4.1, but not with 3.4, in which case it returns values // that are a factor 1.002179942 too low // // Fast pow2 routine (Johannes Soeding) // Same speed as fpow2(), but *relative* deviation < 1.2E-7 // Makes use of the binary representation of floats in memory: // x = (-1)^s * 1.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm * 2^(eeeeeee-127) // is represented as // 31 23 7654 3210 // seee eeee emmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm // s is the sign, the 8 bits eee eee e are the exponent + 127 (in hex: 0x7f), // and the following 23 bits m give the mantisse. // We decompose the argument x = a + b, with integer a and 0 <= b < 1 // Therefore 2^x = 2^a * 2^b where a is the binary exponent of 2^x // and 1 <= 2^b < 2, i.e. 2^b determines the mantisse uniquely. // To calculate 2^b, we split b into the first 10 bits and the last 13 bits, // b = b' + c, and then look up the mantisse of 2^b' in a precomputed table. // We use the residual c to interpolate between the mantisse for 2^b' and 2(b'+1/1024) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline float fast_pow2(float x) { if (x<=-127) return 5.9E-39; if (x>=128) return 3.4E38; static char initialized=0; static unsigned int pow2[1025]; static unsigned int diff[1025]; static int y = 0; if (!initialized) //First fill in the pow2-vector { float f; unsigned int prev = 0; pow2[0] = 0; for (int b=1; b<1024; b++) { f=pow(2.0,float(b)/1024.0); pow2[b]=(*((unsigned int *)(&f)) & 0x7FFFFF); // store the mantisse of 2^(1+b/1024) diff[b-1]=pow2[b]-prev; prev=pow2[b]; } pow2[1024]=0x7FFFFF; diff[1023]=pow2[1024]-prev; initialized=1; } int *px = (int *)(&x); // store address of float as pointer to int int E = ((*px & 0x7F800000)>>23)-127; // E is exponent of x and is <=6 unsigned int M=(*px & 0x007FFFFF) | 0x00800000; // M is the mantisse 1.mmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm int a,b,c; if (x>=0) { if (E>=0) { a = 0x3F800000 + ((M<>13; c = ((M<>(-E)) & 0x007FE000)>>13; c = ((M>>(-E)) & 0x00001FFF); } } else { if (E>=0) { a = 0x3F000000 - ((M<>13; c = (0x00800000-(int)((M<>(-E)) & 0x007FFFFF)) >>13; c = (0x00800000-(int)((M>>(-E)) & 0x007FFFFF)) & 0x00001FFF; } } /* printf("x=%0X\n",*px); */ /* printf("E=%0X\n",E); */ /* printf("M=%0X\n",M); */ /* printf("a=%0X\n",a); */ /* printf("b=%0X\n",b); */ y = a | (pow2[b] + ((diff[b]*c)>>13) ); /* printf("2^x=%0X\n",*px); */ return *((float*)&y); } // Normalize a float array such that it sums to one // If it sums to 0 then assign def_array elements to array (optional) inline float NormalizeTo1(float* array, int length, float* def_array=NULL) { float sum=0.0f; int k; for (k=0; k= w-neg-1 || -log10val > 3) { // positive exponential 1.234E+06 // negative exponential 1.234E-06 int d = w-6-neg; sprintf(str,"%*.*e",w,d<1?1:d,val); } else { int d = log10val>0? w-2-neg-int(log10val): w-2-neg; sprintf(str,"%#*.*f",w,d,val); } return str; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // String utilities ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //the integer. If no integer is found, returns INT_MIN and sets ptr to NULL /* MR1 */ inline int strtoi(const char*& ptr) { int i; const char* ptr0=ptr; if (!ptr) return INT_MIN; while (*ptr!='\0' && !(*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9')) ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') { ptr=0; return INT_MIN; } if (*(ptr-1)=='-' && ptr>ptr0) i=-atoi(ptr); else i=atoi(ptr); while (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') ptr++; return i; } //Same as strint, but interpretes '*' as default /* MR1 */ inline int strtoi_(const char*& ptr, int deflt=INT_MAX) { int i; if (!ptr) return INT_MIN; while (*ptr!='\0' && !(*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') && *ptr!='*') ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') { ptr=0; return INT_MIN; } if (*ptr=='*') { ptr++; return deflt; } if (*(ptr-1)=='-') i=atoi(ptr-1); else i=atoi(ptr); while (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') ptr++; return i; } // Returns leftmost integer in ptr and sets the pointer to first char after // the integer. If no integer is found, returns INT_MIN and sets pt to NULL int strint(char*& ptr) { int i; char* ptr0=ptr; if (!ptr) return INT_MIN; while (*ptr!='\0' && !(*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9')) ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') { ptr=0; return INT_MIN; } if (*(ptr-1)=='-' && ptr>ptr0) i=-atoi(ptr); else i=atoi(ptr); while (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') ptr++; return i; } // Same as strint, but interpretes '*' as default int strinta(char*& ptr, int deflt=99999) { int i; if (!ptr) return INT_MIN; while (*ptr!='\0' && !(*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') && *ptr!='*') ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') { ptr=0; return INT_MIN; } if (*ptr=='*') { ptr++; return deflt; } if (*(ptr-1)=='-') i=atoi(ptr-1); else i=atoi(ptr); while (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') ptr++; return i; } // Returns leftmost float in ptr and sets the pointer to first char after // the float. If no float is found, returns FLT_MIN and sets pt to NULL /* MR1 */ float strflt(char*& ptr) { float i; char* ptr0=ptr; if (!ptr) return FLT_MIN; while (*ptr!='\0' && !(*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9')) ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') { ptr=0; return FLT_MIN; } if (ptr>ptr0 && *(ptr-1)=='-') i=-atof(ptr); else i=atof(ptr); while ((*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') || *ptr=='.') ptr++; return i; } // Same as strint, but interpretes '*' as default /* MR1 */ float strflta(char*& ptr, float deflt=99999) { float i; if (!ptr) return FLT_MIN; while (*ptr!='\0' && !(*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') && *ptr!='*') ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') { ptr=0; return FLT_MIN; } if (*ptr=='*') { ptr++; return deflt; } if (*(ptr-1)=='-') i=-atof(ptr); else i=atof(ptr); while ((*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9') || *ptr=='.') ptr++; return i; } // Removes the newline and other control characters at the end of a string (if present) // and returns the new length of the string (-1 if str is NULL) inline int chomp(char str[]) { if (!str) return -1; int l=0; for (l=strlen(str)-1; l>=0 && str[l]<32; l--); str[++l]='\0'; return l; } // Emulates the ifstream::getline method; similar to fgets(str,maxlen,FILE*), // but removes the newline at the end and returns NULL if at end of file or read error inline char* fgetline(char str[], const int maxlen, FILE* file) { if (!fgets(str,maxlen,file)) return NULL; if (chomp(str)+1>=maxlen) // if line is cut after maxlen characters... while (fgetc(file)!='\n'); // ... read in rest of line return(str); } // copies substring str[a,b] into substr and returns substr char *substr(char* substr, char* str, int a, int b) { if (b1000) {printf("Function substr: >1000 chars to copy. Exiting.\n"); exit(6);} char* dest=substr; char* source=str+a; char* send=str+b; while (*source!='\0' && source<=send) *(dest++) = *(source++); *dest='\0'; return substr; } // Returns pointer to first non-white-space character in str OR to NULL if none found inline char* strscn(char* str) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr<=32) ptr++; return (*ptr=='\0')? NULL: ptr; } // Returns pointer to first white-space character in str OR to NULL if none found /* MR1 */ inline char* strscn_ws(char* str) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr>32) ptr++; return (*ptr=='\0')? NULL: ptr; } //Returns pointer to first non-white-space character in str OR to NULL if none found /* MR1 */ inline const char* strscn_c(const char* str) { if (!str) return NULL; const char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; return (*ptr=='\0') ? NULL : ptr; } // Returns pointer to first non-white-space character in str OR to end of string '\0' if none found inline char* strscn_(char* str) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr<=32) ptr++; return ptr; } // Returns pointer to first non-c character in str OR to NULL if none found inline char* strscn(char* str, const char c) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr==c) ptr++; return (*ptr=='\0')? NULL: ptr; } // Returns pointer to first non-c character in str OR to end of string '\0' if none found inline char* strscn_(char* str, const char c) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr==c) ptr++; return ptr; } // Cuts string at first white space character found by overwriting it with '\0'. // Returns pointer to next non-white-space char OR to NULL if no such char found inline char* strcut(char* str) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr>32) ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') return NULL; *ptr='\0'; ptr++; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr<=32) ptr++; return (*ptr=='\0')? NULL:ptr; } // Cuts string at first white space character found by overwriting it with '\0'. // Returns pointer to next non-white-space char OR to end of string '\0' if none found inline char* strcut_(char* str) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr>32) ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') return ptr; *ptr='\0'; ptr++; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr<=32) ptr++; return ptr; } // Cuts string at first occurence of charcter c, by overwriting it with '\0'. // Returns pointer to next char not equal c, OR to NULL if none found inline char* strcut(char* str, const char c) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr!=c) ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') return NULL; *ptr='\0'; ptr++; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr==c) ptr++; return (*ptr=='\0')? NULL:ptr; } // Cuts string at first occurence of charcter c, by overwriting it with '\0'. // Returns pointer to next char not equal c, OR to end of string '\0' if none found inline char* strcut_(char* str, const char c) { if (!str) return NULL; char* ptr=str; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr!=c) ptr++; if (*ptr=='\0') return ptr; *ptr='\0'; ptr++; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr==c) ptr++; return ptr; } // Cuts string at first occurence of substr, by overwriting the first letter with '\0'. // Returns pointer to next char after occurence of substr, OR to NULL if no such char found inline char* strcut(char* str, const char* substr) { char* ptr; //present location in str being compared to substr const char* sptr=substr; //present location in substr being compared to substr // while not at end of str and not all of substr is matched yet while (1) { for (ptr=str, sptr=substr; *ptr==*sptr && *ptr!='\0'; ptr++, sptr++) ; if (*sptr=='\0') {*str='\0'; return ptr;} if (*ptr=='\0') return NULL; str++; } } // Cuts string at first occurence of substr, by overwriting the first letter with '\0'. // Returns pointer to next char after occurence of substr, OR to end of string '\0' if no such char found inline char* strcut_(char* str, const char* substr) { char* ptr; //present location in str being compared to substr const char* sptr=substr; //present location in substr being compared to str // while not at end of str and not all of substr is matched yet while (1) { for (ptr=str, sptr=substr; *ptr==*sptr && *ptr!='\0'; ptr++, sptr++) ; if (*sptr=='\0') {*str='\0'; return ptr;} if (*ptr=='\0') return ptr; str++; } } // Copies first word in ptr to str. In other words, copies first block of non whitespace characters, // beginning at ptr, to str. If a word is found, returns address of second word in ptr or, if no second // word is found, returns address to end of word ('\0' character) in ptr string. If no word is found // in ptr NULL is returned. inline char* strwrd(char* str, char* ptr) { ptr=strscn(ptr); // advance to beginning of next word if (ptr) { while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr>32) *(str++) = *(ptr++); *str='\0'; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr<=32) ptr++; return ptr; } else return NULL; } // Copies first word ***delimited by char c*** in ptr to str. In other words, copies first block of non-c characters, // beginning at ptr, to str. If a word is found, returns address of second word in ptr or, if no second // word is found, returns address to end of word ('\0' character) in ptr string. If no word is found // in ptr NULL is returned. inline char* strwrd(char* str, char* ptr, const char c) { ptr=strscn(ptr,c); // advance to beginning of next word if (ptr) { while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr!=c) *(str++) = *(ptr++); *str='\0'; while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr==c) ptr++; return ptr; } else return NULL; } // Similar to Perl's tr/abc/ABC/: Replaces all chars in str found in one list with characters from the second list // Returns the number of replaced charactrs int strtr(char* str, const char oldchars[], const char newchars[]) { char* ptr; const char *plist; int ntr=0; for (ptr=str; *ptr!='\0'; ptr++) for (plist=oldchars; *plist!='\0'; plist++) if (*ptr==*plist) { *ptr=newchars[plist-oldchars]; ntr++; break; } return ntr; } // Similar to Perl's tr/abc//d: deletes all chars in str found in the list // Returns number of removed characters int strtrd(char* str, const char chars[]) { char* ptr0=str; char* ptr1=str; const char *plist; while (*ptr1!='\0') { for (plist=chars; *plist!='\0'; plist++) if (*ptr1==*plist) break; if (*plist=='\0') {*ptr0=*ptr1; ptr0++;} ptr1++; } return ptr1-ptr0; } // Similar to Perl's tr/a-z//d: deletes all chars in str found in the list // Returns number of removed characters int strtrd(char* str, char char1, char char2) { char* ptr0=str; char* ptr1=str; while (*ptr1!='\0') { if (*ptr1>=char1 && *ptr1<=char2) {*ptr0=*ptr1; ptr0++;} ptr1++; } return ptr1-ptr0; } // transforms str into an all uppercase string char* uprstr(char* str) { char* s=str; while (*s !='\0') {if (*s>='a' && *s<='z') *s+='A'-'a';s++;} return(str); } // transforms str into an all uppercase string char* lwrstr(char* str) { char* s=str; while (*s !='\0') {if (*s>='A' && *s<='Z') *s+='a'-'A'; s++;} return(str); } // transforms chr into an uppercase character inline char uprchr(char chr) { return (chr>='a' && chr<='z')? chr+'A'-'a' : chr; } // transforms chr into an lowercase character inline char lwrchr(char chr) { return (chr>='A' && chr<='Z')? chr-'A'+'a' : chr; } // Replaces first occurence of str1 by str2 in str. Returns pointer to first occurence or NULL if not found // ATTENTION: if str2 is longer than str1, allocated memory of str must be long enough!! inline char* strsubst(char* str, const char str1[], const char str2[]) { char* ptr = strstr(str,str1); strcpy(ptr,str2); return ptr; } // Gives elapsed time since first call to this function inline void ElapsedTimeSinceFirstCall(const char str[]) { timeval t; static double tfirst=0; if (tfirst==0) { gettimeofday(&t, NULL); tfirst = 1E-6*t.tv_usec + t.tv_sec; } gettimeofday(&t, NULL); printf("Elapsed time since first call:%12.3fs %s\n",1E-6*t.tv_usec + t.tv_sec - tfirst,str); } // Gives elapsed time since last call to this function inline void ElapsedTimeSinceLastCall(const char str[]) { timeval t; static double tlast=0.0; if (tlast==0.0) { gettimeofday(&t, NULL); tlast = 1.0E-6*t.tv_usec + t.tv_sec; } gettimeofday(&t, NULL); printf("Elapsed time since last call:%12.3fs %s\n",1.0E-6*t.tv_usec + t.tv_sec - tlast,str); tlast = 1.0E-6*t.tv_usec + t.tv_sec; } inline char* RemovePath(char outname[], char filename[]) { char* ptr; #ifdef WINDOWS ptr=strrchr(filename,92); //return adress for LAST \ (backslash) in name #else ptr=strrchr(filename,'/'); //return adress for LAST / in name #endif if (!ptr) ptr=filename; else ptr++; strcpy(outname,ptr); return outname; } inline char* RemoveExtension(char outname[], char filename[]) { char *ptr1; ptr1=strrchr(filename,'.'); //return adress for LAST '.' in name if (ptr1) {*ptr1='\0'; strcpy(outname,filename); *ptr1='.';} else strcpy(outname,filename); return outname; } inline char* RemovePathAndExtension(char outname[], char filename[]) { char *ptr, *ptr1; #ifdef WINDOWS ptr=strrchr(filename,92); //return adress for LAST \ (backslash) in name #else ptr=strrchr(filename,'/'); //return adress for LAST / in name #endif if (!ptr) ptr=filename; else ptr++; ptr1=strrchr(filename,'.'); //return adress for LAST '.' in name if (ptr1) {*ptr1='\0'; strcpy(outname,ptr); *ptr1='.';} else strcpy(outname,ptr); return outname; } inline char* Extension(char extension[], char filename[]) { char* ptr; ptr=strrchr(filename,'.'); //return adress for LAST '.' in name if (ptr) strcpy(extension,ptr+1); else *extension='\0'; return extension; } // Path includes last '/' inline char* Pathname(char pathname[], char filename[]) { char* ptr; char chr; #ifdef WINDOWS ptr=strrchr(filename,92); //return adress for LAST \ (backslash) in name #else ptr=strrchr(filename,'/'); //return adress for LAST / in name #endif if (ptr) {chr=*(++ptr); *ptr='\0'; strcpy(pathname,filename); *ptr=chr;} else *pathname='\0'; return pathname; } // Swaps two integer elements in array k inline void swapi(int k[], int i, int j) { int temp; temp=k[i]; k[i]=k[j]; k[j]=temp; } // QSort sorting routine. time complexity of O(N ln(N)) on average // Sorts the index array k between elements i='left' and i='right' in such a way that afterwards // v[k[i]] is sorted downwards (up=-1) or upwards (up=+1) void QSortInt(int v[], int k[], int left, int right, int up=+1) { int i; int last; // last element to have been swapped if (left>=right) return; // do nothing if less then 2 elements to sort // Put pivot element in the middle of the sort range to the side (to position 'left') ... swapi(k,left,(left+right)/2); last=left; // ... and swap all elements i SMALLER than the pivot // with an element that is LARGER than the pivot (element last+1): if (up==1) { for (i=left+1; i<=right; i++) if (v[k[i]]v[k[left]]) swapi(k,++last,i); // Put the pivot to the right of the elements which are SMALLER, left to elements which are LARGER swapi(k,left,last); // Sort the elements left from the pivot and right from the pivot QSortInt(v,k,left,last-1,up); QSortInt(v,k,last+1,right,up); } // QSort sorting routine. time complexity of O(N ln(N)) on average // Sorts the index array k between elements i='left' and i='right' in such a way that afterwards // v[k[i]] is sorted downwards (up=-1) or upwards (up=+1) void QSortFloat(float v[], int k[], int left, int right, int up=+1) { int i; int last; // last element to have been swapped void swapi(int k[], int i, int j); if (left>=right) return; // do nothing if less then 2 elements to sort // Put pivot element in the middle of the sort range to the side (to position 'left') ... swapi(k,left,(left+right)/2); last=left; // ... and swap all elements i SMALLER than the pivot // with an element that is LARGER than the pivot (element last+1): if (up==1) { for (i=left+1; i<=right; i++) if (v[k[i]]v[k[left]]) swapi(k,++last,i); // Put the pivot to the right of the elements which are SMALLER, left to elements which are LARGER swapi(k,left,last); // Sort the elements left from the pivot and right from the pivot QSortFloat(v,k,left,last-1,up); QSortFloat(v,k,last+1,right,up); } /** * @brief comparison function for qsort, * sorts floating point numbers ascendingly * * @param cv1 ponter to 1st entry to be sorted * @param cv2 ponter to 2nd entry to be sorted * * @return 0 if entries are equal, * +/-1 if 1st greater/smaller than 2nd */ int CompFltAsc(const void *cv1, const void *cv2){ float f1 = *(float *)cv1; float f2 = *(float *)cv2; if (f1 > f2) { return +1; } else if (f1 < f2) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } /* this is the end of CompFltAsc() */ //Return random number in the range [0,1] inline float frand() { return rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Execute system command ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void runSystem(std::string cmd, int v = 2) { if (v>2) cout << "Command: " << cmd << "!\n"; int res = system(cmd.c_str()); if (res!=0) { cerr << endl << "ERROR when executing: " << cmd << "!\n"; exit(1); } }