/** * Author: Mark Larkin * * Copyright (c) 2007 Des Higgins, Julie Thompson and Toby Gibson. */ /** * Changes: * * 10-02-07,Nigel Brown(EMBL): changed ifstream to InFileStream to handle * cross-platform end-of-lines (for dendrograms, not for help file). Remerged * this change 13-04-07. * * Mark 10-5-2007: Bug fix # 42. call getWeightsForQtLowScore function in * QTcalcWeightsForLowScoreSeg instead of getWeightsFromDistMat. * * Mark 22-5-07, changed the distmatrix to be the size of alignObject.numSeqs * Mark Change 20-6-07, added call to calculateMaxLengths() * Mark, 3-7-07, Changed getHelp. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "Clustal.h" #include "pairwise/FullPairwiseAlign.h" #include "pairwise/FastPairwiseAlign.h" #include "multipleAlign/MSA.h" #include "multipleAlign/LowScoreSegProfile.h" #include "multipleAlign/Iteration.h" #include "tree/TreeInterface.h" #include "general/debuglogObject.h" #include "general/statsObject.h" #include "alignment/ObjectiveScore.h" #include "general/ClustalWResources.h" #include "Help.h" #include using namespace std; namespace clustalw { Clustal::Clustal() { #ifdef WINDOWS helpFileName = string("clustalw.hlp"); #else helpFileName = string("clustalw_help"); #endif checkTree = true; newSeq = 0; sequencesMsg = "\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file, "; profile1Msg = "\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file for Profile 1, " ; profile2Msg = "\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file for Profile 2, "; newProfile1TreePrompt = "\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE file for profile 1 ["; newProfile2TreePrompt = "\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE file for profile 2 ["; initInterface(); } /** *********************************************************************** * The function align is used to do a full multiple sequence alignment. * **************************************************************************/ // FIXME: merge doAlignUseOldTree in here void Clustal::align(string* phylipName, bool createOutput) { //time_t start, end; //double dif; //start = time (NULL); //ObjectiveScore score; //double _score = score.getSagaScore(&alignmentObj); //cout << "SAGA score " << _score << "\n"; string path; int count; AlignmentOutput alignOutput; if(userParameters->getEmpty() && userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { utilityObject->error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first."); return; } userParameters->setStructPenalties1(NONE); userParameters->setStructPenalties2(NONE); alignmentObj.clearSecStruct1(); alignmentObj.clearSecStruct2(); utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getSeqName(), &path); if(createOutput && (userParameters->getMenuFlag() || !userParameters->getInteractive())) { if(!alignOutput.openAlignmentOutput(path)) { return; } } else if(createOutput) { // We are using clustalQT. // Open all the files. if(!alignOutput.QTOpenFilesForOutput(QTFileNames)) { return; // could not open the files. } } if (userParameters->getSaveParameters()) { userParameters->createParameterOutput(); } if(userParameters->getResetAlignmentsNew() || userParameters->getResetAlignmentsAll()) { alignmentObj.resetAlign(); } if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) { cout << "Start of Pairwise alignments\n"; cout << "Aligning...\n"; } if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setDNAParams(); } else { userParameters->setProtParams(); } if (statsObject->isEnabled()) { statsObject->logInputSeqStats(&alignmentObj); } /// STEP 1: PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT TO GENERATE DISTANCE MATRIX SymMatrix distMat; int _numSeqs = alignmentObj.getNumSeqs(); distMat.ResizeRect(_numSeqs + 1); PairwiseAlignBase* pairwiseDist; if (userParameters->getQuickPairAlign()) { pairwiseDist = new FastPairwiseAlign(); } else { pairwiseDist = new FullPairwiseAlign(); } // Generate distance matrix! pairwiseDist->pairwiseAlign(&alignmentObj, &distMat, 0, _numSeqs, 0, _numSeqs); delete pairwiseDist; bool success = false; auto_ptr progSteps; vector seqWeight(_numSeqs + 1); #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("Calling getWeightsAndStepsFromDistMat\n"); } #endif TreeInterface calcSteps; progSteps = calcSteps.getWeightsAndStepsFromDistMat(&seqWeight, &distMat, &alignmentObj, 1, _numSeqs, phylipName, &success); //cout << "weights and steps calculated!\n"; //end = time (NULL); //dif = difftime(end, start); //cout << "It took " << dif << " seconds so Far\n"; if(!success) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("Unsuccessful!!!\n"); } #endif return; } #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("doing multiSeqAlign\n"); } #endif MSA* msaObj = new MSA(); count = msaObj->multiSeqAlign(&alignmentObj, &distMat, &seqWeight, progSteps.get(), 0); delete msaObj; //cout << "alignment finished!\n"; //end = time (NULL); //dif = difftime(end, start); //cout << "It took " << dif << " seconds so Far\n"; if (count <= 0) { return; } if (userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { cout << "\n\n\n"; } /// Do iteration to improve alignment!!! if(userParameters->getDoRemoveFirstIteration() == ALIGNMENT) { //userParameters->setNumIterations(_numSeqs * 2); Iteration iterateObj; iterateObj.removeFirstIterate(&alignmentObj); alignmentObj.calculateMaxLengths(); // Mark Change 20-6-07 if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Finished iteration\n"; } if (statsObject->isEnabled()) { statsObject->logAlignedSeqStats(&alignmentObj); } /// STEP 4: OUTPUT THE ALIGNMENT if(createOutput) { alignOutput.createAlignmentOutput(&alignmentObj, 1, _numSeqs); } (*phylipName) = ""; //end = time (NULL); //dif = difftime(end, start); //cout << "It took " << dif << " seconds\n"; } /** **************************************************************************** * The function sequencesAlignToProfile is used to align a set of sequences to * * a profile * *******************************************************************************/ void Clustal::sequencesAlignToProfile(string* phylipName) { string path; string treeName; bool useTree; int i, j, count; float dscore; bool saveSS2; AlignmentOutput alignOutput; if(userParameters->getProfile1Empty() && userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { utilityObject->error("No profile in memory. Input 1st profile first.\n"); return; } if(userParameters->getProfile2Empty() && userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { utilityObject->error("No sequences in memory. Input sequences first.\n"); return; } utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getProfile2Name(), &path); if(userParameters->getMenuFlag() || !userParameters->getInteractive()) { if(!alignOutput.openAlignmentOutput(path)) { return; } } else { // We are using clustalQT. // Open all the files. if(!alignOutput.QTOpenFilesForOutput(QTFileNames)) { return; // could not open the files. } } newSeq = alignmentObj.getProfile1NumSeqs() + 1; // check for secondary structure information for list of sequences saveSS2 = userParameters->getUseSS2(); if (userParameters->getStructPenalties2() != NONE && userParameters->getUseSS2() == true && (alignmentObj.getNumSeqs() - alignmentObj.getProfile1NumSeqs() > 1)) { if (userParameters->getStructPenalties2() == SECST) { utilityObject->warning("\n\nWARNING: ignoring secondary structure for a list of sequences\n\n"); } else if (userParameters->getStructPenalties2() == GMASK) { utilityObject->warning("\n\nWARNING: ignoring gap penalty mask for a list of sequences\n\n"); } userParameters->setUseSS2(false); } DistMatrix distMat; int _numSeqs = alignmentObj.getNumSeqs(); distMat.ResizeRect(_numSeqs + 1); // // Convert to similarities!!!!!!!! // This is calcualting the similarities of the sequences in the profile part // for (i = 1; i <= newSeq; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j <= newSeq; j++) { dscore = alignmentObj.countid(i,j); distMat(i, j) = ((double)100.0 - (double)dscore)/(double)100.0; distMat(j, i) = distMat(i, j); } } //distMat.printArray(); InFileStream _treeFile; //nige useTree = false; // // Note put this into a separate function!!!!! // if (_numSeqs >= 2) { useTree = useExistingGuideTree(Sequences, phylipName, path); } if (userParameters->getSaveParameters()) { userParameters->createParameterOutput(); } if(userParameters->getResetAlignmentsNew() || userParameters->getResetAlignmentsAll()) { alignmentObj.resetProfile2(); } else { alignmentObj.fixGaps(); } int _length = 0; if (userParameters->getStructPenalties1() == SECST) { _length = alignmentObj.getSeqLength(1); calcGapPenaltyMask(_length, alignmentObj.getSecStructMask1(), alignmentObj.getGapPenaltyMask1()); } if (userParameters->getStructPenalties2() == SECST) { _length = alignmentObj.getSeqLength(alignmentObj.getProfile1NumSeqs() + 1); calcGapPenaltyMask(_length, alignmentObj.getSecStructMask2(), alignmentObj.getGapPenaltyMask2()); } // PROGRESSIVE ALIGNMENT ALGORITHM // vector seqWeights(_numSeqs + 1); bool success = false; if (useTree == false) // create the new tree file, if necessary { if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) { cout << "Start of Pairwise alignments\n"; cout << "Aligning...\n"; } if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setDNAParams(); } else { userParameters->setProtParams(); } // STEP 1: CALCULATE DISTANCE MATRIX USING PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT // PairwiseAlignBase* pairwiseDist; if (userParameters->getQuickPairAlign()) { pairwiseDist = new FastPairwiseAlign(); } else { pairwiseDist = new FullPairwiseAlign(); } // Generate distance matrix! pairwiseDist->pairwiseAlign(&alignmentObj, &distMat, 0, _numSeqs, newSeq-2, _numSeqs); delete pairwiseDist; if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "\n\n"; TreeInterface calcSeqWeights; calcSeqWeights.getWeightsFromDistMat(&seqWeights, &distMat, &alignmentObj, 1, _numSeqs, phylipName, &success); } else { TreeInterface calcSeqWeights; calcSeqWeights.getWeightsFromGuideTree(&alignmentObj, &distMat, phylipName, &seqWeights, 1, _numSeqs, &success); } if(!success) { return; } // If it is true, call the function here to get the seqweights etc from it. // if users request only the guide tree, return if (userParameters->getNewTreeFile()) { return; } MSA* msaObj = new MSA(); count = msaObj->seqsAlignToProfile(&alignmentObj, &distMat, &seqWeights, newSeq - 2, *phylipName); delete msaObj; userParameters->setUseSS2(saveSS2); if (count <= 0) { return; } if (userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { cout << "\n\n\n"; } /// STEP 4: OUTPUT THE ALIGNMENT // alignOutput.createAlignmentOutput(&alignmentObj, 1, _numSeqs); (*phylipName) = ""; } /** **************************************************************************** * The function profileAlign is used to align two profiles * *******************************************************************************/ void Clustal::profileAlign(string* p1TreeName, string* p2TreeName) { string path; //string treeName; bool useTree1, useTree2; int count, i, j, dscore; int _profile1NumSeqs = alignmentObj.getProfile1NumSeqs(); AlignmentOutput alignOutput; if(userParameters->getProfile1Empty() || userParameters->getProfile2Empty()) { utilityObject->error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.\n\n"); return; } utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getProfile1Name(), &path); if(userParameters->getMenuFlag() || !userParameters->getInteractive()) { if(!alignOutput.openAlignmentOutput(path)) { return; } } else { // We are using clustalQT. // Open all the files. if(!alignOutput.QTOpenFilesForOutput(QTFileNames)) { return; // could not open the files. } } if(userParameters->getResetAlignmentsNew() || userParameters->getResetAlignmentsAll()) { alignmentObj.resetProfile1(); alignmentObj.resetProfile2(); } else { alignmentObj.fixGaps(); } // Check if there exists a tree for profile1 useTree1 = false; if (_profile1NumSeqs >= 2) { useTree1 = useExistingGuideTree(Profile1, p1TreeName, path); } // Check if there exists a tree for profile2 useTree2 = false; utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getProfile2Name(), &path); if (alignmentObj.getNumSeqs() - _profile1NumSeqs >= 2) { useTree2 = useExistingGuideTree(Profile2, p2TreeName, path); } if (userParameters->getSaveParameters()) { userParameters->createParameterOutput(); } int _length = 0; if (userParameters->getStructPenalties1() == SECST) { _length = alignmentObj.getSeqLength(1); calcGapPenaltyMask(_length, alignmentObj.getSecStructMask1(), alignmentObj.getGapPenaltyMask1()); } if (userParameters->getStructPenalties2() == SECST) { _length = alignmentObj.getSeqLength(_profile1NumSeqs + 1); calcGapPenaltyMask(_length, alignmentObj.getSecStructMask2(), alignmentObj.getGapPenaltyMask2()); } // Declare the distance matrix DistMatrix distMat; int _numSeqs = alignmentObj.getNumSeqs(); distMat.ResizeRect(_numSeqs + 1); if (useTree1 == false) { if (_profile1NumSeqs >= 2) { for (i = 1; i <= _profile1NumSeqs; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j <= _profile1NumSeqs; j++) { dscore = static_cast(alignmentObj.countid(i,j)); distMat(i, j) = (100.0 - dscore)/100.0; distMat(j, i) = distMat(i, j); } } utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getProfile1Name(), &path); // We need to get the name of the file first because the message is different! if(userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { promptForNewGuideTreeName(Profile1, p1TreeName, path); } else { string treeName; treeName = path + "dnd"; p1TreeName = new string(treeName); } } if (useTree2 == false) { if(_numSeqs - _profile1NumSeqs >= 2) { for (i = 1 + _profile1NumSeqs; i <= _numSeqs; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j <= _numSeqs; j++) { dscore = static_cast(alignmentObj.countid(i,j)); distMat(i, j) = (100.0 - dscore) / 100.0; distMat(j, i) = distMat(i, j); } } utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getProfile2Name(), &path); if(userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { promptForNewGuideTreeName(Profile2, p2TreeName, path); } else { string treeName; treeName = path + "dnd"; p2TreeName = new string(treeName); } } } } bool success = false; vector prof1Weight, prof2Weight; prof1Weight.resize(_profile1NumSeqs); prof2Weight.resize(_numSeqs); TreeInterface tree; tree.getWeightsForProfileAlign(&alignmentObj, &distMat, p1TreeName, &prof1Weight, p2TreeName, &prof2Weight, _numSeqs, _profile1NumSeqs, useTree1, useTree2, &success); if(!success) { return; } // do an initial alignment to get the pairwise identities between the two // profiles - used to set parameters for the final alignment MSA* msaObj = new MSA(); alignmentObj.resetProfile1(); alignmentObj.resetProfile2(); count = msaObj->doProfileAlign(&alignmentObj, &distMat, &prof1Weight, &prof2Weight); delete msaObj; if (count == 0) { return; } if(userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { cout << "\n\n\n"; } alignOutput.createAlignmentOutput(&alignmentObj, 1, _numSeqs); (*p1TreeName) = ""; (*p2TreeName) = ""; } void Clustal::doGuideTreeOnly(string* phylipName) { string path; if(userParameters->getEmpty()) { utilityObject->error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.\n"); return; } userParameters->setStructPenalties1(NONE); userParameters->setStructPenalties2(NONE); alignmentObj.clearSecStruct1(); alignmentObj.clearSecStruct2(); if(userParameters->getResetAlignmentsNew() || userParameters->getResetAlignmentsAll()) { alignmentObj.resetAlign(); } utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getSeqName(), &path); int _numSeqs = alignmentObj.getNumSeqs(); if (_numSeqs < 2) { utilityObject->error("Less than 2 sequences in memory. Phylogenetic tree cannot be built.\n"); return; } if (userParameters->getSaveParameters()) { userParameters->createParameterOutput(); } if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) { cout << "Start of Pairwise alignments\n"; cout << "Aligning...\n"; } if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setDNAParams(); } else { userParameters->setProtParams(); } ///STEP 1: PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT TO GENERATE DISTANCE MATRIX // DistMatrix distMat; distMat.ResizeRect(_numSeqs + 1); PairwiseAlignBase* pairwiseDist; if (userParameters->getQuickPairAlign()) { pairwiseDist = new FastPairwiseAlign(); } else { pairwiseDist = new FullPairwiseAlign(); } // Generate distance matrix! pairwiseDist->pairwiseAlign(&alignmentObj, &distMat, 0, _numSeqs, 0, _numSeqs); delete pairwiseDist; /* AW DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "\nDEBUG: distance matrix following...\n"); distMat.printArray(); */ bool success = false; TreeInterface tree; tree.generateTreeFromDistMat(&distMat, &alignmentObj, 1, _numSeqs, phylipName, &success); if(userParameters->getResetAlignmentsNew() || userParameters->getResetAlignmentsAll()) { alignmentObj.resetAlign(); } (*phylipName) = ""; } // FIXME this is to 90% identical with align(), please merge void Clustal::doAlignUseOldTree(string* phylipName) { string path; int count; AlignmentOutput alignOutput; if(userParameters->getEmpty()) { utilityObject->error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.\n"); return; } userParameters->setStructPenalties1(NONE); userParameters->setStructPenalties2(NONE); alignmentObj.clearSecStruct1(); alignmentObj.clearSecStruct2(); utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getSeqName(), &path); if(userParameters->getMenuFlag() || !userParameters->getInteractive()) { if(!alignOutput.openAlignmentOutput(path)) { return; } } else { // We are using clustalQT. // Open all the files. if(!alignOutput.QTOpenFilesForOutput(QTFileNames)) { return; // could not open the files. } } if(userParameters->getResetAlignmentsNew() || userParameters->getResetAlignmentsAll()) { alignmentObj.resetAlign(); } int _numSeqs = alignmentObj.getNumSeqs(); DistMatrix distMat; distMat.ResizeRect(_numSeqs + 1); utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getSeqName(), &path); if (_numSeqs >= 2) { if(userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { phylipName = new string(path); *phylipName = *phylipName + "dnd"; string message, answer; message = "\nEnter a name for the guide tree file [" + *phylipName + "]"; utilityObject->getStr(message, answer); if(!answer.empty()) { phylipName = new string(answer); } } if(userParameters->getMenuFlag() || !userParameters->getInteractive()) { InFileStream _treeFile; //nige _treeFile.open(phylipName->c_str()); if(!_treeFile.is_open()) { utilityObject->error("Cannot open tree file [%s]\n", phylipName->c_str()); return; } _treeFile.close(); } } else { if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) { cout << "Start of Pairwise alignments\n"; cout << "Aligning...\n"; } if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setDNAParams(); } else { userParameters->setProtParams(); } PairwiseAlignBase* pairwiseDist; if (userParameters->getQuickPairAlign()) { pairwiseDist = new FastPairwiseAlign(); } else { pairwiseDist = new FullPairwiseAlign(); } // Generate distance matrix! pairwiseDist->pairwiseAlign(&alignmentObj, &distMat, 0, _numSeqs, 0, _numSeqs); delete pairwiseDist; } if (userParameters->getSaveParameters()) { userParameters->createParameterOutput(); } auto_ptr progSteps; vector seqWeights(_numSeqs + 1); bool success = false; TreeInterface tree; progSteps = tree.getWeightsAndStepsFromTree(&alignmentObj, &distMat, phylipName, &seqWeights, 1, _numSeqs, &success); if(!success) { return; } MSA* msaObj = new MSA(); count = msaObj->multiSeqAlign(&alignmentObj, &distMat, &seqWeights, progSteps.get(), 0); delete msaObj; if (count <= 0) { return; } if (userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { cout << "\n\n\n"; } // same as in align() if(userParameters->getDoRemoveFirstIteration() == ALIGNMENT) { //userParameters->setNumIterations(_numSeqs * 2); Iteration iterateObj; iterateObj.removeFirstIterate(&alignmentObj); alignmentObj.calculateMaxLengths(); // Mark Change 20-6-07 if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Finished iteration\n"; } alignOutput.createAlignmentOutput(&alignmentObj, 1, _numSeqs); phylipName = new string(""); } void Clustal::getFullHelp() { vector markers; Help myhelp; bool showtitle = true; markers = myhelp.ListSectionMarkers(); for (unsigned int i=0; igetMenuFlag()) { cout << helpString; } else { string::size_type lastPos = 0; string::size_type pos = helpString.find_first_of("\n", lastPos); int nlines = 0; while (pos != string::npos) { cout << helpString.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos); nlines++; if(nlines >= PAGE_LEN) { char tempChar; cout << "\nPress [RETURN] to continue or X to stop "; cin.get(tempChar); if(toupper(tempChar) == 'X') { return; } else { nlines = 0; } } lastPos = pos; //helpString.find_first_not_of("\n", pos); pos = helpString.find_first_of("\n", lastPos+1); //cerr << "DEBUG: pos=" << pos << " lastPos=" << lastPos << "/" << helpString.length() << "\n"; } } } /** * The wrap functions will be used with interface classes to perform the tasks * that were previously done there. */ int Clustal::sequenceInput(bool append, string *offendingSeq) { int code; // If we are not appending, we need to clear the Alignment object. if(!append) { alignmentObj.clearAlignment(); } FileReader readSeqFile; code = readSeqFile.seqInput(&alignmentObj, append, offendingSeq); return code; } /** * profile1Input is a wrapper function for the profileInput. This is because the * other classes dont have access to FileReader */ int Clustal::profile1Input(string profile1Name) { int code; // I need to clear out the Alignment object. alignmentObj.clearAlignment(); userParameters->setProfileNum(1); userParameters->setSeqName(profile1Name); userParameters->setProfile1Name(profile1Name); FileReader readProfileFile; code = readProfileFile.profileInput(&alignmentObj); // If we are using the commandline check if there are seqs! if(!userParameters->getInteractive()) { // AW: FIXME code should be handled higher up the stack and check all codes // also, shouldnt we use utilityObject->error()? if(code != OK) { if (code==NOSEQUENCESINFILE) cerr << "ERROR: There are no sequences in profile2 file." << std::endl; else if (code==ALLNAMESNOTDIFFERENT) cerr << "ERROR: Not all sequence names are different" << std::endl; else cerr << "ERROR: Unhandled error code (" << code << ") returned from profileInput.\n"; // AW: should we really exit here? What if called from clustalx? exit(2); } } return code; } /** * profile2Input is a wrapper function for the profileInput. This is because the * other classes dont have access to FileReader */ int Clustal::profile2Input(string profile2Name) { int code; if(userParameters->getProfileNum() == 2) { // Remove the sequences from the previous one. int numSeqsProfile1 = alignmentObj.getProfile1NumSeqs(); alignmentObj.resizeSeqArray(numSeqsProfile1 + 1); // Clear anything from profile2 in alignment. alignmentObj.clearSecStruct2(); } userParameters->setProfileNum(2); userParameters->setSeqName(profile2Name); userParameters->setProfile2Name(profile2Name); FileReader readProfileFile; cout << "before profileInput\n"; code = readProfileFile.profileInput(&alignmentObj); cout << "after profileInput\n"; if(!userParameters->getInteractive()) { // AW: FIXME code should be handled higher up the stack and check all codes // also, shouldnt we use utilityObject->error()? if(code != OK) { if (code==NOSEQUENCESINFILE) cerr << "ERROR: There are no sequences in profile2 file." << std::endl; else if (code==ALLNAMESNOTDIFFERENT) cerr << "ERROR: Not all sequence names are different" << std::endl; else cerr << "ERROR: Unhandled error code (" << code << ") returned from profileInput.\n"; // AW: should we really exit here? What if called from clustalx? // DD: fixed if(!userParameters->getGui()) exit(2); } } return code; } /** * The function commandline_readseq is called by the command line to * read in the sequences. It also prints out the names. This was * previously done by the command line parser. */ int Clustal::commandLineReadSeq(int firstSeq) { // Clear the alignment, although obviously there shouldnt be anything in it. alignmentObj.clearAlignment(); userParameters->setProfileNum(0); int code = 0; string offendingSeq; FileReader readInputFile; code = readInputFile.readSeqs(&alignmentObj, firstSeq, &offendingSeq); if(code != OK) { if(code == CANNOTOPENFILE) { utilityObject->error("Cannot open input file. No alignment!\n"); } else if(code == NOSEQUENCESINFILE) { utilityObject->error("No sequences in file. No alignment!\n"); } else if(code == ALLNAMESNOTDIFFERENT) { utilityObject->error("Multiple sequences found with same name (found %s at least twice)!", offendingSeq.c_str()); } else if(code == EMPTYSEQUENCE) { utilityObject->error("Empty sequences found: %s\n", offendingSeq.c_str()); } else if(code == SEQUENCETOOBIG) { utilityObject->error("Sequence(s) too big: %s\n", offendingSeq.c_str()); } else if(code == BADFORMAT) { utilityObject->error("Sequences are badly formatted!\n"); } else { utilityObject->error("\nThere was a problem reading in the file. No alignment!\n"); } exit(-1); } alignmentObj.printSequencesAddedInfo(); userParameters->setEmpty(false); return code; } /* * The function outputNow is used to output the alignment. It can be called by the * menu or command line parser. */ void Clustal::outputNow() { if(alignmentObj.getNumSeqs() > 0) { string path = ""; if(!userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { string _seqName = userParameters->getSeqName(); utilityObject->getPath(_seqName, &path); } AlignmentOutput alignmentOutput; alignmentOutput.openAlignmentOutput(path); alignmentOutput.createAlignmentOutput(&alignmentObj, 1, alignmentObj.getNumSeqs()); } else { utilityObject->error("No sequences have been loaded\n"); } } void Clustal::phylogeneticTree(string* phylipName, string* clustalName, string* distName, string* nexusName, string pimName) { TreeNames treeNames; treeNames.clustalName = *clustalName; treeNames.distName = *distName; treeNames.nexusName = *nexusName; treeNames.phylipName = *phylipName; treeNames.pimName = pimName; TreeInterface tree; tree.treeFromAlignment(&treeNames, &alignmentObj); } void Clustal::bootstrapTree(string* phylipName, string* clustalName, string* nexusName) { TreeNames treeNames; treeNames.clustalName = *clustalName; treeNames.nexusName = *nexusName; treeNames.phylipName = *phylipName; TreeInterface tree; tree.bootstrapTree(&treeNames, &alignmentObj); } void Clustal::initInterface() { userParameters->setEmpty(true); userParameters->setProfile1Empty(true); userParameters->setProfile2Empty(true); } /** * The function calcGapPenaltyMask is used to calculate the gapMask from the secondary * structure information. */ void Clustal::calcGapPenaltyMask(int prfLength, vector* mask, vector* gapMask) { int i,j; vector structMask; structMask.resize(prfLength + 1); int _helixEndPlus = userParameters->getHelixEndPlus(); int _helixEndMinus = userParameters->getHelixEndMinus(); int _strandEndPlus = userParameters->getStrandEndPlus(); int _strandEndMinus = userParameters->getStrandEndMinus(); i = 0; while (i < prfLength) { if (tolower((*mask)[i]) == 'a' || (*mask)[i] == '$') { for (j = -_helixEndPlus; j < 0; j++) { if(i + j < (int)structMask.size()) { if ((i + j >= 0) && (tolower(structMask[i + j]) != 'a') && (tolower(structMask[i + j]) != 'b')) { structMask[i + j] = 'a'; } } } for (j = 0; j < _helixEndMinus; j++) { if (i + j >= prfLength || (tolower((*mask)[i + j]) != 'a' && (*mask)[i + j] != '$')) { break; } structMask[i + j] = 'a'; } i += j; while (tolower((*mask)[i]) == 'a' || (*mask)[i] == '$') { if (i >= prfLength) { break; } if ((*mask)[i] == '$') { structMask[i] = 'A'; i++; break; } else { structMask[i] = (*mask)[i]; } i++; } for (j = 0; j < _helixEndMinus; j++) { if ((i - j - 1 >= 0) && (tolower((*mask)[i - j - 1]) == 'a' || (*mask)[i - j - 1] == '$')) { structMask[i - j - 1] = 'a'; } } for (j = 0; j < _helixEndPlus; j++) { if (i + j >= prfLength) { break; } structMask[i+j] = 'a'; } } else if (tolower((*mask)[i]) == 'b' || (*mask)[i] == '%') { for (j = -_strandEndPlus; j < 0; j++) { if ((i + j >= 0) && (tolower(structMask[i + j]) != 'a') && (tolower(structMask[i + j]) != 'b')) { structMask[i + j] = 'b'; } } for (j = 0; j < _strandEndPlus; j++) { if (i + j >= prfLength || (tolower((*mask)[i + j]) != 'b' && (*mask)[i + j] != '%')) { break; } structMask[i+j] = 'b'; } i += j; while (tolower((*mask)[i]) == 'b' || (*mask)[i] == '%') { if (i >= prfLength) { break; } if ((*mask)[i] == '%') { structMask[i] = 'B'; i++; break; } else { structMask[i] = (*mask)[i]; } i++; } for (j = 0; j < _strandEndMinus; j++) { if ((i-j-1>=0) && (tolower((*mask)[i-j-1]) == 'b' || (*mask)[i-j-1] == '%')) { structMask[i - j - 1] = 'b'; } } for (j = 0; j < _strandEndPlus; j++) { if (i + j >= prfLength) { break; } structMask[i+j] = 'b'; } } else { i++; } } for(i = 0; i < prfLength;i++) { switch (structMask[i]) { case 'A': (*gapMask)[i] = userParameters->getHelixPenalty() + '0'; break; case 'a': (*gapMask)[i] = userParameters->getHelixEndPenalty() + '0'; break; case 'B': (*gapMask)[i] = userParameters->getStrandPenalty() +'0'; break; case 'b': (*gapMask)[i] = userParameters->getStrandEndPenalty() + '0'; break; default: (*gapMask)[i] = userParameters->getLoopPenalty() + '0'; break; } } } /** * The function QTcalcLowScoreSegments is used to calculate the residues in the sequences * that score badly. * @param firstSeq first seq in the alignment or profile * @param nSeqs the number of sequences * @param nCols the length of the longest seq * @param seqWeight a vector to hold the sequence weights * @param lowScoreRes * @param seqWeightCalculated */ void Clustal::QTcalcLowScoreSegments(LowScoreSegParams* params) { int i, j; float sum, prevSum; float gscale; vector weight; int sweight; vector gaps; int matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES]; vector fsum; vector bsum; vector pscore; int _maxAA = userParameters->getMaxAA(); // STEP 1: Calculate the sequence weights QTcalcWeightsForLowScoreSeg(params); subMatrix->getQTMatrixForLowScoreSeg(matrix); const SeqArray* seqArray = alignmentObj.getSeqArray(); gaps.resize(params->nCols + 1); for (j = 1; j <= params->nCols; j++) { gaps[j - 1] = 0; for(i = params->firstSeq + 1; i < params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs; i++) { if (j < alignmentObj.getSeqLength(i)) { if (((*seqArray)[i][j] < 0) || ((*seqArray)[i][j] > _maxAA)) { gaps[j-1]++; } } } } // STEP 2: Calculate the profile LowScoreSegProfile lowScoreProfile(params->nCols, params->firstSeq, params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs); weight.resize(params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs + 1); for(i = params->firstSeq;i < params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs;i++) { weight[i] = (*(params->seqWeight))[i - params->firstSeq]; } lowScoreProfile.calcLowScoreSegProfile(seqArray, matrix, &weight); const SeqArray* profile = lowScoreProfile.getProfilePtr(); sweight = 0; for(i = params->firstSeq; i < params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs; i++) { sweight += weight[i]; } //Now, use the profile scores to mark segments of each sequence which score badly. fsum.resize(params->nCols + 2); bsum.resize(params->nCols + 2); pscore.resize(params->nCols + 2); for(i = params->firstSeq + 1; i < params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs + 1; i++) { // In a forward phase, sum the profile scores. Mark negative sums as exceptions. //If the sum is positive, then it gets reset to 0. sum = 0.0; for(j = 1; j <= alignmentObj.getSeqLength(i); j++) { gscale = (float)(params->nSeqs - gaps[j - 1]) / (float)params->nSeqs; if((*seqArray)[i][j] < 0 || (*seqArray)[i][j] >= _maxAA) { pscore[j - 1] = 0.0; sum = 0.0; } else { pscore[j-1]=((*profile)[j][(*seqArray)[i][j]]- weight[i - 1] * matrix[(*seqArray)[i][j]][(*seqArray)[i][j]]) * gscale / sweight; } sum += pscore[j - 1]; if(sum > 0.0) { sum = 0.0; } fsum[j - 1] = sum; } // trim off any positive scoring residues from the end of the segments prevSum = 0; for(j = alignmentObj.getSeqLength(i) - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if(prevSum >= 0.0 && fsum[j] < 0.0 && pscore[j] >= 0.0) { fsum[j] = 0.0; } prevSum = fsum[j]; } // Now, in a backward phase, do the same summing process. sum = 0.0; for(j = alignmentObj.getSeqLength(i); j >= 1; j--) { if((*seqArray)[i][j] < 0 || (*seqArray)[i][j] >= _maxAA) { sum = 0; } else { sum += pscore[j - 1]; } if(sum > 0.0) { sum = 0.0; } bsum[j - 1] = sum; } // trim off any positive scoring residues from the start of the segments prevSum = 0; for(j = 0; j < alignmentObj.getSeqLength(i); j++) { if(prevSum >= 0.0 && bsum[j] < 0.0 && pscore[j] >= 0.0) { bsum[j] = 0.0; } prevSum = bsum[j]; } //Mark residues as exceptions if they score negative in the forward AND backward directions. for(j = 1; j <= alignmentObj.getSeqLength(i); j++) { if(fsum[j - 1] < 0.0 && bsum[j - 1] < 0.0) { if((*seqArray)[i][j] >= 0 && (*seqArray)[i][j] < _maxAA) { (*(params->lowScoreRes))[i - params->firstSeq - 1][j - 1] = -1; } } } } // Finally, apply the length cutoff to the segments - removing segments shorter //than the cutoff QTremoveShortSegments(params); } void Clustal::QTremoveShortSegments(LowScoreSegParams* params) { int i,j,k,start; //panel_data data; //GetPanelExtra(p,&data); if(params->nSeqs <= 0) return; // Reset all the exceptions - a value of 1 indicates an exception that // will be displayed. A value of -1 is used to remember exceptions that // are temporarily hidden in the display for(i = 0; i < params->nSeqs; i++) { for(j = 0; j < params->nCols; j++) { if((*(params->lowScoreRes))[i][j] == -1) { (*(params->lowScoreRes))[i][j] = 1; } } } for(i = 0; i < params->nSeqs; i++) { start = -1; for(j = 0; j <= params->nCols; j++) { if(start == -1) { if((*(params->lowScoreRes))[i][j] == 1) start = j; } else { if(j == params->nCols || (*(params->lowScoreRes))[i][j] == 0) { if(j - start < userParameters->getQTminLenLowScoreSegment()) { for(k = start; k < j; k++) { (*(params->lowScoreRes))[i][k] = -1; } } start = -1; } } } } } /** * Change: Mark 22-5-07, changed the distmatrix to be the size of alignObject.numSeqs */ void Clustal::QTcalcWeightsForLowScoreSeg(LowScoreSegParams* params) { int i, j; vector weight; float dscore; DistMatrix distMat(alignmentObj.getNumSeqs() + 1); // Mark: changed size // Aw potential trouble here: what if we don't have write // permission to current directory? #ifdef UNIX char treeName[FILENAMELEN]=".score.ph"; #else char treeName[FILENAMELEN]="tmp.ph"; #endif if(params->nSeqs <= 0) { return; } // if sequence weights have been calculated before - don't bother //doing it again (it takes too long). data.seqweight is set to NULL when // new sequences are loaded. / if(params->seqWeightCalculated == true) { return; } utilityObject->info("Calculating sequence weights..."); // count pairwise percent identities to make a phylogenetic tree // if(params->nSeqs >= 2) { //i=firstSeq + 1; i <= firstSeq + nSeqs for (i = params->firstSeq + 1; i <= params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs; i++) { //j=i + 1; i <= firstSeq + nSeqs for (j = i + 1; j <= params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs; j++) // Mark 22-5-07 { dscore = alignmentObj.countid(i, j); // Mark 22-5-07 distMat(i, j) = (100.0 - dscore) / 100.0; distMat(j, i) = distMat(i, j); } } string name = string(treeName); bool success = false; weight.resize(params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs + 1); TreeInterface tree; tree.getWeightsForQtLowScore(&weight, &distMat, &alignmentObj, params->firstSeq + 1, params->nSeqs, &name, &success); // Mark change 10-5-07 if(!success) { return; } for(i = params->firstSeq;i < params->firstSeq + params->nSeqs;i++) { (*(params->seqWeight))[i - params->firstSeq] = weight[i]; } utilityObject->info("Done."); } } void Clustal::QTSetFileNamesForOutput(AlignmentFileNames fileNames) { QTFileNames = fileNames; } bool Clustal::QTRealignSelectedRange(AlignmentFileNames fileNames, int beginPos, int endPos, bool realignEndGapPen) { bool alignEndGapPen = userParameters->getEndGapPenalties(); Alignment saveOldAlign = alignmentObj; // Take a copy of it. Note provided copy // constructor is ok. bool ok; ok = alignmentObj.removeAllOutsideRange(beginPos, endPos); if(!ok) { alignmentObj = saveOldAlign; return false; } // Temporarily set the alignment output to be input int saveOutOrder = userParameters->getOutputOrder(); userParameters->setOutputOrder(INPUT); //set end gap penalties to be realignEndGapPenalties userParameters->setEndGapPenalties(realignEndGapPen); //do the alignment if(alignmentObj.getNumSeqs() <= 0) { alignmentObj = saveOldAlign; return false; } QTSetFileNamesForOutput(fileNames); string phylipName = fileNames.treeFile; align(&phylipName, false); userParameters->setOutputOrder(saveOutOrder); // reset the end gap penalties userParameters->setEndGapPenalties(alignEndGapPen); // remove postions that only contain gaps int nSeqs = alignmentObj.getNumSeqs(); alignmentObj.removeAllGapOnlyColumns(1, nSeqs, 0); // save it to a temporary area. SeqArray realignedArea = *(alignmentObj.getSeqArray()); // Paste it back into the original alignment. alignmentObj = saveOldAlign; bool result; result = alignmentObj.updateRealignedRange(realignedArea, beginPos, endPos); if(result == false) { utilityObject->error("something went wrong while updating the realigned range\n"); } // output the alignments AlignmentOutput alignOutput; if(!alignOutput.QTOpenFilesForOutput(QTFileNames)) { return false; // could not open the files. } alignOutput.createAlignmentOutput(&alignmentObj, 1, nSeqs); return true; } void Clustal::test() { cout << "RUNNING TEST\n"; AlignmentOutput alignOutput; string path; utilityObject->getPath(userParameters->getSeqName(), &path); if(!alignOutput.openAlignmentOutput(path)) { cerr << "could not open the file\n"; return; } vector selected; int nSeqs = alignmentObj.getNumSeqs(); selected.resize(nSeqs + 1, 0); selected[9] = 1; selected[10] = 1; //selected[1] = 1; alignmentObj.removeGapOnlyColsFromSelectedSeqs(&selected); alignOutput.createAlignmentOutput(&alignmentObj, 1, nSeqs); } /** * This function is used to ask the user if they would like to use an existing guide tree. * Note: It expects that phylipName actually points to a string that has been allocated. */ bool Clustal::useExistingGuideTree(int type, string* phylipName, const string& path) { bool useTree = false; string treeName; InFileStream _treeFile; //nige bool paramUseTree; string* ptrToMsg; if(type == Sequences) { ptrToMsg = &sequencesMsg; paramUseTree = userParameters->getUseTreeFile(); } else if(type == Profile1) { ptrToMsg = &profile1Msg; paramUseTree = userParameters->getUseTree1File();; } else if(type == Profile2) { ptrToMsg = &profile2Msg; paramUseTree = userParameters->getUseTree2File();; } else { ptrToMsg = &sequencesMsg; paramUseTree = userParameters->getUseTreeFile(); } if (checkTree && userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { treeName = path + "dnd"; _treeFile.open(treeName.c_str()); _treeFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); if(_treeFile.is_open()) { string message = *ptrToMsg + treeName + " (y/n) ? [y]"; string answer; utilityObject->getStr(message, answer); if(answer[0] != 'n' && answer[0] != 'N') { if(!phylipName) { phylipName = new string(treeName); } else { *phylipName = treeName; } useTree = true; } _treeFile.close(); } } else if (!userParameters->getMenuFlag() && paramUseTree) { useTree = true; } return useTree; } void Clustal::promptForNewGuideTreeName(int type, string* treeName, const string& path) { string* ptrToMsg; if(type == Profile1) { ptrToMsg = &newProfile1TreePrompt; } else if(type == Profile2) { ptrToMsg = &newProfile2TreePrompt; } else { ptrToMsg = &newProfile1TreePrompt; } if(!treeName) { treeName = new string(""); } while(treeName->empty()) { string message = *ptrToMsg + path + "dnd]"; string answer; utilityObject->getStr(message, answer); if(answer.empty()) { answer = path + "dnd"; *treeName = answer; } else { *treeName = answer; } } } }