/** * Author: Mark Larkin * * Copyright (c) 2007 Des Higgins, Julie Thompson and Toby Gibson. */ /** * The class CommandLineParser is used to parse the command line arguments. It then * sets some parameters, and calls the required functions. * To get it to parse the command line, and execute the required job, create a * CommandLineParser object and pass the list of arguments to the constructor. */ #ifndef COMMANDLINEPARSER_H #define COMMANDLINEPARSER_H #include #include #include "../Clustal.h" #include "../general/clustalw.h" #include "../general/userparams.h" #include "../general/utils.h" #include "../general/debuglogObject.h" #include "../general/statsObject.h" namespace clustalw { typedef std::vector StringArray; typedef struct { const char *str; int *flag; int type; StringArray* arg; } CmdLineData; class CommandLineParser { public: /* Functions */ CommandLineParser(StringArray* args, bool xmenus); ~CommandLineParser(); private: /* Functions */ /** separate argument options and values * * put all the parameters and their values in the * vectors, and also to check that all parameters that require a value * have it. * * @param args contains parameters as value and optional option pairs * @param parameters used for storing parsed arguments * @param paramArgs used for storing values of parsed arguments * @return number of parsed parameters or -1 on error */ int checkParam(StringArray* args, StringArray* params, StringArray* paramArg); /** Parse all parameters */ void parseParams(StringArray* args, bool xmenus); void setOptionalParam(); int findMatch(string probe, StringArray* list, int n); CmdLineData getCmdLineDataStruct(const char *str, int *flag, int type, StringArray* arg); void printCmdLineData(const CmdLineData& temp); string ConvertStringToLower(string strToConvert); void exitWithErrorMsg(string msg); void reportBadOptionAndExit(string option, string expectedType); void reportInvalidOptionAndExit(string option); /* Attributes */ Clustal *clustalObj; static const int MAXARGS = 100; static const int NOARG = 0; static const int INTARG = 1; static const int FLTARG = 2; static const int STRARG = 3; static const int FILARG = 4; static const int OPTARG = 5; int setOptions; int setHelp; int setFullHelp; int setQuiet; int setInteractive; int setBatch; int setGapOpen; int setGapExtend; int setPWGapOpen; int setPWGapExtend; int setOutOrder; int setBootLabels; int setPWMatrix; int setMatrix; int setPWDNAMatrix; int setDNAMatrix; int setNegative; int setNoWeights; int setOutput; int setOutputTree; int setQuickTree; int setType; int setCase; int setSeqNo; int setSeqNoRange; int setRange; int setTransWeight; int setSeed; int setScore; int setWindow; int setKtuple; int setKimura; int setTopDiags; int setPairGap; int setTossGaps; int setNoPGap; int setNoHGap; int setNoVGap; int setHGapRes; int setUseEndGaps; int setMaxDiv; int setGapDist; int setDebug; int setOutfile; int setInfile; int setProfile1; int setProfile2; int setAlign; int setConvert; int setNewTree; int setUseTree; int setNewTree1; int setUseTree1; int setNewTree2; int setUseTree2; int setBootstrap; int setTree; int setProfile; int setSequences; int setSecStruct1; int setSecStruct2; int setSecStructOutput; int setHelixGap; int setStrandGap; int setLoopGap; int setTerminalGap; int setHelixEndIn; int setHelixEndOut; int setStrandEndIn; int setStrandEndOut; int profileType; int setDoIteration; int setNumIterations; int setTreeAlgorithm; int setMaxSeqLen; int setStatsFile; int setOutputPim; string userMatrixName; string pwUserMatrixName; string DNAUserMatrixName; string pwDNAUserMatrixName; CmdLineData cmdLineFile[4]; CmdLineData cmdLineVerb[20]; CmdLineData cmdLinePara[56]; string clustalTreeName; string distTreeName; string phylipTreeName; string nexusTreeName; string p1TreeName; string p2TreeName; string pimName; StringArray* typeArg; StringArray* bootLabelsArg; StringArray* outOrderArg; StringArray* caseArg; StringArray* seqNoArg; StringArray* seqNoRangeArg; StringArray* scoreArg; StringArray* outputArg; StringArray* outputTreeArg; StringArray* outputSecStrArg; StringArray* cmdLineType; StringArray* clusterAlgorithm; StringArray* iterationArg; StringArray* params; // parameter names StringArray* paramArg; // parameter values }; } #endif