/** * Author: Mark Larkin * * Copyright (c) 2007 Des Higgins, Julie Thompson and Toby Gibson. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "FastPairwiseAlign.h" namespace clustalw { FastPairwiseAlign::FastPairwiseAlign() { _maxAlnLength = 0; } void FastPairwiseAlign::pairwiseAlign(Alignment *alignPtr, DistMatrix *distMat, int iStart, int iEnd, int jStart, int jEnd) { try { if(distMat->getSize() != alignPtr->getNumSeqs() + 1) { cerr << "The distance matrix is not the right size!\n" << "Need to terminate program.\n"; exit(1); } if((iStart < 0) || (iEnd < iStart) || (jStart < 0) || (jEnd < jStart)) { cout << "The range for pairwise Alignment is incorrect.\n" << "Need to terminate program.\n"; exit(1); } int i, j, dsr; double calcScore; bool _DNAFlag = userParameters->getDNAFlag(); _maxAlnLength = alignPtr->getMaxAlnLength(); int num = (2 * _maxAlnLength) + 1; accum.ResizeRect(5, num); displ.resize(num); slopes.resize(num); diagIndex.resize(num); zza.resize(_maxAlnLength + 1); zzb.resize(_maxAlnLength + 1); zzc.resize(_maxAlnLength + 1); zzd.resize(_maxAlnLength + 1); if (_DNAFlag) { userParameters->setDNAParams(); } else { userParameters->setProtParams(); } cout << "\n\n"; for (i = iStart + 1; i <= iEnd; ++i) { const vector* _seqIPtr = alignPtr->getSequence(i); int _seqILength = alignPtr->getSeqLength(i); if (_DNAFlag) { makeNPtrs(zza, zzc, _seqIPtr, _seqILength); } else { makePPtrs(zza, zzc, _seqIPtr, _seqILength); } double _score; for (j = jStart + 2 > i+1 ? jStart + 2 : i+1; j <= jEnd; ++j) { const vector* _seqJPtr = alignPtr->getSequence(j); int _seqJLength = alignPtr->getSeqLength(j); if (_DNAFlag) { makeNPtrs(zzb, zzd, _seqJPtr, _seqJLength); } else { makePPtrs(zzb, zzd, _seqJPtr, _seqJLength); } pairAlign(_seqIPtr, _seqILength, _seqJLength); if (!maxSoFar) { calcScore = 0.0; } else { calcScore = (double)accum[0][maxSoFar]; if (userParameters->getPercent()) { dsr = (_seqILength < _seqJLength) ? _seqILength : _seqJLength; calcScore = (calcScore / (double)dsr) *100.0; } } _score = (100.0 - calcScore) / 100.0; distMat->SetAt(i, j, _score); //distMat->SetAt(j, i, _score); /* distMat symmetric, FS, 2009-04-06 */ if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) { if (calcScore > 0.1) { utilityObject->info("Sequences (%d:%d) Aligned. Score: %lg", i, j, calcScore); } else { utilityObject->info("Sequences (%d:%d) Not Aligned", i, j); } } } } accum.clearArray(); displ.clear(); slopes.clear(); diagIndex.clear(); zza.clear(); zzb.clear(); zzc.clear(); zzd.clear(); } catch(const exception& e) { cerr << "An exception has occured in the FastPairwiseAlign class.\n" << e.what() << "\n"; exit(1); } } /* * Note: There is a problem with the treatment of DNA/RNA. * During file reading all residues are encoded as AminoAcids, * even before it has been established if they are AA or not. * This is bad and will have to be changed (later). * 'A' is assigned code 0, C is assigned 2, G = 6, T=18, U=19. * However, the fast alignment routines require that * A=0, C=1, G=2, T=U=3. In the best case the results of the * fast alignment (of DNA) will simply be meaningless, the * worst case is a core dump. * As a quick fix I implemented the following mask, that * (for DNA/RNA) translates 0->0, 2->1, 6->2, 18->3, 19->3. * This is awfull (it is not OO compliant) but it was quick, * uses (much) less memory than a second DNA array, and is * (much) faster than calling a translation function. * Ideally this will be removed, but this requires changes * to (i) the sequence encoding during file-reading AND * (ii) all the DNA substitution matrices. (Fabian, 2009-02-25) * * A B C D E F G H I K L M 0 N P Q R S * T U W X Y Z (goodmeasuregoodmeasuregood) */ int ziAA2DNA[] = {0,-1, 1,-1,-1,-1, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, 3, 3,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; const int ciMaxResID = 3; void FastPairwiseAlign::pairAlign(const vector* seq, int l1, int l2) { int pot[8], i, j, l, m, limit, pos, tl1, vn1, vn2, flen, osptr, fs; int tv1, tv2, encrypt, subt1, subt2, rmndr; bool flag; int residue; bool _DNAFlag = userParameters->getDNAFlag(); int _ktup = userParameters->getKtup(); int _maxAA = userParameters->getMaxAA(); int _windowGap = userParameters->getWindowGap(); int _window = userParameters->getWindow(); int _signif = userParameters->getSignif(); if (_DNAFlag) { for (i = 1; i <= _ktup; ++i) { pot[i] = (int)pow((double)4, (double)(i - 1)); } limit = (int)pow((double)4, (double)_ktup); } else { for (i = 1; i <= _ktup; i++) { pot[i] = (int)pow((double)(_maxAA + 1), (double)(i - 1)); } limit = (int)pow((double)(_maxAA + 1), (double)_ktup); } tl1 = (l1 + l2) - 1; for (i = 1; i <= tl1; ++i) { slopes[i] = displ[i] = 0; diagIndex[i] = i; } // increment diagonal score for each k_tuple match for (i = 1; i <= limit; ++i) { vn1 = zzc[i]; while (true) { if (!vn1) { break; } vn2 = zzd[i]; while (vn2 != 0) { osptr = vn1 - vn2 + l2; ++displ[osptr]; vn2 = zzb[vn2]; } vn1 = zza[vn1]; } } // choose the top SIGNIF diagonals desQuickSort(displ, diagIndex, tl1); j = tl1 - _signif + 1; if (j < 1) { j = 1; } // flag all diagonals within WINDOW of a top diagonal for (i = tl1; i >= j; i--) if (displ[i] > 0) { pos = diagIndex[i]; l = (1 > pos - _window) ? 1 : pos - _window; m = (tl1 < pos + _window) ? tl1 : pos + _window; for (; l <= m; l++) { slopes[l] = 1; } } for (i = 1; i <= tl1; i++) { displ[i] = 0; } currFrag = maxSoFar = 0; for (i = 1; i <= (l1 - _ktup + 1); ++i) { encrypt = flag = 0; if (_DNAFlag){ for (j = 1; j <= _ktup; ++j) { residue = ziAA2DNA[(*seq)[i + j - 1]]; if ((residue < 0) || (residue > ciMaxResID)) { flag = true; break; } encrypt += ((residue) * pot[j]); } } else { for (j = 1; j <= _ktup; ++j) { residue = (*seq)[i + j - 1]; if ((residue < 0) || (residue > _maxAA)) { flag = true; break; } encrypt += ((residue) * pot[j]); } } if (flag) { continue; } ++encrypt; vn2 = zzd[encrypt]; flag = false; while (true) { if (!vn2) { flag = true; break; } osptr = i - vn2 + l2; if (slopes[osptr] != 1) { vn2 = zzb[vn2]; continue; } flen = 0; fs = _ktup; next = maxSoFar; // A-loop while (true) { if (!next) { ++currFrag; if (currFrag >= 2 * _maxAlnLength) { utilityObject->info("(Partial alignment)"); vatend = 1; return ; } displ[osptr] = currFrag; putFrag(fs, i, vn2, flen); } else { tv1 = accum[1][next]; tv2 = accum[2][next]; if (fragRelPos(i, vn2, tv1, tv2)) { if (i - vn2 == accum[1][next] - accum[2][next]) { if (i > accum[1][next] + (_ktup - 1)) { fs = accum[0][next] + _ktup; } else { rmndr = i - accum[1][next]; fs = accum[0][next] + rmndr; } flen = next; next = 0; continue; } else { if (displ[osptr] == 0) { subt1 = _ktup; } else { if (i > accum[1][displ[osptr]] + (_ktup - 1)) { subt1 = accum[0][displ[osptr]] + _ktup; } else { rmndr = i - accum[1][displ[osptr]]; subt1 = accum[0][displ[osptr]] + rmndr; } } subt2 = accum[0][next] - _windowGap + _ktup; if (subt2 > subt1) { flen = next; fs = subt2; } else { flen = displ[osptr]; fs = subt1; } next = 0; continue; } } else { next = accum[4][next]; continue; } } break; } // End of Aloop vn2 = zzb[vn2]; } } vatend = 0; } void FastPairwiseAlign::makePPtrs(vector& tptr, vector& pl, const vector* seq, int length) { int a[10]; int i, j, limit, code; bool flag; int residue; int _ktup = userParameters->getKtup(); int _maxAA = userParameters->getMaxAA(); for (i = 1; i <= _ktup; i++) { a[i] = (int)pow((double)(_maxAA + 1), (double)(i - 1)); } limit = (int)pow((double)(_maxAA + 1), (double)_ktup); if(limit >= (int)pl.size()) { pl.resize(limit + 1); } if(length >= (int)tptr.size()) { tptr.resize(length + 1); } for (i = 1; i <= limit; ++i) { pl[i] = 0; } for (i = 1; i <= length; ++i) // NOTE changed this { tptr[i] = 0; } for (i = 1; i <= (length - _ktup + 1); ++i) { code = 0; flag = false; for (j = 1; j <= _ktup; ++j) { residue = (*seq)[i + j - 1]; if ((residue < 0) || (residue > _maxAA)) { flag = true; break; } code += ((residue) * a[j]); } if (flag) { continue; } ++code; if (pl[code] != 0) { tptr[i] = pl[code]; } pl[code] = i; //Ktuple code is at position i in sequence } } void FastPairwiseAlign::makeNPtrs(vector& tptr,vector& pl, const vector* seq, int length) { int pot[] = { 0, 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096 }; int i, j, limit, code; bool flag; int residue; int _ktup = userParameters->getKtup(); limit = (int)pow((double)4, (double)_ktup); if(limit >= (int)pl.size()) { pl.resize(limit + 1); } if(length >= (int)tptr.size()) { tptr.resize(length + 1); } for (i = 1; i <= limit; ++i) { pl[i] = 0; } for (i = 1; i <= length; ++i) { tptr[i] = 0; } for (i = 1; i <= length - _ktup + 1; ++i) { code = 0; flag = false; for (j = 1; j <= _ktup; ++j) { residue = ziAA2DNA[(*seq)[i + j - 1]]; if ((residue < 0) || (residue > ciMaxResID)) { flag = true; break; } code += ((residue) * pot[j]); } if (flag) { continue; } ++code; if (pl[code] != 0) { tptr[i] = pl[code]; } pl[code] = i; } } void FastPairwiseAlign::putFrag(int fs, int v1, int v2, int flen) { int end; accum[0][currFrag] = fs; accum[1][currFrag] = v1; accum[2][currFrag] = v2; accum[3][currFrag] = flen; if (!maxSoFar) { maxSoFar = 1; accum[4][currFrag] = 0; return ; } if (fs >= accum[0][maxSoFar]) { accum[4][currFrag] = maxSoFar; maxSoFar = currFrag; return ; } else { next = maxSoFar; while (true) { end = next; next = accum[4][next]; if (fs >= accum[0][next]) { break; } } accum[4][currFrag] = next; accum[4][end] = currFrag; } } inline int FastPairwiseAlign::fragRelPos(int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2) { int ret; int _ktup = userParameters->getKtup(); ret = false; if (a1 - b1 == a2 - b2) { if (a2 < a1) { ret = true; } } else { if (a2 + _ktup - 1 < a1 && b2 + _ktup - 1 < b1) { ret = true; } } return ret; } void FastPairwiseAlign::desQuickSort(vector& array1, vector& array2, int arraySize) { // Quicksort routine, adapted from chapter 4, page 115 of software tools // by Kernighan and Plauger, (1986) // Sort the elements of array1 and sort the // elements of array2 accordingly int temp1, temp2; int p, pivlin; int i, j; int lst[50], ust[50]; // the maximum no. of elements must be // < log(base2) of 50 lst[1] = 1; ust[1] = arraySize - 1; p = 1; while (p > 0) { if (lst[p] >= ust[p]) { p--; } else { i = lst[p] - 1; j = ust[p]; pivlin = array1[j]; while (i < j) { for (i = i + 1; array1[i] < pivlin; i++) ; for (j = j - 1; j > i; j--) if (array1[j] <= pivlin) { break; } if (i < j) { temp1 = array1[i]; array1[i] = array1[j]; array1[j] = temp1; temp2 = array2[i]; array2[i] = array2[j]; array2[j] = temp2; } } j = ust[p]; temp1 = array1[i]; array1[i] = array1[j]; array1[j] = temp1; temp2 = array2[i]; array2[i] = array2[j]; array2[j] = temp2; if (i - lst[p] < ust[p] - i) { lst[p + 1] = lst[p]; ust[p + 1] = i - 1; lst[p] = i + 1; } else { lst[p + 1] = i + 1; ust[p + 1] = ust[p]; ust[p] = i - 1; } p = p + 1; } } return ; } }