# Copyright 1999 by Jeffrey Chang. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Code for more fancy file handles. Classes: UndoHandle File object decorator with support for undo-like operations. StringHandle Wraps a file object around a string. SGMLHandle File object that automatically strips SGML tags from data. SGMLStripper Object that strips SGML. This is now considered OBSOLETE, and is likely to be deprecated in a future release of Biopython, and later removed. """ import os import StringIO import sgmllib class UndoHandle: """A Python handle that adds functionality for saving lines. Saves lines in a LIFO fashion. Added methods: saveline Save a line to be returned next time. peekline Peek at the next line without consuming it. """ def __init__(self, handle): self._handle = handle self._saved = [] def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): next = self.readline() if not next: raise StopIteration return next def readlines(self, *args, **keywds): lines = self._saved + self._handle.readlines(*args,**keywds) self._saved = [] return lines def readline(self, *args, **keywds): if self._saved: line = self._saved.pop(0) else: line = self._handle.readline(*args,**keywds) return line def read(self, size=-1): if size == -1: saved = "".join(self._saved) self._saved[:] = [] else: saved = '' while size > 0 and self._saved: if len(self._saved[0]) <= size: size = size - len(self._saved[0]) saved = saved + self._saved.pop(0) else: saved = saved + self._saved[0][:size] self._saved[0] = self._saved[0][size:] size = 0 return saved + self._handle.read(size) def saveline(self, line): if line: self._saved = [line] + self._saved def peekline(self): if self._saved: line = self._saved[0] else: line = self._handle.readline() self.saveline(line) return line def tell(self): lengths = map(len, self._saved) sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, lengths, 0) return self._handle.tell() - sum def seek(self, *args): self._saved = [] self._handle.seek(*args) def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._handle, attr) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._handle.close() # I could make this faster by using cStringIO. # However, cStringIO (in v1.52) does not implement the # readlines method. StringHandle = StringIO.StringIO class SGMLHandle: """A Python handle that automatically strips SGML tags from data (OBSOLETE). This module is now considered to be obsolete, and is likely to be deprecated in a future release of Biopython, and later removed. """ def __init__(self, handle): """SGMLStripper(handle) handle is a file handle to SGML-formatted data. """ self._handle = handle self._stripper = SGMLStripper() def read(self, *args, **keywds): data = self._handle.read(*args, **keywds) return self._stripper.strip(data) def readline(self, *args, **keywds): line = self._handle.readline(*args, **keywds) return self._stripper.strip(line) def readlines(self, *args, **keywds): lines = self._handle.readlines(*args, **keywds) for i in range(len(lines)): lines[i] = self._stripper.strip(str) return lines def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._handle, attr) class SGMLStripper: class MyParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser): def __init__(self): sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self) self.data = '' def handle_data(self, data): self.data = self.data + data def __init__(self): self._parser = SGMLStripper.MyParser() def strip(self, str): """S.strip(str) -> string Strip the SGML tags from str. """ if not str: # empty string, don't do anything. return '' # I need to make sure that I don't return an empty string if # the buffer is not empty. This can happen if there's a newline # character embedded within a tag. Thus, I'll first check to # see if the last character is a newline. If it is, and it's stripped # away, I'll add it back. is_newline = str[-1] in ['\n', '\r'] self._parser.data = '' # clear the parser's data (don't reset) self._parser.feed(str) if self._parser.data: str = self._parser.data elif is_newline: str = '\n' else: str = '' return str